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«Terminoloģijas Jaunumi»
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LV latviešu
EN angļu
RU krievu
DE vācu
FR franču
LA latīņu
Izmantojiet zvaigznīti * vārda daļu meklēšanai (piemēram, dator* vai *pratība)
Jūs meklējāt
e government
Atrasti 292 termini
accounting for government grants and disclosure of government assistance
action plan on e-government
Additional Protocol to the European Charter of Local Self-Government on the right to participate in the affairs of a local authority
Agreement between the European Community and the Swiss Confederation on Certain Aspects of Government Procurement
Agreement between the European Union and th
e Government
of the United States of America on the security of classified information
Agreement between th
e Government
of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the European Atomic Energy Community for Cooperation on the Safe and Peaceful Uses of Nuclear Energy
Agreement between th
e Government
of the United States of America and th
e Government
of […]* for Cooperation to Facilitate the Implementation of FATCA
Agreement between th
e Government
of the United States of America and th
e Government
of […]* to Improve International Tax Compliance and to Implement FATCA
agreement on government procurement
Agreement on Maritime Transport between the European Community and its Member States, of the one part, and th
e Government
of the People's Republic of China, of the other part
e Government
Azure Rights Management for Government
Azure Rights Management (Government Pricing)
Berlin Declaration on Digital Society and Value-Based Digital Government
Brussels government
Bureau of Government Financial Operations
business-to-government data sharing
caretaker government
central government
central government authorities
central government borrowing
city government
civil government
classification of the functions of government
Committee on Government Procurement
Commonwealth Heads of Government
Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting
Comprehensive Peace Agreement between th
e Government
of the Republic of the Sudan and the Sudan People's Liberation Movement/Sudan People's Liberation Army
connected government
consolidated government budget
council of the district local government organisation
COVID-19 Government Response Stringency Index
criterion on th
e government
budgetary position
current transfers within general government
Decision of the Heads of State or Government, meeting within the European Council
digital government
district local government organisation
economic government
electronic government
European Charter of Local Self-government
e government
Exchange Enterprise CAL Services (EOP, DLP) for Government
Exchange Online Archiving (EOA) for Exchange Online Customers (Government Pricing)
Exchange Online Archiving (EOA) for Exchange Server (Government Pricing)
Exchange Online Kiosk (Government Pricing)
Exchange Online (Plan 1) for Government
Exchange Online (Plan 1) (Government Pricing)
Exchange Online (Plan 2) for Government
Exchange Online (Plan 2) (Government Pricing)
Exchange Online Protection for Government
Exchange Online Protection (Government Pricing)
Executive Council of th
e Government
of Catalonia
Expert Group on Business-to-Government Data Sharing
Flemish government
foreign national employed as government authorised exchange worker
formation of government
form of government
funded by th
e government
general government
general government balance
general government borrowing requirement
general government budget
general government debt
general government debt ratio
general government deficit
general government finances
general government gross debt
general government primary balance
general government revenue
general government sector
general government surplus
Generally accepted government audit standards
Government & politics
government + politics
government accounting
government agency
government auditing
government auditor
government balance
government bill
government body
government bond
government bond yield
government bond rate
government budget
government budget deficit
Government Champion for the Midlands Engine
Government Community Cloud
government consumption
government control
government-controlled area
government credit
government data
government debt
government debt ratio
government debt security
government deficit
government dues
government employees
government entity
government expenditure
government expenditures
government fiasco
government final consumption
government finance
government finances
government finance statistics
government financial stabilisation tool
government funding
government gross debt
government group
government group of the REFIT Platform
government guarantee
government income
Government Information Agency
government institution
government interference
government intervention
government investment
government yield spread
government loan
Government of Catalonia
government of Flanders
Government of National Accord
government of national consensus
government of national unity
Government of the Basque Country
government of the Brussels-Capital Region
government of the Flemish Community
government of the French Community
Government of the German-speaking Community
government of the Wallonia-Brussels Federation
government of the Walloon Region
government of Wallonia
government on-line services
Government Open Subscription License Agreement
Government Open Value Agreement
government-operated non-governmental organisation
government order
Government Organised Non-Governmental Organisation
government policy
Government Pricing
government procurement
Government Procurement Agreement
