Trešdiena, 12. marts
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Latvijas Nacionālo terminoloģijas portālu
Terminu datubāze
Struktūra un principi
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«Terminoloģijas Jaunumi»
LZA TK termini atrodami
Akadēmiskajā terminu datubāzē AkadTerm
Vēlaties portāla jaunumus
saņemt pa e-pastu?
Norādiet savu adresi:
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Akadēmiskā terminu datubāze
LV latviešu
EN angļu
RU krievu
DE vācu
FR franču
LA latīņu
Izmantojiet zvaigznīti * vārda daļu meklēšanai (piemēram, dator* vai *pratība)
Jūs meklējāt
cut line
Atrasts 761 termins
3-D line chart
absolute poverty line
access line
accounting distribution line
adhesive binding line
adjacent line
administrative boundary line
advanced stop line
aerial cable line
aerial line
air line
alternating current line
arithmetical average deviation from the mean line Ra
Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line
assembly line
assembly line for [the production of] book blocks
assembly line production
assembly line work
attack (forward) line
automatic line
automatic line counter
[automatic] transfer line
auxiliary line
*auxiliary line
baby hamster kidney cell line
barking line
base line
base-line value
basic line
basic profile of line
Becke line
beyond line of sight
beyond visual line of sight operation
below-line account
below-the-line item
bending line
BHK cell line
bipolar line
bird line
bird scaring line
by-pass line
blank line
bookbinding flow line
bottom line
boundary line
branch line
brass space line
break (last) line
break line
breeding line
broken line
budget line
building line
business line mapping
cable line
cache line
calling line identification restriction
capability enabling line
catch line
Cc line
cell line
center line
central line
central venous line
centred line
centre line
centre line of a bar
check line
cheque line
clear on the line
'closed' budget line
'closed' line
club line
collateral line
coloured line
column effluent line
combination line-and-half-tone-block
command line
command-line argument
command line interface
command-line interface
command-line operating system
command-line option
command-line syntax
communication line
composed line
Compressed Serial Line Internet Protocol
*construction line
*construction site line
Contact Line
contact-line pole
contact line system
continuous line
*continuous production line
contour line
contract line
*control line
control line
conventional railway line
core business line
corrected line
corrected line proof
cost line
course line
credit line
crystal(line) phase
crosscutting line
cross-line screen
cross-line tables
cross the line
curved line
cut line
cutoff line
cutting line
cutting plane line
dach-and-dot line
dash line
data line
data transmission line
date line
dead line
dedicated high-speed railway line
dedicated line
deenergized line
defence line
delay line
demarcation line
destination distribution line
dial line
dial-up line
Digital Subscriber Line
dimension line
direct current line
direct line
direct[-on-line] start
direct-on-line starter
direct[-on-line] starting
direct relative in the ascending line
distribution line
dynamic line rating
dot-and-dash line
dot line
dotted line
double-circuit line
double line
double-line-to-earth fault
double line-to-earth fault
double line-to-ground fault
double line to ground fault
double-line-to-ground fault
double-wire line
driven-out line
dropper line
dual in-line memory module
dual in-line package
eight second line
elastic line (elasticity)
electric control line
electric line
electrified line
electrified railway line
electronic bearing line
end line
end-line (baseline) throw (throw-in)
energized line
enhanced conditions credit line
enhanced conditions credit line offering partial risk protection
enhanced conditions credit line with sovereign partial risk protection
EN Line Category
enter line (to)
equipotential line
EU Beyond Line Of Sight (BLOS) Land Battlefield Missile Systems
exposure of a telecommunication line to a power line
extended centre line
extension line
Fall into line!
fathom line
faulted line
feed line
field line
finishing line
fire line
first line
first-line antimicrobial
first-line antimicrobial agent
first line border check
first line check
first line control
first-line practitioner
fishing line
Flexible Credit Line
float line
floor line
flow-line production
forest line
foul line (base line)
four-wire line
frame-saw line
free-rhythm production line
free throw lane (line)
from the centre line
front-line player
front-line professional
fuel line
full line
gas line
gas [pipe]line
gas pipe-line
gas trunk line
genetically engineered cell line
germ line
germ line transmission
get in a line
goal-area line
goal line (bye line)
goal line referee
government on-line services
hair line
hand line
hanging line
hatching line
heading line
heat [pipe-]line
heaving line
heavy line
hidden line
High bit-rate Digital Subscriber Line
high reliability power line
high-speed line
high-speed railway line
high-voltage power line
high-voltage transmission line
hook and line
hook and line fisheries
Horizontal Line
Hunter's line
in a line by itself
indented line
indicated course line
influence line
initial line
ink supply line (pipe)
in-line aggregating
in-line engine
in-line image
in-line production
in-line shaded side-note
in line with
interconnection line
interconnection tie line
inter-line ticket
International Date Line
international interconnection line
interrupted line
*interrupted production line
interrupt request line
invoice line net amount
isocost line
it is not in my line
join line
journal line
junction line
Kármán line
kit line
last-line antibiotics
leader line
leased line
ledger line
length of type page line
length of water-supply line
limiting line
line adapter
line angle
line arrangement
linear regression line
line assembling channel
line block
line break
line breeding
line chart
line check
line code
line connection
line construction*
line contact
line contactor
line copy
line counter
line current
line diagram
line digit rate
line-drawing character
line driver
line drop
line-duotone watermark
line editor
line ending
line engraving
line etcher
line etching
line even at the beginning
line extension
line fault
line feed
line fisheries
line fishery
line fittings
line flying under supervision
Line Focus
line formation (line-up) (military)
line gauge
line graphics
line height
line hybrids
line hunting
line insulator
line integral
Line Item Order
line item workflow
line item workflow work item
line judge
line km
line layer
line length
line (long) haul
line loopback
line maintenance
line manager
line manner
line marking
line measure
line noise
line number
line of action
line of action of force
line of a vector field
line of best fit
line of business
line-of-business app
line-of-business application
line-of-business publisher
line-of-business software
line of closest fit
line of communication
Line of Contact
line of credit
line of delimitation
line of descent
line of flight of the ball
line of force
line of force action
line of foundry
line of goods
line of matrices
line of profile peaks
line of reporting
line of shafting
line-of-sight propagation
line of text
line of therapy
line original
line pencil
line-post insulator
line pressure
line price variance amount
line printer
line printing plate
*line process
line production
line profile deviation
line profile tolerance
line property
line pusher
line pusher cam
line radiator
line rating
*line recording
line rhythm
line route
line scanning
line screen
line screen angle
line screen frequency
line segment
line selection
line shooter
line source
line source radiator
line source segmentation
line space
line spacing
line spectrum
line speed
line station
line arrangement
rindu kritums
rindu sakārtojums
расположение (групировка) строк
Latviešu-angļu-vācu-krievu poligrāfijas un izdevējdarba terminu vārdnīca — R., LITTA, 1995
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Latvijas Zinātņu akadēmija