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«Terminoloģijas Jaunumi»
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Izmantojiet zvaigznīti * vārda daļu meklēšanai (piemēram, dator* vai *pratība)
Jūs meklējāt
gas supply
Atrasti 290 termini
actors in the supply chain
air supply
alternating current [power] supply
alternating current supply
alternating current supply unit
arms supply
backup power supply
backup supply
balanced supply
balance of demand and supply
balance of water supply*
balance of water supply
*before-contract supply
book supply agency for libraries
circulating water-supply
cybersecurity supply industry
commodities in short supply
commodity supply
common supply policy
*completeness of supply
complete set supply*
complex supply*
constant current power supply
constant voltage power supply
continuity of supply
contract for the supply of digital content
credit supply
critical gas volume for electricity security of supply
critical gas volumes for electricity security of supply
current power supply
current supply
defence supply chain
deforestation-free supply chain
digital supply chain
direct current [power] supply
direct current supply
direct current supply unit
Directive 2004/18/EC on the coordination of procedures for the award of public works contracts, public supply contracts and public service contracts
discrepancy between demand and supply
disruption of
gas supply
disruption of supply
diversification of energy supply
diversity of energy supply
domestic supply of goods
domestic supply of services
drug supply indicator
duplicate supply
elasticity of labour supply
elasticity of supply
elastic supply
electrical power supply
electrical shore supply
Electricity, steam, gas water supply and sewage treatment
electricity supply
electricity supply contract
electricity supply network
electricity supply system
electricity supply to stationary aircraft
electric power supply
electric [power] supply
electric [power]supply
electric shore supply
emergency [power] supply
emergency power supply
emergency supply corridor
energy supply
energy supply diversification
energy supply diversity
energy-supply options
energy supply route
energy supply security
engineering and technical supply
equipment in short supply*
Euratom Supply Agency
European Observatory on the supply of medical radioisotopes
exclusive beverage supply
exclusive supply
exclusive supply obligation
ex-refinery supply
external power supply
financial supply
fixed-term, fixed-price electricity supply contract
flexible supply
foodstuffs supply
food supply chain
food supply difficulties*
food supply shock
forest wood supply chain
Framework Arrangement for Security of Supply between subscribing Member States
Framework Arrangement for Security of Supply between Subscribing Member States (sMS) in Circumstance of Operational Urgency
fuel supply
gas and water supply
gas supply
gas supply
gas supply
gas supply
global digital supply chain
Global Record of Fishing Vessels, Refrigerated Transport Vessels and Supply Vessels
goods supply
growth of money supply
heat supply
heat [supply] network
heat supply system
High Level Forum for a better functioning food supply chain
increase in money supply
industrial water-supply
inelastic supply
infinite elasticity of supply
ink supply line (pipe)
internal power supply
interruption of electricity supply
interruption of energy supply
interruption of supply
into-plane supply
intra-Community supply of services
intra-EU supply of services
intra-Union supply of goods
intra-Union supply of services
laboratory supply
labour supply
law of supply
law of supply and demand
length of water-supply line
licence of power supply
license of power supply
livestock supply
logistics supply
mains supply
material and technical supply
material supply
money supply
money-supply growth
municipal water-supply
net supply (of water, gas etc.)
nonprice-level determinants of aggregate supply
nuclear supply
OECD Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Supply Chains of Minerals from Conflict-Affected and High-Risk Areas
offshore supply vessel
oil supply
onshore power supply
ordered supply*
place of supply
place of supply of goods
place of supply of services
pneumatic supply line
point of supply
power and heat supply
power line supply
power supply
power supply cabinet
power supply cord
power supply enterprise
power supply enterprise facility
power supply interruption duration
power supply module
power supply reliability
power supply system
power supply undertaking
[power] supply unit
power supply unit
principle of equal access to sources of supply
products in short supply
public supply contract
quality of electric energy supply
regulated power supply
Regulation establishing a framework for ensuring a secure and sustainable supply of critical raw materials
Regulation (EU) 2017/1938 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 25 October 2017 concerning measures to safeguard the security of
gas supply
and repealing Regulation (EU) No 994/2010
Regulation (EU) 2022/2372 on a framework of measures for ensuring the supply of crisis-relevant medical countermeasures in the event of a public health emergency at Union level
regulation of supply
Regulation on deforestation-free supply chains
robot power range (supply)
sale, supply, transfer or export of goods or technology
sawn wood supply
security of energy supply
security of food supply
security of
gas supply
Security of
Gas Supply
security of supply
Security of Supply Coordination Group
self-contained [power] supply
self-contained power supply
series supply
shore-side electricity supply
shore supply
short-run supply curve
short-run supply curve of a firm
short-run supply curve of competetive industry
short supply chain
single supply
skill supply and demand forecast
source of supply
stabilized power supply
stand-by power supply
stand-by supply
*state of supply
stationary aircraft electricity supply
supply agency
supply agent
supply agreement
supply air
supply analysis
supply and demand
supply and use tables
supply balance sheet
supply bin
supply by warehouses*
supply cable
supply chain
supply chain attack
supply chain finance
supply chain resilience
supply circuit
[supply] continuity criterion
supply continuity criterion
supply contract
supply costs
supply current
supply curve
supply-demand imbalance
supply department
supply disconnection
supply elasticity
supply factors
supply forecast
supply form
supply interruption
supply-interruption costs
supply interval
supply management
supply network
supply of a telephone service to the public
supply of credit
supply of electricity
supply of energy
supply of goods
supply of instruments
supply of reserves
supply of service
supply of services
supply of staff
supply of tools
supply of transport
*supply organization
supply planner
supply policy
supply power
supply pressure
supply price
supply reduction
supply route
supply scenario
supply service
supply shock
supply-side economics
supply-side industry
supply system
supply table(s)
supply terminal
supply transformer
supply tube
supply vessel
supply voltage
taxable supply
taxable supply of goods or services
technical supply
technological supply
temporary power supply
timber supply
to supply details
to supply evidence
to supply goods
to supply information
to supply materials
traction supply
transit form of supply*
transit supply
uninterruptedness of supply
uninterrupted supply
uninterruptible power supply
urban water-supply
voltage supply
warehouse form of supply*
water supply
water-supply and sewerage
water-supply system
wire supply
wood supply
electricity supply contract
elektroenerģijas piegādes līgums
contrat de fourniture d'électricité
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