government programme
government purchase
government regulation
government reporting
Government research
government reserves
Government Response Stringency Index
government revenue
government revenues
Government Satellite Communication
government satellite imagery
government sector
government securities market
government security service
government ship
government spending
government spending review
Government Spokesperson
Government Spokesperson in the House of Lords
government stabilisation tool
government statement
government statistics
government surplus
government terrorism
government use
government violence
head of government
head of State or Government
Heads of State or Government
Her Majesty's Government
home rul
e Government
of Greenland
Ibero-American Summit of Heads of State and Government
interest on government bonds
International Journal of Government Auditing
Yammer Enterprise (Government Pricing)
joined-up government
Kurdistan Regional Government
Lync Online (Plan 1) for Government
Lync Online (Plan 1) (Government Pricing)
Lync Online (Plan 2) for Government
Lync Online (Plan 2) (Government Pricing)
Lync Online (Plan 3) for Government
local government
long-term government bond
member of the council of the district local government organisation
member of th
e government
Microsoft Azur
e Government
Microsoft Cloud for US Government
Microsoft Office 365 Developer (Government Pricing)
Multilateral Agreement on Government Procurement
municipal government
municipality / local government / local authorities
national consensus government
national government
national unity government
net government expenditure
net primary government expenditure
networked government
non-government bill
non-government-controlled area
Northern Ireland Local Government Association
Office 365 Enterprise E1 (Government Pricing)
Office 365 Enterprise E3 (Government Pricing)
Office 365 Enterprise E3 (Government Pricing) Trial
Office 365 Enterprise E4 (Government Pricing)
Office 365 Extra File Storage (Government Pricing)
Office 365 Government
Office 365 Government E4
Office 365 Government E4 without ProPlus
Office 365 Government E5 without Power BI and Cloud PBX
Office 365 Government E5 without Power BI and PSTN Conferencing
Office 365 Government E5 without PSTN Conferencing
Office 365 Government G1
Office 365 Government G3
Office 365 Government G5
Office 365 ProPlus for Government
Office 365 ProPlus (Government Pricing)
Office 365 US Government plans
OneDrive for Business with Office on the web (Government Pricing)
OneDrive for Business with Office on the web (Government Pricing) Trial
one-stop government
open government data
parliamentary government
plenipotentiaries of Heads of State and Government
plurilateral Agreement on Government Procurement
Power BI for Office 365 Add-On for E3/E4 (Government Pricing)
Power BI for Office 365 Add-On for SharePoint (Plan 2) (Government Pricing)
Power BI for Office 365 with SharePoint Online (Plan 2) with Yammer (Government Pricing)
Power BI for Office 365 with SharePoint Online (Plan 2) with Yammer (Government Pricing) Trial
Power BI (free) (Government Pricing)
Power BI Pro (Government Pricing)
Power BI Pro (Government Pricing) Trial
president of the council of the district local government organisation
President of th
e Government
of Catalonia
president of the regional government
President of the Regional Government of Andalusia
Project for Office 365 for Government
Project for Office 365 (Month to Month) (Government Pricing)
Project Lite (Government Pricing)
Project Lite (Government Pricing) Trial
Project Online for Government
Project Online (Government Pricing)
Project Online (Government Pricing) Trial
Project Online (Month to Month) (Government Pricing)
Project Online with Project for Office 365 for Government
Project Online with Project for Office 365 (Government Pricing) Trial
Project Online with Project Pro for Office 365 for Government
Project Online with Project Pro for Office 365 (Government Pricing) Trial
Project Pro for Office 365 for Government
Project Pro for Office 365 (Month to Month) (Government Pricing)
Protocol on Accession of th
e Government
of the Kingdom of Sweden to the Agreement on the gradual abolition of controls at their common borders signed at Schengen on 14 June 1985
Protocol on Economic Relations between th
e Government
of the State of Israel and the P.L.O., representing the Palestinian people
Provisional Institutions of Self-Government
qualifying government entity
qualifying government entity addendum
rebel government
regional government
Regional Government of Valencia
resignation of th
e government
Revitalised Transitional Government of National Unity
rural municipality government
self-government basis
self-government obligation
self-government responsibility
SharePoint Online (Plan 1) for Government
SharePoint Online (Plan 1) (Government Pricing)
SharePoint Online (Plan 2) for Government
SharePoint Online (Plan 2) (Government Pricing)
sound government finances
e government
sustainability of government financial position
sustainability of th
e government
financial position
territory without self-government
the Council meeting in the composition of the Heads of State or Government
third country government deletion account
town government
Transitional Federal Government
vice-president of the council of the district local government organisation
Visio Pro for Office 365 for Government
Visio Pro for Office 365 (Government Pricing)
Visio Pro for Office 365 (Month to Month) (Government Pricing)
Walloon government
whole of government
government consumption
public consumption
valsts patēriņš
Verbrauch der öffentlichen Hand
consommation publique
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