Ceturtdiena, 13. marts
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«Terminoloģijas Jaunumi»
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Izmantojiet zvaigznīti * vārda daļu meklēšanai (piemēram, dator* vai *pratība)
Jūs meklējāt
dot size
Atrasti 146 termini
acid size
actual size
adjusted size
animal size
application functional size
arrangement by size
austenitic grain size
average value [of size]
basic size
block size
book size
bubble size
buffer size
cardboard size
change of body size
change of size
circular saw for cutting to size
Commited Burst Size
crystallite size
cut to size
development project functional size
dot size
double size
exact size
excess burst size
file size
finished size
fishing net mesh size
font size
free rosin size
full size
full size battery operated vacuum cleaner
Future Medium-size Tactical Cargo
gelatine size
gold size
grain size
grain size analysis
grain-size distribution curve
grain size of steel
grit (grain) size
gullet size
image size
increment size
information size
issue size
jam size
key size
king size bed
large body size
large size
limit of size
maximum limit of size
Medium size Semi-Autonomous Surface Vehicle
mesh size
microplastic fibre size
microplastic particle size
mid-size and smaller banks
minimum conservation reference size
minimum landing size
minimum limit of size
minimum mesh size
minimum size
narrow size
newspaper size
nominal size
notional contract size
number-based size distribution
number size distribution
Original size
page size
paper size
particle number-based size distribution
particle number size distribution
particle size
particle size analysis
particle size distribution
pocket size
population size
printing plate size
printing size
queen size bed
query-size threshold
record size
regardless-of-feature-size tolerance
regular size
representative tyre size
resin size
rosin size
sample size
screen size
setting size
sheet size
single size droplet generator
size (ball)
size cooker
size cutter
[size] deviation
size emulsion
size exclusion chromatography
size factor
size grip
size indicator
size of apparatus
size of bore hole
size of business
size of column
size of edition
size of equipment
size of fibreboards
size of mesh
size of the consignment
size preparing room
size press
size scatter
size series (of bearings)
size sheet
size tester
size tolerance
synthetic size
slot size
small size
small-size drying machine
small-size furniture
small size offset press
standard deviation [of size]
standard size
station size
storage size
table size
target size
Text Display Size
text size
tick size
type size
tyre size designation
to cap the size of the assessment base
to change the size of a font
trimmed size
use standard size
variable size
wax size
weight and size
wheel size designation
word size
adjusted size
koriģētais lielums
ISO/IEC/IEEE 24765:2017(E) 3.104, prot. Nr. 528 (04.01.2019)
LZA TK ITTEA protokoli
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Latvijas Zinātņu akadēmija