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Izmantojiet zvaigznīti * vārda daļu meklēšanai (piemēram, dator* vai *pratība)
Jūs meklējāt
fuel tax
Atrasti 313 termini
accident tolerant fuel
active fuel bed
air/fuel ratio
air-dry fuel
alternative fossil-based kiln fuel
alternative fossil fuel
alternative fuel
alternative fuel vehicle
ammonium nitrate/fuel oil
ammonium nitrate/fuel oil explosive
ammonium nitrate and fuel oil
ammonium nitrate - fuel oil
ammonium nitrate fuel oil
ammonium nitrate-fuel oil blasting agent
ammonium nitrate-fuel oil mixture
artificial fuel
aviation fuel
aviation fuel supplier
fuel tax
bi fuel gas vehicle
bi-fuel vehicle
biogenic fuel
biological fuel cell
biomass fuel
biomass kiln fuel
brake-specific fuel consumption
bunker fuel
bunker fuel delivery note
calorific value of a fuel
carbon-neutral fuel
CCU-based fuel
CCU fuel
chips fuel
CO2-neutral fuel
commercial standard fuel
concentrated fuel
consumable fuel
conventional aviation fuel
conventional fossil fuel
conventional fossil kiln fuel
conventional jet fuel
data collection system for fuel oil consumption of ships
depleted fuel
diesel fuel
direct fuel cell
distillate fuel oil
drop-in fuel
dual-fuel engine
dual-fuel vehicle
eco-friendly fuel
ecological fuel
eligible aviation fuel
energy-producing fuel
engine fuel rate
engine fuel slippage
enriched fuel
enzymatic fuel cell
equivalent fuel
Esbit fuel tablet
ethylized fuel
European Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technology Platform
European Technology Platform for Zero Emission Fossil Fuel Power Plants
final reserve fuel
flex fuel biodiesel vehicle
flex fuel ethanol vehicle
flex fuel H2NG vehicle
flex fuel vehicle
flexible fuel cell
flexible fuel vehicle
fossil fuel
fossil fuel combustion
fossil fuel comparator
fossil fuel consumption
fossil fuel power plant
fossil fuel subsidy
fuel amount released for consumption
fuel and air mixture
fuel and energy complex
fuel balance*
fuel balance
fuel base
fuel benchmark sub-installation
fuel boiler space heater
fuel break
fuel burn module
fuel card
fuel cell
fuel cell electric vehicle
fuel cell engine
fuel cell hybrid vehicle
Fuel Cells and Hydrogen 2 Joint Undertaking
Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking
fuel cell vehicle
fuel chips
fuel cycle
fuel cock
fuel consumer
fuel consumption
fuel consumption (combined)
fuel consumption economy
fuel consumption mapping cycle
fuel consumption of chain-saw machines
fuel consumption of power chain-saw machine
fuel containment system
fuel control consumption
fuel costs
fuel crisis
fuel crop
fuel depot
fuel diet
fuel distance
fuel economy
fuel efficiency
fuel efficiency class
fuel-efficient driving
fuel element
fuel enrichment
fuel filler cap
fuel filter
fuel gas
fuel governor
fuel injection
fuel injection equipment
fuel injection pump
fuel laundering plant
fuel lever
fuel line
fuel metering
fuel mix
fuel mixture
fuel nozzle
fuel oil
fuel oil data collection system
fuel poverty
fuel pre-drying
fuel preparation
fuel pressure gauge
fuel pressure regulator
fuel-producing industry
fuel pump
Fuel Quality Directive
fuel quantity released for consumption
fuel regulator
fuel-related historical activity level
fuel reprocessing
fuel reserve
fuel reserves
fuel-saving technology
fuel security
fuel system
fuel-staged combustion
fuel staging
fuel stock
fuel stocks
fuel storage system
fuel stream
fuel supply
fuel surcharge
fuel tank
fuel tank cap
fuel tankering
fuel tank filling cap
fuel-tank range
fuel tank system
fuel tax
fuel tax
fuel trim
fuel uplift
fuel-using equipment
fuel venting
fuel washing
fuel wood
gas[eous] fuel
gaseous fuel
gaseous fuel boiler
gas fuel
gas-fuel handling facilities
gasoline type jet fuel
global data collection system for fuel oil consumption of ships
global data collection system for ship fuel oil consumption data
heating fuel
heavy fuel
heavy fuel oil
hexamine fuel tablet
high-calorific fuel
high calorific fuel
high grade fuel
high-octane fuel
high-sulfur fuel
high-temperature fuel cell
Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technology Platform
hydrogen-based fuel
hydrogen-derived synthetic fuel
hydrogen fuel cell
hydrogen fuel cell train
hydrogen fuel-cell train
hydrogen fuel cell vehicle
impoverished fuel
indigenous solid fuel
indirect fuel cell
irradiated fuel
irradiated nuclear fuel
jet fuel
jet fuel tankering
Joint Convention on the Safety of Spent Fuel Management and on the Safety of Radioactive Waste Management
fuel tax
kerosene type jet fuel
laundered fuel
less carbon intensive fossil fuel
less carbon-intensive fuel
light fuel
light fuel oil
liquid fuel
liquid fuel boiler
liquid metal fuel reactor
low calorific fuel
low-carbon fuel
low-grade fuel
low-temperature fuel cell
main fuel
marine fuel
maximum zero fuel weight
microbial fuel cell
micro fuel cell
mineral fuel
mini fuel cell
mixed aviation fuel
molten carbonate fuel cell
mono fuel gas vehicle
mono-fuel vehicle
more carbon intensive fossil fuel
motor fuel
multi-fuel firing combustion plant
multi-fuel firing gas boiler
naphtha type jet fuel
national fuel stream
natural fuel
neat fuel
net total fuel utilisation
non-fossil fuel technology
non-waste fuel
nuclear fuel
nuclear fuel cycle
oil fuel
on-board fuel and/or energy consumption monitoring device
on-board fuel and electric energy consumption monitoring device
other suitable fuel
oxy-fuel burner
paraffinic diesel fuel
paraffinic fuel
patent fuel
port fuel injection
powdered fuel
power-generating fuel
power-to-liquid fuel
preferred fuel
primary fuel cell
process fuel
pulverised fuel boiler
pulverised fuel combustion
pulverized fuel
pulverized fuel boiler
pure fuel
quantity of fuel released for consumption
recycled carbon fuel
redox fuel cell
reference fuel
refinery fuel
refinery fuel gas
refuse-derived fuel
released fuel amount
released fuel quantity
renewable fuel
renewable jet fuel
renewable synthetic fuel
residual fuel oil
residue-derived fuel
rigid fuel line
sealed fuel tank system
secondary fuel cell
service fuel tank
ship fuel oil consumption data collection system
single fuel vehicle
synthetic diesel fuel
synthetic fuel
synthetic low-carbon aviation fuel
solar fuel
solid fuel
solid fuel boiler
solid fuel heat generator
solid oxide fuel cell
specific fuel consumption
spent fuel
spent fuel management
spent nuclear fuel
spirit type jet fuel
standard fuel
substitute fuel
sulfur-bearing fuel
sustainable alternative jet fuel
sustainable aviation fuel
total fuel oil
transitional alternative fuel
transport fuel
unabated fossil fuel
Using material as fuel sources, limited exposure to unburned product to be expected
waste-derived fuel
wood fuel
zero-carbon fuel
zero fuel weight
powdered fuel
pulverized fuel
putekļveida kurināmais
Latviešu-angļu enerģētikas un elektrotehnikas vārdnīca — 2006
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