Svētdiena, 22. decembris
Šī ir funkcionējoša versija. Apmeklējiet arī
Latvijas Nacionālo terminoloģijas portālu
Terminu datubāze
Struktūra un principi
Par portālu
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«Terminoloģijas Jaunumi»
LZA TK termini atrodami
Akadēmiskajā terminu datubāzē AkadTerm
Vēlaties portāla jaunumus
saņemt pa e-pastu?
Norādiet savu adresi:
Pakalpojumu nodrošina
Akadēmiskā terminu datubāze
LV latviešu
EN angļu
RU krievu
DE vācu
FR franču
LA latīņu
Izmantojiet zvaigznīti * vārda daļu meklēšanai (piemēram, dator* vai *pratība)
Jūs meklējāt
cut off date
Atrasti 196 termini
‘best before’ date
access date
accounting date
acquisition date
active date
advancing depending on the date
anniversary date
annuity commencement date
application date
arrival date
at the earliest possible date
begin date
best before date
bill issue date*
by the due date
by the required date
callable date
call date
check date
cycle end date
cycle start date
close date
closing date (dead time) for entries
closing date for submission of tenders
confirmed receipt date
confirmed ship date
credit default swap maturity date
credit value date
cross-section date
cut-off date
data date
date and place of delivery
date expression
date for valuation for customs purposes
date from
date line
date literal
Date Navigator
date of acceptance
date of accession
date of account*
date of anouncement
date of application
date of availability
date of balance sheet
date of commissioning
date of completion
date of declaration
date of delivery*
date of delivery
date of deposit
date of disclosure
date of entry*
date of filing
date of forwarding
date of implementation
date of inclusion
date of issue
date of listing
date of lodgment of the original at the Registry
date of minimum durability
date of minimum durability of a food
date of paying tax
date of payment
date of presentation
date of priority
date of publication
date of putting into operation
date of ratification
date of refusal*
date of renaming
date of renewal
date of shipping*
date of transit
date of withdrawal
date of withdrawal from the EU
Date Only
date on which the decision appealed against was served on the appellant
date palm
date period code
date range
date rape
date rape drug
date-rape drug
date roll convention
date separator
date shell
date stamp
deadline date
debt rising date*
debt rising date
declaration date
deemed date of payment
delivery date
delivery time (date, period)
disposal date
due date
early finish date
effective date
effective expected exposure at a specific date
end date
end date parameter
established date
ex-dividend date
expiration date
expiration date indication service
expiry date
expiry [date]
expiry date indication service
filing date
final date
final date for implementation
finish date
first callable date
first call date
fixed date
*fixed-date payment
futures date
Good After Date
Good After Specified Date and Time
Good-Till-Specified Date and Time
indicative date
initial date
initial recognition date
interest rate reset date
International Date Line
issue date
item expiration date
key date
last date
Last Modified Date/Time
late finish date
late start date
long date
materity date of a note
maturity date
minimum durability date
monthly reset date
out of-date
output date
payment before due date
payment by the due date
payment date
physical date
place in service date
posting date
Preparation of an Opening Balance Sheet at the Date of Transition to IFRS
principal date of payment
priority date
program anniversary date
publication date
quarterly revaluation date
receipt date
redemption date
reference date
relative date
reminder of due date
repayment date
reporting date
reporting reference date
requested receipt date
requested ship date
retirement date
Set due date
settlement date
ship date
shipment date
shipping date
short date
signature date
*specified date
start date
status date
submission date
sunset date
tax filing date
term end date
termination date
time (date, period, term) of delivery
to fix a date
to make tax payments by the due date
to meet due date
Trade date
trade date payable
trade date receivable
transaction date
transposition date
up-to-date information
valuation date
value date
withdrawal date
minimum storage life
date of minimum durability
date of minimum durability of a food
‘best before’ date
minimum durability date
minimālais derīguma termiņš
Angabe der Mindesthaltbarkeitsfrist
date de durabilité minimale
date limite d'utilisation optimale
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