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Izmantojiet zvaigznīti * vārda daļu meklēšanai (piemēram, dator* vai *pratība)
Jūs meklējāt
current value
Atrasti 504 termini
account current
Acoustic Current Doppler Profiler
active current
active current component
actuating current
admissible continuous current
admissible interrupting current
advance in current account
advance on current account
air current
altermating current commutator motor
alternatig current voltage source
alternating current
alternating current ammeter
alternating current amplifier
alternating current bridge
alternating current commutator machine
alternating current component of a short-circuit current
alternating current converter-feed controlled motor
alternating current electric machine
alternating current [electric] motor
alternating current electromagnet
alternating current electronic motor
alternating current field
alternating current generator
alternating current impedance
alternating current instrument
alternating current line
alternating current machine
alternating current motor
alternating current network
alternating current [power] supply
alternating current power transmission
alternating current relay
alternating current resistance
alternating current system
alternating current source
alternating current supply
alternating current supply unit
alternating current voltmeter
alternating current wattmeter
anode current
aperiodic component of a short-circuit current
arc-back current
armature current
array current
average turnover time of current assets*
back current
balance of payments on current account
balance on current account
bar primary type current transformer
base current
bearing current
bias current
bipolar direct current link
blowing current
body current
bottom current
braking current
breakaway starting current
breakdown current
breaking current
Bulk Current Injection (BCI) method
busbar current transformer
bushing-type current transformer
bus-type current transformer
cable-type current transformer
capacitive current
carrier[-current] channel
carrier-current communication system
cascade current transformer
cathode current
charging current
chemical current source
circuital current
circulating current
coastal current
coincident-current selection
commutated current
conditional short-circuit current
confiscation of current assets
constant current power supply
consumption current
continuous rated current
control current
convection current
conventional fusing current
conventional non-fusing current
conventional non-tripping current
conventional tripping current
counter current
counter-current flow
counter-current washing
creeping current
critical current
current account
current account advance
current account balance
current account credit
current account deficit
current account held with the Office
current accounting
current account of the balance of payments
current account surplus
current acquisition
current allocations
current amplifier
current annual increment
current arrears
current assets
current assets credit
current awareness service
Current Branch
Current Branch for Business
current business
current-carrying electrode
current catalog editing
current cell
Current Channel
Current Channel (Preview)
current check
current circuit
current coil
current collecting device
current collection
current collector
current control
current conversation
current cost
current credit
current data authority
current debt
current density
current differential protection
current direction indicator
current directory
current drive
current error
current exchange rate
current expenditure
current expenditures
current expenses
current exposure
current external balance
current feedback
current file editing
current financial year
current flight plan
current gain
current gas
current holder of the rotating Presidency
current income
current inrush
current instructing*
current instruction
current in the fault
current in the short circuit
current year basis
current lead
current leakage
current liabilities
current liability
current limiter
current-limiting circuit breaker
current-limiting fuse
current-limiting fuse-link
current-limiting reactor
current-limiting resistor
current loop
current market value
current mark-to-market value
current matching transformer
current month
current overload
current payment
current payments
*current plan
current pointer
current power supply
current price
current prices
current protection
current pulsation
current pulse
current ratio
current record
current records
current region
current registration
current regulator
current relay
current repair
current replacement cost
current report
current reserves
*current reserves
current resonance
current revenue
current reverser
current sensitivity
current setting
current setting range
current situation
current source
current stabilizer
current step
current stocks
current strength
current supply
Current Tactical Flight Model
current taxes on income, wealth, etc.
current time increment event
current transfers
current transfers within general government
current transformation ratio
current transformer
current unbalance
current value
current value
of a currency
current winding
cut-off current
cut-off [current] characteristic
decaying current
deep current
deficit of current assets
descending air current
design current
direct-axis component of current
direct current
direct current ammeter
direct current amplifier
direct current bridge
direct current charging artificial network
direct current component
direct current component of a short-circuit current
direct current-connected power park module
direct current converter
direct current drive
direct current electric machine
direct current [electric] motor
direct current electric train
direct current electromagnet
direct current field
direct current generator
direct current [injection] braking
direct current instrument
direct current line
direct current machine
direct current motor
direct current network
direct current [power] supply
direct current power transmission
direct current relay
direct current resistance
direct current system
direct current source
direct current steady-state recovery voltage
direct current supply
direct current supply unit
direct current transformer
direct current voltage amplifier
direct current voltage source
direct current voltmeter
direct current wattmeter
directional current protection
directional neutral current relay
direct maximum-current release
discharge current
discharge current of an arrester
displacement current
Doppler current monitor
drop-out current
earth current circuit bleaker
earth current circuit breaker
earth fault current
earth leakage current
eddy current
eddy current brake
eddy-current braking
eddy current coupling
eddy-current damping
eddy-current loss[es]
eddy current loss[es]
eddy current separator
eddy current track brake
effective current
electric current
emission current
excess current
excitation current
excitation system rated current
exciting current
extended rating type current transformer
fast fault current
fault current
fault current interruption time
fault current to frame
fibrillating current
fibrillatring current
field current
flexible alternating current transmission systems
forced current
forward current
Foucault current
free current
freezing current
fully insulated current transformer
fuse interrupting rating current
fusing current
galvanic current
gate current
GDP at current prices
ground fault current
heavy current
high-frequency current
high-voltage current
high-voltage direct current
high-voltage direct current link
high-voltage direct current system
holding current
ignition current
indirect maximum-current release
induced current
inductive current
initial aperiodic component of a short-circuit current
initial current
initial periodic short-circuit current
input current
inrush current
instantaneous current
intangible non-current asset
integral current transformer
intensity of current
interference current
intermediate current transformer
intermittent current
internal burden of a current transformer
interrupting current
intervening current transformer
Kirchhoff's current law
lagging current
laminar current
leading current
leakage current
leakage-current corrosion
let-go current
let-trough current
let-trough [current] characteristic
limiting continuous current of an output circuit
limiting current
limiting short-time current of an output circuit
line current
littoral current
load current
locked-rotor current
loop current
magnetising current
magnetizing current
making current
marine current energy
maximum aperiodic short-circuit current
maximum-current release
maximum permissible current
maximum rated through current
measuring current transformer
minimum breaking current
minimum-current relay
minimum-current release
miscellaneous current transfers
multi-core current transformer
multiple ratio current transformer
multiratio current transformer
negative [phase-]sequence current
net current assets
netted current credit exposure
neutral current protection
no-load current
nominal current
non-current asset
non-sinusoidal current
number of turnovers of current assets
ocean current
ocean current energy
open-circuit current
operate current
operating current
other current taxes
output current
overall current density
overdraft on current account
overload current
parasitic current
peak current
peak power current
peak-switching current
peak withstand current
periodic component of a short-circuit current
periodic current
alternating current amplifier
maiņstrāvas pastiprinātājs
Latviešu-angļu enerģētikas un elektrotehnikas vārdnīca — 2006
© 2005–2025
Latvijas Zinātņu akadēmija