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Izmantojiet zvaigznīti * vārda daļu meklēšanai (piemēram, dator* vai *pratība)
Jūs meklējāt
course training
Atrasti 265 termini
action programme for the implementation of a European Community vocational training policy
adaptation to the training loads
ad hoc training
adopted method of training
advanced training
Advisory Committee on Education and Training in the Field of Architecture
Advisory Committee on Medical Training
Advisory Committee on Pharmaceutical Training
Advisory Committee on the Training of Dental Surgeons
Advisory Committee on the Training of Midwives
Advisory Committee on Training in Nursing
Advisory Committee on Veterinary Training
Advisory Committee on Vocational Training
aerobic training
aircraft type training
allocations for personnel training
alternance training
amount of training load
approved training organisation
assistance in training
athletic training
basic instrument training device
Better Training for Safer Food programme
Better Training for Safer Food training programme
carpeted training beam
cascade training
CBRN Defence Training Range
circuit exercises training (for gymnastics)
circuit training
Cyber Education, Training, Evaluation and Exercise platform
clinical training
combat training
Combined Arms Training Command
Combined Arms Training Commander
Community action programme for the vocational training of customs officials of national administrations
Comprehensive Annual Report on CSDP and CSDP-related Training
Comprehensive Annual Report on ESDP and ESDP-related Training
Computer-Based Training
continuing education and training
continuing vocational education and training
continuing vocational training
Continuing Vocational Training Survey
continuous vocational education and training
course training
customs dog training centre
customs dog training centre instructor
customs staff training centre
customs [training] college
daily plan (training)
daily routine (training) programme
daily training, practice (workout, session)
data mining model training
digital breast screening training template
digital training
early leaver from education and training
early leaving from education and training
Education & Training 2010
education and training
Education and Training 2010
Education and Training 2020 Working Group
Education and Training Monitor
education or training establishment
education or training provider
EEC-EFTA Joint Committee on the implementation of the agreement establishing cooperation in the field of education and training within the framework of the Erasmus programme
Erasmus+ Vocational Education and Training Mobility Charter
EUAA Training Curriculum
EUAA training module
EUAA Training Needs Analysis Tool
EUAA Training Pool
EU Border Guard Basic Training
EU Civilian Training Group
EU Military Training Group
Euratom Research and Training Programme
Euratom Research and Training Programme for 2021-2025
Europass Training
Europe’s New Training Initiative for Civilian Crisis Management
European breast cancer screening training template
European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training
European Cybercrime Training and Education Group
European Credit System for Vocational Education and Training
European Defence Airlift Training Academy
European Defence Airlift - Training Academy
European Framework for Quality Assurance in Vocational Education and Training
European Judicial Training Network
European Law Enforcement Training Scheme
European Nuclear Security Training Centre
European Penitentiary Training Academies
European Penitentiary Training Network
European Quality Assurance Reference Framework for Vocational Education and Training
European Strategy for Vocational Education and Training
European Training Certification Centre for European Armies
European Training Foundation
European Training Platform
European training template on digital breast screening
European Union Agency for Law Enforcement Cooperation and Training
European Union Agency for Law Enforcement Training
European Union CSDP Military Training Mission in the Central African Republic
European Union military mission to contribute to the training of Somali Security Forces
European Union military mission to contribute to the training of the Malian Armed Forces
European Union Military Training Mission in Mozambique
European Union Police Services Training
European Union Training Concept in ESDP
European Union Training Mission Competence Centre
European Union Training Mission in Somalia
EU training mission
EU Training Mission in Mali
EU Training Mission in Mozambique
evenly balanced training
exchange, assistance and training programme for the protection of the euro against counterfeiting
exchange, assistance and training programme for the protection of the euro against counterfeiting for the period 2021-2027
exhaust oneself with training (to train oneself)
face-to-face training
field training exercise
fixing of the training doses
flight simulation training device
Flight Training Device
full-time training
Further Development and Consolidation of the Mediterranean Programme for Intervention Epidemiology Training
further education and training
gender-equality training
gender sensitising training
gender training
gymnastic training
Governing Board of the European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training
graduate museum training
H3 Training
Helicopter Hot and High Training
HR Planning and Training
in-company training
individual training
*industrial training instructor
inference training
inference training feeder
initial teacher training
initial training
initial vocational education and training
initial vocational training
in-mission training
in-person training
in-service training
Integrated European Joint Training and Simulation Centre
intensity of the training
intensive training
International Centre for European Training
International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Fishing Vessel Personnel
International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers
Interpreter Support and Training Unit
young people neither in employment nor in education or training
young people not in employment, education or training
job-related training
judicial training
Latin America Academic Training
Latin American Association of Peacekeeping Training Centres
maintenance training organisation exposition
Management Board of the European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training
management training
medical training
Mediterranean Programme for Intervention Epidemiology Training
Members Professional Training Service
military training
military training grounds
minimum error rate training
Mobile Training Team
model training
museum training
museum training school
NATO Training Mission – Afghanistan
neither in employment nor in education and training
not in education, employment or training
Office Training Center
official training at the competition site
ongoing training
on-the-job training
operational training
Osnabrück Declaration on vocational education and training as an enabler of recovery and just transitions to digital and green economies
paramedical training
physical training instructor
postgraduate museum training
practical work (in-training)
practice (training session)
pre-deployment training
pre-mission training
professional training
programmed training
Programme for Union action in the field of education, training, youth and sport
programme for Union action in the fields of education and training, youth and sport
programme of community action for the vocational training of customs officials
programme of Community action on the subject of the vocational training of customs officials
recognition of vocational training qualifications
Reference & training
refresher training
Relevance training
Research and Training Programme of the European Atomic Energy Community (2014-2018) complementing the Horizon 2020 Framework Programme for Research and Innovation
Research and Training Programme of the European Atomic Energy Community (2019–2020) complementing the Horizon 2020 Framework Programme for Research and Innovation
Research and Training Programme of the European Atomic Energy Community for the period 2021-2025 complementing Horizon Europe – the Framework Programme for Research and Innovation
rotation system (of training)
run through (training)
Seafarers' Training, Certification and Watchkeeping Code
synthetic training device
Software Assurance Training Services
Somalia Training Mission
Special Operations Forces Medical Training Centre
strategic framework for European cooperation in education and training
strategic framework for European cooperation in education and training towards the European Education Area and beyond (2021-2030)
strength training (workout)
teacher training
*team training
technical and vocational education and training
*technical training
type training for pilots
touch training
track (training) suit
training aid
training and experiment farm
Training and Traineeships Unit
training camp
training centre
training certificate
training council
training dairy (book)
training data
training data set
training device
training establishment
training excavation
training gymnasium (hall)
training leave
training load
training method
training of instructors
training of museologists
training of personnel
training of teachers
training of trainers
training of training officers
training period
training plan (schedule)
training procedure
training program[me]
training program(me)
training routine
training session
training set
training shoes
training site
Training Unit
training (work)
trial (training)
UN Institute for Training and Research
UN International Research and Training Institute for the Advancement of Women
Union programme for education, training, youth and sport
Union Programme for education and training, youth and sport
United Nations Declaration on Human Rights Education and Training
United Nations Institute for Training and Research
UN research and training institutes
updating training
vine training
vocational education and training
Vocational Education and Training Centres of Excellence
vocational training
vocational training time
weight-training exercises
workplace-based training
workplace training
daily routine (training) programme
treniņprogramma pa dienām (treniņgrafiks)
обычная, ежедневная программа тренировок, программа (тренировок) по дням
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