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Izmantojiet zvaigznīti * vārda daļu meklēšanai (piemēram, dator* vai *pratība)
Jūs meklējāt
ground axe
Atrasti 239 termini
1999 Gothenburg Protocol to Abate Acidification, Eutrophication and Ground-level Ozone
above-ground biomass
above-ground building
above-ground high-growing crop
above-ground low-growing crop
above-ground storage
aircraft ground movement
air-ground communication
air-ground interface
air-ground point-to-point data communication
air-to-ground communication
arcing ground
arc-over ground fault
average ground pressure
axe with a ground edge
backbone ground track
bank ground
banking ground
bathing ground
below-ground biomass
below-ground biomass growth
birthing ground
boggy ground
breeding ground
capacitance to ground
clayey sand ground
condition of the ground
confined ground water
contact with the ground
controlled ground area
creeping [ground] fire
dead ground
dead ground fault
directional ground. relay
double ground fault
double-ground short-circuit
double line to ground fault
double-line-to-ground fault
double line-to-ground fault
drinking ground
dumping ground
electrically independent ground electrode
feeding ground
first [ground] coat
fishing ground
fitness of the ground
floor area (space), callisthenic ground
football ground, pitch
foot flat on the ground
functional ground
granting indefinite leave to remain on the ground of long residence
ground advertising
ground attack aircraft
ground axe
ground-based air defence
ground-based augmentation system
ground[-based] electrical equipment
ground biomass
ground brace
ground buffer
ground bus
ground busbar
ground cherry
ground clamp
ground clearance
ground coat
ground conditions
ground conductor
ground contact pressure
ground earth station
ground[ed] circuit
ground effect
ground electrode
ground equipment
ground factor
ground fault
ground fault current
ground [fault] detector
ground-fault neutralizer
ground fault protection
ground fish species
ground flying trainer
ground floor
ground for a decision
ground for invalidity
ground for non-registrability
ground for refusal of registration
ground for the decision
ground-generated sediment
ground-glass female joint
ground glass insert
ground-glass joint
ground-glass socket
ground-glass stopper
ground handling
ground-handling services
ground hurdling
ground indication relay
ground indicator
ground[ing] electrode
ground insulation
ground yarding
ground jacket joint
ground leakage
ground level chip silo
ground level concentration
ground-level ozone
ground litter
ground loop
ground (mat) tumbler
ground moraine
ground movement
ground-necked flask
ground of annulment of marriage
ground of equity
ground on which a marriage is void
ground on which a marriage is voidable
ground pipe
ground plate
ground (platform) tumbling
ground power unit
ground pressure
ground property
ground pumice
ground reaction
ground resistance meter
ground risk buffer
ground rod
ground services
ground shark
ground sheet
ground shells
ground system
ground skidding
ground source heat pump
ground staff
ground staff (stadium)
ground storage
ground strip
ground temperature
ground terminal
ground thinning
ground tint
ground-to-air communication
ground track
ground truth
ground vehicles
ground visibility
ground water
ground-water level
ground water movement
ground-water table
ground wave
ground wire
ground wood paper
ground work
heavy ground (underfoot)
helicopter ground taxiway
helicopter ground TWY
hilly ground
holding ground
hollow-ground saw
hub height above ground
Integrated Unmanned Ground Systems 2
Integrated Unmanned Ground System (UGS)
intermittent ground fault
keeping the ball on the ground (low)
lay the ground colour
lateral simulated ground plane
legal assignment of ground
level ground
line-to-ground capacitance
line to ground voltage
loamy ground
lose contact with the ground
low ground
Main Ground Combat System
marshy ground
marshy [swampy] ground
mating ground
mean ground plane
multiple ground fault
multiplying ground
nesting ground
open undulating ground
operational ground
[overhead] ground wire
ground axe
phase-to-ground clearance
phase-to-ground insulation
phase-to-ground short-circuit
phase-to-ground voltage
portable ground electrode
pressure on ground
prohibited ground
prohibited ground of discrimination
protected ground
protected ground of discrimination
protective ground
Protocol to Abate Acidification, Eutrophication and Ground-level Ozone
Protocol to the 1979 Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution to Abate Acidification, Eutrophication and Ground-level Ozone
pupping ground
remote ground
resting ground
restricted ground fault protection
rotor ground fault protection
safety ground
sandy ground
separate ground electrodes
settling ground
single line to ground
single line-to-ground fault
[single] phase-to-ground fault
soft ground etching
solid ground
solid ground fault
spawning ground
sports ground
Spotted Ground Gecko
static ground wire
stator ground fault protection
temporary ground
theory of ground vehicles
type of ground
to ground
two-phase-to-ground fault
unbroken contact with the ground (walking)
[under]ground water
undulating ground (terrain)
vertical simulated ground plane
working of seed into the ground
worm ground by cone wheel
worm ground by toroidal wheel
ground (mat) tumbler
akrobāts lēcējs (sporta akrobātika)
акробат-прыгун (на дорожке)
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