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Izmantojiet zvaigznīti * vārda daļu meklēšanai (piemēram, dator* vai *pratība)
Jūs meklējāt
development aid
Atrasti 572 termini
10-year network development plan
2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development
Action Plan for the development of EU organic production
Action plan for the development of organic production
Active and Assisted Living Research and Development Programme
Addis Ababa Action Agenda of the Third International Conference on Financing for Development
adequate physical development
Ad Hoc Working Party on the Neighbourhood, Development and International Cooperation Instrument
Advisory Committee on application of the legislation concerning the development of Community railways
Advisory Committee on the Development and Conversion of Regions
Afghanistan National Development Strategy
Afghanistan National Peace and Development Framework
African Development Bank
African Development Fund
Agenda 21 on Environment and Development
agile software development
Agreement establishing the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development
Agreement establishing the Fund for the Development of the Indigenous Peoples of Latin America and the Caribbean
Agreement on Trade, Development and Cooperation.
allocations for social development*
all-round development
Andean Development Corporation
application development system
Applications and IT Systems Development Unit
Applications Development and Integration Service
area and animal-related rural development measures
area of research and technological development
Asian and Pacific Development Centre
Asian Development Bank
Asian Forum for Human Rights and Development
audience development
behavior-driven development
bilateral development co-operation
Biological Equipment Development and Enhancement Programme
Black Sea Trade and Development Bank
branch development programme
broadcast development kit
Busan Partnership for Effective Development Cooperation
Business Intelligence Development Studio
capability development document
Capability Development Mechanism
Capability Development Plan
Capability Development Plan strand
capacity building in support of development and security for development
Capacity Building in Support of Security and Development
capacity development
Career Development and Ethics Unit
Caribbean Development Bank
Centre for the Development of Enterprise
CETA Committee on Trade and Sustainable Development
Cities and Regions for Development Cooperation forum
Civilian Capability Development Plan
clean development mechanism
climate-resilient development
CODEV-PI Working Party (Preparation of international development conferences)
collection development
collection development (US)
Colombo Plan for Cooperative Economic and Social Development in Asia and the Pacific
Commissioner for Agriculture and Rural Development
Commissioner for International Cooperation and Development
Commission for Social Development
Commission for Sustainable Development
Commission on Population and Development
Commission on Science and Technology for Development
Commission on Sustainable Development
Committee on Agricultural Structures and Rural Development
Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development
Committee on Development
Committee on Economic Development, Finance and Trade
Committee on Regional Development
Committee on Sustainable Development, the Environment, Energy Policy, Research, Innovation and Technology
Committee on Trade and Sustainable Development
Common Strategic Framework for research, innovation and technological development
communication for development
Community Assistance for Reconstruction, Development and Stabilisation
Community initiative concerning border development, cross-border cooperation and selected energy networks
Community initiative concerning economic and social regeneration of cities and of neighbourhoods in crisis in order to promote sustainable urban development
Community initiative concerning trans-European cooperation intended to encourage harmonious and balanced development of the European territory
Community initiative for rural development
community-led development
community-led local development
community-led local development strategy
Community Research and Development Information Service
Community-wide network development plan
Community-wide ten-year network development plan
compensation for development
competence development
comprehensive development framework
configuration item development record
conservation development tendencies
continuing professional development
continuing professional development (CPD)
Convention on the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production, Stockpiling and Use of Chemical Weapons and on their Destruction
Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production and Stockpiling of Bacteriological (Biological) and Toxin Weapons and on their Destruction
Cooperation agreement between the European Community and the Islamic Republic of Pakistan on partnership and development
Cooperation Agreement between the European Community and the People's Republic of Bangladesh on partnership and development
Cooperation Agreement between the European Community and the Republic of India on partnership and development
Cooperation Agreement on Partnership and Development between the European Union and its Member States, of the one part, and the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, of the other part
Coordination Working Party (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development)
Council Declaration on the fight against antisemitism and the development of a common security approach to better protect Jewish communities and institutions in Europe
Council of Europe Development Bank
Declaration on the Right to Development
demographic development
design and development
Design and Development (BUILD) Unit
Development Accelerator Core
Development Accelerator Extended
development aid
Development and test
development assistance
Development Assistance Committee
development bank
development baseline
development batch
development branch
development budget*
development code number
development configuration
development co-operation
development cooperation
Development Cooperation and Economic Cooperation Instrument
Development Cooperation Instrument
Development Council
