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«Terminoloģijas Jaunumi»
LZA TK termini atrodami
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Norādiet savu adresi:
Pakalpojumu nodrošina
Akadēmiskā terminu datubāze
LV latviešu
EN angļu
RU krievu
DE vācu
FR franču
LA latīņu
Izmantojiet zvaigznīti * vārda daļu meklēšanai (piemēram, dator* vai *pratība)
Jūs meklējāt
full name
Atrasti 279 termini
american plan / full board
application in full
Article 133 Committee (Full Members)
attain full requirement of content for difficulty
automatic FRR full activation time
back drop, full twist to feet
back flip full twist (US)
back-in full out
backward (back) somersault with full twist, back full
backward fly-away with full turn
banquet with full waiter service
barking in full
body in full extension
buy full game
cartwheel double-full off
child of full age
composition in full breadth lines
composition to full measure
conformity based on full quality assurance
conformity based on full quality assurance plus design examination
deep knee-bend, full (low) squat position
double full cody
double full fliffis
double full front
double full in (out)
double somersault with full twist (double full)
early full fliffis
english / full breakfast
exchange full powers
FCR full activation frequency deviation
FCR full activation time
feet bounce with full twist
fish full life cycle test
forward scissors with full turn
free hip circle backward and hecht dismount with full turn
free hip circle rearways forward with full turn swing backward in hang
front off with full twist
front somersault with full turn (front full)
full access
full activation mode
full activation time
full adoption
full age
full and a half (salto)
full and inclusive application
full annealing
full aperture
full application
full auctioning
full backup
full barrier
full beam
full-beam headlamp
full binding
full board
full-body suit
full (capital) title
full cardboard binding
full carrier (adj.)
full carrier
full carrier single-sideband emission
full cycling
*full classification number
full command
full community property system
full contour marking
full cost
full costs
full court
full-court defence
full-court man-to-man pressing defence
full-court press
full crawl
full-cream milk
full day idle time*
*full-day losses
full description
full differential backup
full dimension
full disclosure
full disk encryption
full distance protection
full division
full dose-response curve
full duplex
full-duplex transmission
full-duty import licence
full employment
full examination
full excitation
full file replacement
full-fledged screening mechanism
full-fledged treebank
full flight simulator
full-flow dilution system
full free standing exercises
full gainer
full grade
full harmonisation
Full HD
full hour
full house
full import
full in, pike-out double back somersault
full in back out
full in double dismount
full information
full installation
full insurance period
full insurance phase
full insurance scheme
full insurance stage
full internal model
full language cover
full language coverage
full language regime
full license
full lighting impulse
full line
full litter system
full load
full load hour
full load of production capacity
full logging
full mass
full member
full mode
full motion video adapter
full name
full okoumé plywood
full operating capability
full operating system license
full operational capability
full out
full outer
full outer join
full packaged product
full page
full paper
full path
full-pitch winding
full post-editing
full power conversion
full powers
full-power steering equipment
full-power tapping
full price
full-range speaker
full recovery
full recovery model
full relief
full revaluation
full ringing support
full scale deflection
full-scale invasion
full-scale military aggression
full-scale military invasion
full-scale production
full-scale test
full-scale trade
full-scan diode array detection spectrophotometry
full-scan diode array spectrophotometry
full schedules
full scope safeguards agreement
full screen
full-screen application
full-screen editor
Full-screen mode
full server
Full-Service Network
full-service restaurant
full service travel company
full shift idle time*
full-shift time-work
full sibling relationship
full size
full size battery operated vacuum cleaner
full-sized veneer
full spectrum defence capabilities
full spectrum force package
full spectrum of military capabilities
full squared sleeper
full stop
full-stroke actuation
full study report
full Swiss
full tax relief
full team
full-text catalog
full text database
full-text enabling
full-text index
full-text query
full-text search
full-text search index
Full-Text service
full-text storage
full tillage
full-time education
full-time employment
full-time equivalent
full-time job
full-time training
full-time working day
full title
full trailer
full train load
full transparency
full tree removal
full trust
full turntable
full turn (twist), pirouette
full twisting full dive roll
full twisting layout somersault
full twisting pirouette catch, full twist catch
full twisting vertical foot bounce
full twist to feet
full unbundled access to the local loop
full update
full USL
full vaccination
full version
full-voltage start
full-voltage starting
full volume encryption
full-wave phase comparison protection
full-wave rectifier
full weight
full-width character
full zone transfer
glide on LB, kip with full (half) turn to catch HB in hang
grand (giant, full) circle
half turn into handspring full turn out vault
handspring with full turn vault
handstand pirouette backward (forward), full pirouette
hollow backward fly away with full turn
in full
in full conformity with
Yamashita (vault) with full turn
jump (leap, pirouette) with full turn
jump with full twist to free hip circle forward on LB to clear front support
jump with full twist to long hang on HB
Korbut flip with full twist to front lying hang
layout Tsukahara with full twist vault
late full fliffis (trampoline)
load full torque
long swing , free hip circle, catch with full twist to hang on high bar
make-up to full measure
manual FRR full activation time
museum director (full time)
near-end handspring with full turn vault
near-end hecht vault with full turn
on a full-screen window
overturned full
payment in full
pike open full turn somersault dismount
pike open salto with full twist
pike (piked) handspring vault with full turn
running out with full points
salto backward with full turn to outer cross stand
salto forward with full turn to outer cross stand
salto (somersault) with full turn (twisting salto)
seat circle forward and extend then full turn to swing backwards in mixed grasp
settlement in full amount
stomach whip full twist on low bar
to apply in full
to deduct the tax in full
to give full attention to
to pay in full
to work full-time
TPC (Full Members)
Trade Policy Committee (Full Members)
Tsukahara with full twist vault
unlock full game
wrap and full turn to catch
full name
real name
pilns vārds
īstais vārds
полное имя
действительное имя
Lietotāja pilns vārds, kas parādās elektroniskā pasta ziņojumos un tīkla Usenet pastā.
LZA TK ITTEA terminu datubāze
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Latvijas Zinātņu akadēmija