Ceturtdiena, 13. marts
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«Terminoloģijas Jaunumi»
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Norādiet savu adresi:
Pakalpojumu nodrošina
Akadēmiskā terminu datubāze
LV latviešu
EN angļu
RU krievu
DE vācu
FR franču
LA latīņu
Izmantojiet zvaigznīti * vārda daļu meklēšanai (piemēram, dator* vai *pratība)
Jūs meklējāt
flight log
Atrasti 156 termini
active flight control system
actual flight time
aerobatic flight
aerodrome flight information service
aeroplane flight manual
aircraft flight manual
automatic flight control system
ballistic flight
basic aerobatic flight
basic instrument flight trainer
building flight
capital flight
charter flight / run
commercial air transport flight
commercial flight
competition flight
current flight plan
Current Tactical Flight Model
demonstration flight
deposit flight
domestic flight
downward flight (ball)
Electronic Flight Bag
electronic flight strip
enhanced flight vision system
extra-EEA flight
extra-European flight
Filed Tactical Flight Model
fire-fighting flight
first flight
Flight and Navigation Procedures Trainer
flight attendants
flight by State aircraft
flight cycle
flight conditions
flight control and guidance system
flight control surface
flight conveyor
flight crew
flight crew compartment
flight crew member
flight data analysis
flight data recorder
flight deck
flight dispatcher
flight documentation
flight engineer
flight envelope
“flight from money”
flight hour
flight hours
flight information region
flight-information service
flight level
Flight Lieutenant
flight lock
flight log
flight manual
flight marshal
flight movement
flight numbers
flight of capital
flight operation
flight operations officer
flight part
flight path
flight path angle
flight phase
flight plan
flight procedures trainer
flight profile
flight recorder
flight safety
flight safety documents system
flight sector
flight simulation training device
flight simulator
flight status
flight test
flight time
Flight Training Device
flight trajectory
flight visibility
Fly-By-Wire flight control system
flying (flight) dive roll forward, aerial roll (swan dive forward)
flown flight trajectory
full flight simulator
gross flight path
homing flight
horizontal flight
humanitarian flight
implement flight
inbound transfer flight
in-flight refuelling
in-flight security officer
insect flight holes
instrument flight rules
insufficient flight
Integrated Initial Flight Plan Processing System
intermediary flight
internal flight
intra-Community flight
intra-Union flight
introductory flight
joint flight
joint return flight
line of flight of the ball
local flight
low pre-flight
maintenance check flight
medevac flight
medical evacuation flight
medical flight
military flight
minimum flight altitude
national flight
net flight path
off-flight (off-horse flight), after-flight, post-flight
operation flight envelope
overbooked flight
package flight
passenger flight
pleasure flight
pre-flight, flight on
pre-flight check
pre-flight checking
pre-flight information bulletin
pre-flight inspection
primary flight control
protected flight zones
Regulated Tactical Flight Model
relief flight
remote flight crew member
repetitive flight plan
rotorcraft flight manual
rural flight
scheduled / regular flight / run
scheduled flight
second flight (part) of the vault
short-haul flight
synthetic flight trainer
solo flight time
special VFR flight
squat flight vault
State flight
steady flight speed
stewardess, flight attendant
test flight
total control of flight
transonic flight
upward flight
VEMS flight
visual flight rules
pleasure flight
izklaides lidojums
vol d'agrément
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