Development DG
Development Education and Awareness Raising
development engineer
development environment
Development Finance Cooperation Committee
development finance institution
development function point count
development fund
Development Impact Assessment Framework
development instruments and programs
development kit
Development kits
development land tax
development of culture
development of endurance
development of flexibility
development of gymnastics
development of muscles
development of new product
development of physical fitness
development of power
development of strength, power-building
development of territory
development of useful physical skills
development plan
development plan of a museum
development policy
development potential
development programming
development project
development project functional size
development purpose
development region
development scheme of engineering communications
development system
development task
development territory
development testing
development tool
development worker
development work[s]
DG Agriculture and Rural Development
DG Development and Cooperation — EuropeAid
DG International Cooperation and Development
direction of development
Directorate 1 - Trade, Development, Horizontal Issues, Foreign Affairs Council Support
Directorate 1 - WTO, Trade Relations, Development, ACP
Directorate for Development and Support
Directorate for Document Management and Digital Workflows Development
Directorate for HR Development
Directorate-General for Agriculture and Rural Development
Directorate-General for Development and Cooperation — EuropeAid
Directorate-General for Development and Relations with African, Caribbean and Pacific States
Directorate-General for International Cooperation and Development
Directorate-General for Organisational Development and Services
disorder of sex development
Doha Development Agenda
Doha Development Round
drug development
Dutch development bank
early childhood educational development
East African Development Bank
economic development
education for sustainable development
Education for sustainable development: a roadmap
Education for Sustainable Development Roadmap
embedded iterative development model
engineering development
EU Accountability Report on Financing for Development
EU Capability Development Priorities
EU Code of Conduct on Complementarity and Division of Labour in Development Policy
EU Code of Conduct on Division of labour in Development Policy
EU Development and Cooperation Results Framework
EU International Cooperation and Development Results Framework
EU Plan of Action on Gender Equality and Women's Empowerment in Development
EU Platform for External Cooperation and Development
EU Regional Facility for Development in Transition
Euro-African Dialogue on Migration and Development
Euro-African Migration and Development Process
EuropeAid Development and Cooperation DG
EuropeAid Development and Cooperation Directorate-General
European Agency for Biomedical Advanced Research and Development
European Agency for Development in Special Needs Education
European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development
European Association of Development Agencies
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development
European Biomedical Research and Development Agency
European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training
European Civil Society Forum on Trade and Sustainable Development
European confederation of relief and development NGOs
European Consensus on Development
European Defence Industrial Development Programme
European Development Council
European Development Days
European Development Finance Institutions
European Development Fund
European Development Funds
European Environment and Sustainable Development Advisory Councils
European financial architecture for development
European Fund for Sustainable Development
European Fund for Sustainable Development Plus
European Fusion Development Agreement
European initiative for the development of micro-credit in support of growth and employment
European Year for Development
European Joint Undertaking for ITER and the Development of Fusion Energy
European Neighbourhood Programme for Agriculture and Rural Development
European Network for Rural Development
European NGO Confederation for Relief and Development
European Observation Network for Territorial Development and Cohesion
European Regional Development Fund
European Regional Development Fund Committee
European Spatial Development Perspective
European Sustainable Development Network
European Union guarantee for the European Fund for Sustainable Development
European Union Strategy for Sustainable Development
EU strategy for security and development in the Sahel
EU-UNICEF Child Rights Toolkit: Integrating child rights in development cooperation
Executive Board of the Clean Development Mechanism
experimental development
farm development plan
feature-driven development
financing instrument for development cooperation
fixed development program of robot
forestry development
Fourth World Conference on Women: Action for Equality, Development and Peace
Framework for Resilient Development in the Pacific
Framework for Resilient Development in the Pacific: An Integrated Approach to Address Climate Change and Disaster Risk Management
framework programme for research, technological development and demonstration activities
Framework Programme for Research and Development
Friends of the Presidency Group (European Defence Industrial Development Programme)
Friends of the Presidency Group (External Investment Plan/European Fund for Sustainable Development)
Further Development and Consolidation of the Mediterranean Programme for Intervention Epidemiology Training
further development of law
further development of the law
G20 Development Agenda
gender and development
Gender Development Index
gender equality competence development
Global Action Programme on Education for Sustainable Development
Global Antibiotic Research and Development Partnership
Global Antimicrobial Resistance Research and Development Hub
Global Environment Facility of the United Nations Development Programme, the United Nations Environment Programme and the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development
Global Forum on Migration and Development
Global Partnership for Effective Development Co-operation
