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Izmantojiet zvaigznīti * vārda daļu meklēšanai (piemēram, dator* vai *pratība)
Jūs meklējāt
cutting off
Atrasts 231 termins
accretion [severance] cutting
across-the-heart cutting
angle of cutting edge
annual cutting
automatic cutting machine
automatic rotary printing and cutting machine
axe for cutting wood
axial component of cutting force
bevel gear cutting by reciprocating tools
beveling-and-cutting machine
cardboard creasing and cutting machine
centre distance (in cutting)
circle cutting trajectory
circular saw for cutting to size
clamp-cutting apparatus
clean cutting
cleaning cutting
clear cutting
clear [final] cutting
cloth cutter (cutting machine)
coolant[-cutting] fluid
cross cutting
cross-cutting and trenching circular-saw machine
cross-cutting and trenching machine
cross-cutting brigade
cross-cutting saw
curvilinear cutting on double trimmer
cutting, piercing or penetration point
cutting across the grain
cutting against the grain
cutting agent
cutting and creasing machine
cutting angle
cutting area
cutting bar
cutting block
cutting board
cutting cylinder
cutting defects in bandsawing
cutting depth of knife
cutting diagram
cutting edge
cutting edge angle
cutting edge normal plane
cutting edge sharpness
cutting-edge technology
cutting end (unit)
cutting force
cutting head
cutting yield
cutting line
cutting losses
cutting loss (net calculation)
cutting machine
cutting mechanism
cutting nozzle
cutting of costs
cutting-off of logs
cutting of unit cost
cutting part
cutting pass
cutting performance
cutting plane
cutting plane line
cutting plant
cutting pliers
cutting point
cutting-point angle
cutting premises
cutting process
cutting quality
cutting red tape
cutting roller
cutting sequence
cutting site
cutting system
cutting speed
cutting speed of band saw machines
cutting speed of chain saws
cutting speed of circular saw
cutting speed of frame saw
cutting speed of horizontal frame saws
cutting speed of vertical frame saws
cutting stylus
cutting stroke
cutting surface
cutting tip
cutting to attacking position
cutting tool
cutting tool material
cutting torch
cutting trajectory
cutting work
deal cutting
diameter of circle cutting trajectory
die cutting machine (press)
double knife cutting machine
drill and groove-cutting machine
dustless cutting
edge cutting device
excessive cutting
face cutting edge angle
female genital cutting
fibre cutting
final cutting
finger-cutting machine
flame-cutting machine
folding-and-cutting mechanism
forest grass-cutting
free cutting steel
free saw cutting
fret-cutting machine
gate cutting (slitting)
gear cutting
gear-cutting head
gradual cutting
group-selection cutting
head cutting
high-speed cutter (cutting machine)
improvement cutting
investigation of cutting
young stand cutting
kinematics of cutting (action)
label cutting press
leaf cutting
log frame for deep cutting
machine cutting
main component of cutting force
major cutting edge
match splint cutting machine
metal cutting machine (tool)
minor cutting edge
mitre cutter (mitre-cutting machine)
mitre-cutting saw
momentary cutting speed
mortise cutting machine
multiple beam cutting
oxygen [gas] cutting
oxygen lance cutting
paper-cutting machine
path of movement in cutting
plain blade cutting
plant cutting
pliers with cutting edges
powder cutting
pre-cutting tool
price cutting
price-cutting distributor
primary cutting edge
principal cutting speed
punch cutting
quality of cutting edge
quick-opening [thread-cutting] die
radial component of cutting force
reciprocating gear cutting tool
reconstructive cutting
reel cutting machine
regeneration cutting
removable cutting insert
renovational clean cutting
repeat strip cutting
reproduction cutting
reserved standards (after final cutting)
resultant cutting speed
resultant cutting speed angle
root cutting
rotary printing-and-cutting machine
salvage cutting
sanitary cutting
sanitation cutting
saw blade for cutting in one direction
screw[-cutting] lathe
seed cutting
seed-tree cutting
segment cutting
select group cutting
selection cutting
selective cutting
self-opening [thread-cutting] head
serviceability for cutting
sheet cutter (cutting unit)
shelterwood cutting
shelterwood cutting method
shelterwood regeneration cutting
side-cutting edge angle
synchronous cutting
sorting cross cutting machine
spiral-bevel-gear cutting
splint-cutting machine
stand cutting
stem cutting
strip cutting
strip selection method of cutting
succession of cutting
tangential component of cutting force
tax cutting
tenon cutting machine
thread cutting
thread-cutting head
thread-cutting (threading) tool
three-sided cutting
timber cutting
type of cutting
types of cutting
tool cutting edge angle
tool cutting edge inclination
tool cutting edge plane
[tool] cutting part
tooth cutting edge
tooth-cutting machine
tooth cutting of saw blades
vein cutting machine
veneer-cutting lathe
veneer cutting losses
veneer-cutting saw
veneer edge cutting machine
(veneer) flat cutting (work)
waste cross-cutting machine
wear of cutting edge
wood cutting
working cutting edge plane
working part of the cutting edge
working stroke upon cutting
resultant cutting speed
rezultējošais griešanas ātrums
результирующая скорость резания
Mašīnbūves terminu vārdnīca. — R., LNMK, 2004
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