Piektdiena, 10. janvāris
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Izmantojiet zvaigznīti * vārda daļu meklēšanai (piemēram, dator* vai *pratība)
Jūs meklējāt
gross ore
Atrasti 125 termini
1 gross
adjusted gross income
agent gross revenue
aggregate gross revenue
balance of gross resources*
calculation of gross income
Commission expert group on gross national income
Committee on the harmonisation of gross national income at market prices
compensated gross registered tonne
compensated gross tonnage
deflator of gross national product
general government gross debt
government gross debt
gross amount
gross aperture area
gross average heat rate of a unit
gross benefit
gross best estimate
gross book value
gross budget
gross calorific value
gross capital formation
gross carrying amount
gross claims incurred
gross disposable household income
gross dissection
gross domestic fixed investment
Gross Domestic Product
gross domestic product at constant prices
gross domestic product in real terms
gross domestic product in value
gross domestic product in volume
gross earnings
gross electricity generation
gross electricity production
gross error
gross estate
gross final consumption of energy
gross final energy consumption
gross financing need
gross financing requirement
gross fixed asset formation
gross fixed capital
gross fixed capital formation
gross fixed investment
gross flight path
gross for net
gross gaming revenue
gross generation
gross grant equivalent
gross harvest
gross head of hydroelectric power station
gross heating value
gross human rights violation
gross income
gross income tax
gross inland consumption
gross inland energy consumption
gross yield
gross loss
gross margin
gross mass
gross mineralisation
gross national disposable income
Gross National Income
Gross National Income Expert Group
Gross National Product
gross national product, GNP
gross necropsy
gross negligence
gross-net accounting
gross ore
gross output
gross output of a power station
gross output of a set
gross payment of VAT
gross pathological finding
gross pathology
gross [pressure] head
gross price
gross product
gross production
gross profit
gross profit margin
gross receipts tax
gross reduction
gross regional product
gross registered tonnage
gross register tonnage
gross replacement cost
gross return
gross revenue
gross saving
gross savings
gross technical provisions
gross thermal efficiency of a unit
gross-to-net simplification
gross tonnage
gross torque
gross-up clause
gross value
gross value added
gross value of output
gross vehicle mass
gross vehicle weight
gross vehicle weight rating
gross violations of human rights
gross weight
gross written premium
nominal gross domestic product
nominal gross national product
non-life gross premium risk
nontaxable gross income
non-taxable gross income
real gross disposable household income
real gross disposable income of households
real gross domestic product
real gross national product
real gross national product deflator
real gross national product per capita
serious (gross) error, major break
standing gross volume
total gross debt
Trans-European Automated Real-time Gross settlement Express Transfer system
gross torque
maksimālais griezes moments
максимальний крутящий момент
Lielākā attīstāmā griezes momenta vērtība. Maksimālais griezes moments nosaka spēkratu reālās potenciālās vilces iespējas.
Spēkratu teorijas termini (2006)
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