Global Partnership for Poverty Eradication and Sustainable Development after 2015
Governing Board of the European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training
Hellenic Republic Asset Development Fund
High-level Group of Wise Persons on the European Financial Architecture for Development
high-level multi-stakeholder platform on the UN Sustainable Development Goals
High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Development
Hybrid Hosting Platform Development and Growth Service
hydroelectric development
Holy Land Foundation for Relief and Development
human development
Human Development Index
human development indicator
Human Development Report
humanitarian and development nexus
humanitarian-development nexus
humanitarian-development-peace nexus
human rights-based approach to development programming
Increasing the Impact of EU Development Policy: an Agenda for Change
incremental development model
independent development
industrial development
industry-oriented technological development
Initiative for the sustainable development of the blue economy in the western Mediterranean
Innovation and Partnership Development Unit
innovative financing for development
Instructor Exchange and Development Programme
Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance for Rural Development
Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance in Rural Development
integrated development
integrated development environment
integrated development programme
Integrated Development Team
[integrated] water [power] development
Inter-American Development Bank
Intergovernmental Authority on Development
International Assessment of Agricultural Knowledge, Science and Technology for Development
International Bank for Reconstruction and Development
International Centre for Migration Policy Development
International Conference on Financing for Development
International Conference on Population and Development
international development
International Development Association
International Disability and Development Consortium
International Fund for Agricultural Development
International Telecommunication Union - Development Sector
International Volunteer Day for Economic and Social Development
intervention for rural development
INTOSAI Development Initiative
intramural expenditure on research and development
Investment Policy Framework for Sustainable Development
IPA Rural Development
Islamic Development Bank
Istanbul CSO Development Effectiveness Principles
Istanbul Principles for CSO Development Effectiveness
iterative development model
Java Development Kit
Joint Baltic Sea Research and Development Programme
Joint Committee on Staff Development
Joint Sustainable Development Goals Fund
Korean Peninsula Energy Development Organisation
land acquisition, development and construction exposure
language development
late-stage clinical development
late-stage development
Latvian Development Agency
Learning and Development Unit
level of development
Link between Relief, Rehabilitation and Development
Linking Relief, Rehabilitation and Development
localisation of the Sustainable Development Goals
long-term low greenhouse gas emission development strategy of the European Union and its Member States
low-carbon development strategy
low-emission development strategy
low greenhouse gas emission development strategy
main development trend fluctuations
Malta Council for Economic and Social Development
Management Board of the European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training
Management Committee on Agricultural Structures and Rural Development
Marrakech action proclamation for our climate and sustainable development
measure constituting a development of the Schengen acquis
medicine development
Microsoft HoloLens Development Edition
Microsoft Security Development Lifecycle
Millennium Development Goal
model-driven development
Monitoring Committee for Euro-Mediterranean Co-operation in Research, Technology and Development
multilateral development bank
museum development
Nairobi Programme of Action for the Development and Utilization of New and Renewable Sources of Energy
National Council for Democracy and Development
national economy branches and districts structure development policy
National Institute of Child Health and Human Development
Neighbourhood, Development and International Cooperation committee
Neighbourhood, Development and International Cooperation Instrument
Neighbourhood, Development and International Cooperation Instrument – Global Europe
Neighbourhood, Development and International Cooperation Instrument – Global Europe Committee
Neighbourhood, Development and International Cooperation Instrument Committee
Netherlands Development Finance Company
network development plan
Network of Regional Governments for Sustainable Development
New Partnership for Africa's Development
nexus between security and development
non-clinical development
Nordic Development Fund
obstacle to development
ODRAZ - Sustainable Community Development
OECD Development Assistance Committee
official development assistance
official development finance
official development financing
offshore development center
OIC Women Development Organization
OPEC Fund for International Development
open development
open development method
Open Working Group of the General Assembly on Sustainable Development Goals
Open Working Group on Sustainable Development Goals
Organisational Development
Organisational Development Unit
Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development
Organisation for Economic co-operation and Development
Organisation of Economic Cooperation and Development
Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, OECD
Organization for the Development of Women in the OIC Member States
Organization for Women’s Development
overseas development assistance
personal development
pharmaceutical development
planned development
policy coherence for development
development aid
development assistance
attīstības palīdzība
palīdzība attīstības jomā
aide au développement
development aid
development assistance
attīstības palīdzība
palīdzība attīstības jomā
aide au développement
IATE šķirkli
© Download IATE, European Union, 2024
development aid
palīdzība attīstības jomā
aide au développement
EuroVoc tēzaurs v4.12 © Eiropas Savienība, 2020
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Latvijas Zinātņu akadēmija