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Izmantojiet zvaigznīti * vārda daļu meklēšanai (piemēram, dator* vai *pratība)
Jūs meklējāt
dry cell
Atrasti 297 termini
absolute cell reference
accumulator cell
active cell
allogeneic cell
aluminium electrolysis cell
aluminium reduction cell
animal cell
baby hamster kidney cell line
basal face-cent(e)red unit cell
battery cell
battery cell assembly
BHK cell line
binary cell
biofuel cell
biological fuel cell
blank cell
blood cell
body cent(e)red unit cell
bovine fetal kidney cell
breaker cell
button cell
button cell battery
calf kidney cell
cambium cell
cell administration
cell assembly
cell bank
cell-based assay
cell-based meat
cell cavity
cell cycle
cell cycle duration
cell cycle kinetics
cell cycle length
cell cycle time
cell delivery
cell depository
cell dimension
cell-division cycle
cell evolution
cell frequency, class frequency
cell line
cell membrane
cell monolayer
cell nucleus
cell of a table
cell padding
cell passage
cell passaging
cell pellet
cell permeability
cell phone
cell phone tower
cell plant
cell relay
cell replication
cell replication system
cell room
cell spacing
cell splitting
cell strain
cell structure
cell terminal
cell therapy
cell tower
cell transformation
cell viability
cell wall
cell wall differentiation
cell wall growth
cervical cell
Civ/Mil Cell
Civilian Casualty Tracking, Analysis, and Response Cell
civil-military cell
CK cell
Clearing House Cell
conducting cell
confluent cell monolayer culture
confluent monolayer cell culture
Conway cell
Conway diffusion cell
crime information cell
current cell
curved cell
dendritic cell
differentiated cell
diffusion cell
direct fuel cell
dye-sensitized solar cell
dye solar cell
dry cell
drying cell
effusion cell
egg cell
electric cell voltage
electrochemical cell
electrolytic cell
elongated thick-walled cell
embryonic stem cell
endothelial cell
enzymatic biofuel cell
enzymatic fuel cell
epithelial cell
ES cell
EU Hybrid Fusion Cell
EU Liaison and Planning Cell
EU Movement Planning Cell
European Aviation Crisis Coordination Cell
European Collection of Cell Cultures
European Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technology Platform
European Satellite Communications Procurement Cell
face-cent(e)red unit cell
face-centred cell
fetal lamb kidney cell monolayer
financial crisis cell
flexible fuel cell
FLK cell monolayer
flow-through diffusion cell
free cell
fuel cell
fuel cell electric vehicle
fuel cell engine
fuel cell hybrid vehicle
fuel cell vehicle
fusion cell
galvanic cell
genetically engineered cell line
genetically modified cell
germ cell
germ cell cycle
germ cell mutagenicity
giant cell
grid cell culture
growing cell
high-temperature fuel cell
Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technology Platform
hydrogen cell
hydrogen fuel cell
hydrogen fuel cell train
hydrogen fuel-cell train
hydrogen fuel cell vehicle
holding cell
home cell
human lymphoblastoid cell
I-cell disease
immune cell
immunocompetent cell
immunological memory cell
indirect fuel cell
input cell
International Donor Coordination Cell
in vitro mammalian cell chromosomal aberration test in human lymphocytes
in vitro mammalian cell gene mutation test
yeast cell walls
Joint Support Coordination Cell
Khorasan cell
liver cell
lymph cell
lymph node cell
load cell
low-temperature fuel cell
macrophage cell
Maritime Area of Interest Coordination Cell
mast cell
master cell stock
medullary ray cell
membrane cell technique
memory cell
[memory] cell
mercury triple point cell
merged cell
mesenchymal stromal cell
metaphase cell
microbial fuel cell
micro fuel cell
mini fuel cell
molten carbonate fuel cell
multijunction cell
multijunction solar cell
multinucleated giant cell
natural killer cell
neutrophilic cell
nickel-cadmium cell
nickel-iron cell
NK cell
Nominal Operating Cell Temperature
normal operating cell temperature
organic solar cell
oval cell
ovoid cell
packaging cell
packaging cell line
packed cell volume
parafollicular cell
parenchyma cell
parenchymatous cell
peak cell rate
peripheral blood cell
permanent EU Cell at SHAPE
permanent mouse fibroblast cell line
photoelectric cell
photoelectrochemical cell
photovoltaic cell
piezoelectric cell
pluripotent embryonic stem cell
point-contact cell
point-contact solar cell
polymer photovoltaic cell
polyploid cell
pouch battery cell
pouch cell
pressure cell
prickle-cell layer
primary cell
primary cell culture
primary fuel cell
primitive unit cell
prokaryotic cell
proliferating cell
prosenchymatous cell
Provisional Cell
PV cell
quantum dot solar cell
quartz cell
rapidly cycling cell
red blood cell
red blood cell count
red blood cell photo-haemolysis test
redox fuel cell
reference cell
Regional Advisory and Coordination Cell
Regional Coordination Cell
relative cell reference
relative cell viability
reproductive cell
rod-shaped cell
SatCom Procurement Cell
sclerenchyma cell
secondary cell
secondary fuel cell
Sertoli cell
Sertoli cell barrier
single cell suspension
single-mapped cell
small cell
solar cell
solar cell conversion efficiency
solid oxide fuel cell
solitary cell
somatic cell
somatic cell count
somatic cell mutagen
somatic cell mutation
somatic cell nuclear transfer
somatic cell nucleus transfer
somatic cell therapy
somatic cell therapy medicinal product
spermatogonial cell
spermatogonial germ cell
spermatogonial stem cell
sperm cell
standard cell
static cell system
static diffusion cell
stationary cell
stationary phase cell
stem cell
storage cell
stromal cell
subcultured cell
thermophotovoltaic cell
thermophotovoltaic solar cell
thin-walled cell
thymidine kinase positive cell
thymidine kinase proficient cell
TK6 human lymphoblastoid cell
totipotent cell
TPV cell
transformer cell
transgenic rodent somatic and germ cell gene mutation assay
unit cell
untransformed cell
vascular cell
vegetable cell
Vero cell
vessel cell
viable cell
voltaic cell
white blood cell
white blood cell count
white blood cell differential count
whole cell counting
wood cell
woody cell
work cell
photovoltaic cell
PV cell
photovoltaische Zelle
cellule photovoltaïque
cellule PV
PV cell
photovoltaic cell
photovoltaische Zelle
cellule PV
cellule photovoltaïque
IATE šķirkli
© Download IATE, European Union, 2024
photovoltaic cell
EuroVoc tēzaurs v4.12 © Eiropas Savienība, 2020
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Latvijas Zinātņu akadēmija