EN feedback
LV atsauksmes
RU отзыв
DE Feedback
FR commentaires
Definīcija: A suggestion made by one party to a license or services agreement about changes or improvements to the other party's products or services.
Microsoft Terminology 2023. Entry from the Microsoft Language Portal.
© 2023 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
EN Feedback; Give us feedback; feedback
LV Atsauksmes; Sniegt atsauksmes; atsauksmes
RU Отзывы и предложения; отзывы и предложения; отправить отзыв
DE Feedback; Feedback senden
FR Envoyer vos commentaires; retour d'expérience; votre avis
Definīcija: The UI element that provides access to a site or process for submitting feedback on the product, product version, or service being used.
Microsoft Terminology 2023. Entry from the Microsoft Language Portal.
© 2023 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
EN feedback
LV atsauksmes
RU отзывы
DE Feedback
FR retour d’expérience
Definīcija: The capability that allows customers to see all the feedback they’ve provided about Microsoft 365 and Windows products and services, the status of that feedback, and any official responses from Microsoft about the feedback. Users can also participate in community discussion with other users by upvoting and commenting.
Microsoft Terminology 2023. Entry from the Microsoft Language Portal.
© 2023 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
EN feedback
LV atsauksmes
RU отзыв
DE Feedback
FR commentaires
Definīcija: Comments about a completed assignment that an educator makes during review and grading and that are available to the student once the grade is posted.
Microsoft Terminology 2023. Entry from the Microsoft Language Portal.
© 2023 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
EN feedback
LV atsauksmes
RU отзывы
DE Feedback
FR commentaires
Definīcija: Comments and reactions to something, intended to provide useful information for future business decisions and development.
Microsoft Terminology 2023. Entry from the Microsoft Language Portal.
© 2023 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
EN feedback; feedback loop
LV atgriezeniskā saite
prot. Nr. 590 (14.01.2022)
LZA TK ITTEA protokoli
EN feedback
LV atsauksme
prot. Nr. 590 (14.01.2022)
LZA TK ITTEA protokoli
EN feedback
LV atgriezeniskā saite
Latviešu-angļu enerģētikas un elektrotehnikas vārdnīca — 2006
EN feedback
LV reakcija; atbilde
Angļu-latviešu muitas terminu vārdnīca — R., Jāņa sēta, 1997.
EN feedback
LV atgriezeniskā saite
Angļu-latviešu muitas terminu vārdnīca — R., Jāņa sēta, 1997.
EN feedback
LV atgriezeniskā saite
RU связь обратная
DE rückläufige Beziehung
Ekonomikas, lietvedības un darba organizācijas termini (ELDO) — R., 1995
EN feedback
LV atgriezeniskā saite
RU обратная связь
Informātika. Īsa krievu-latviešu-angļu ražošanas terminu skaidrojošā vārdnīca. — R., Zvaigzne, 1989