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«Terminoloģijas Jaunumi»
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Izmantojiet zvaigznīti * vārda daļu meklēšanai (piemēram, dator* vai *pratība)
Jūs meklējāt
gas station
Atrasti 237 termini
acceleration station
accumulator station
aerodrome control radio station
aeronautical earth station
aeronautical station
aircraft earth station
aircraft station
air quality monitoring station
amateur station
auxiliary seismic station
auxiliary transformer of a power station
base earth station
base-load power station
base station
base station controller
base transceiver station
base transmission station
beaconing station
block valve station
booster station
border station
broadcasting station
*buying up station
bus station
capture area (of a terrestrial receiving station)
car gas-filling station
cascade of hydroelectric station
caul circulation station
central station
charging station
C-ITS station
coal-fired power station
coast earth station
coast station
co-generation power station
combined heat and power station
combined station
Committee on the conditions governing imports of agricultural products originating in third countries following the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power station
compressed air power station
compressed-air power station
compression station
compressor station
condensing power station
container station
control station
conventional thermal power station
customs station
data collection station
data input station
data station
departure station
diesel power station
discharging station
docking station
drive station
earth station
egg packing station
electrical generating station
electric generating station
electric power station
emergency position-indicating radiobeacon station
emergency power station
European Deployable Air Station
EV charging station
examination station
experimental station
*experiment station
extension station
feeding station
filling station
fixed station
flexing generating station
forest research station
forming station
forwarding station
free departure station
free dispatching station (freight)
freight station
frontier station
gas compressor station
gas-distributing station
gas filling station
gas station
gas turbine power station
generating station
geothermal power station
gluing station
goods station
gross head of hydroelectric power station
gross output of a power station
ground earth station
hand-held mobile station
heat-electric generating station
high altitude platform station
high altitude platform station (HAPS)
high-head hydroelectric power station
hydroelectric power station
hydroelectric station
hydrogen refuelling station
homing station
HVDC converter station
initial station
inquiry station
intermediate station
intermodulation products (of a transmitting station)
international mobile station identity
isolated generating [power] station
land earth station
land mobile earth station
land mobile station
land station
line station
link station
livestock inspection station
low-head hydroelectric power station
machine trial station
magnetohydrodynamic power station
magneto-hydro-dynamic thermal power station
main station
maritime station
master station
medium head hydroelectric power station
metering station
MHD power station
mobile earth station
mobile heating station
mobile power station
mobile station
Multi-station Access Unit
net head of hydroelectric power station
net output a power station
net station output
network station
nuclear power station
nuclear [thermal] power station
ocean or sea temperature gradient power station
on-board communication station
passenger railway station
passenger station
passive station
peak[-load] power station
peak-load power station
personal station
petrol station
point of termination station
police station
polling station
pondage power station
portable station
port station
postal station
power-drive station
power station
power station operation
pressing station
primary station
public recharging and refuelling station
pump-accumulator station
pumped storage power station
pumping station
punch station
quarantine station
radio astronomy station
radiobeacon station
radiodetermination station
radio direction-finding station
radiolocation land station
radiolocation mobile station
radionavigation land station
radionavigation mobile station
radio station
(radio) station
radiotelephone station
rail station
railway station
read station
recharging station
*recoupling station
refuelling station
remote-end HVDC converter station
repair station
reservoir power station
road-building machine station
Rotorcraft Docking Station for Drones
run-of-river power station
satellite earth station equipment
satellite earth station network
secondary station
seismic station
*selection station
separator station
service station
ship earth station
ship station
shore station
slave station
solar power station
space station
standard frequency and time signal station
standing time of a freight (at destination station)
starting station
station address
station capacity
station declination
station delay
Station Europe
station keeping engine
station-keeping satellite
station load
station of departure
station of destination
station of dispatch
station output
station size
station waggon
station wagon
survival craft station
telephone station
terminal station
terrestrial station
thermal power station
thermoelectric power station
tidal power station
train station
transportable station
trash-fired power station
tributary station
underground power station
valve station
vehicle inspection station
way station
weather station
welding station
wind power station
wire stitching station
work station
station load
plant load
elektrostacijas slodze
Latviešu-angļu enerģētikas un elektrotehnikas vārdnīca — 2006
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Latvijas Zinātņu akadēmija