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Izmantojiet zvaigznīti * vārda daļu meklēšanai (piemēram, dator* vai *pratība)
Jūs meklējāt
heat map
Atrasti 278 termini
added heat
adiabatic heat drop
air-to-water heat exchanger
ambient heat
available heat
available heat drop
block heat and power plant
bulk heat treatment
chargeable heat
chemical heat treatment
cycle heat
cogenerated heat
cogeneration of heat and electricity
coil heat exchanger
combined electricity/heat production
combined heat and power
combined heat and power generation
combined heat and power installation
combined heat and power plant
combined heat and power production
combined heat and power station
combined production of heat and power
combustion heat
concurrent heat exchanger
convective heat exchange
convective heat-exchange bundle
convective heat transfer
countercurrent heat exchanger
cross-flow heat exchanger
dead heat
delivered heat
density of heat flux
diesel pre-heat
direct-contact heat exchanger
evaporation heat
evaporation heat of liquid
frictional heat
fusion heat
gas-gas heat exchanger
gas turbine with heat recovery
geothermal heat pump
gross average heat rate of a unit
ground source heat pump
heat absorbing surface
heat absorption
heat absorption capacity
heat abstraction
heat accumulator
heat and mass transfer
Heat and pressure transfer fluids in dispersive, professional use but closed systems
heat availability factor
heat balance
heat-balance equation
heat balance in drying
heat benchmark sub-installation
heat boundary layer
heat capacity
heat carrier
heat-carrying fluid
heat conductance
heat conduction
heat conductivity
heat conductivity coefficient
heat conductivity factor
heat conductor
heat consumer
heat content
heat content entropy chart
heat convection
heat delivery
heat detector
heat dissipation
heat drop
heat dumping
heat efficiency
heat-electric generating plant
heat-electric generating station
heat embossing press
heat emission
heat endurance
heat energy
heat engine
heat engineer
heat engineering
heat equipment
heat exchange
heat exchange equipment
heat exchanger
heat-exchange surface
heat flow
heat flow control layer
heat flow meter
heat flow rate
heat flux
heat generator
heat indicating paint
heat[ing] test
heat-insulating material
heat insulation
heat insulation board
heat irradiation
heat leader
heat leakage
heat liberation
heat load
heat loss
heat loss[es]
heat loss factor
heat map
heat meter
heat meter for control
heat of adsorption
heat of crystallization
heat of fusion
heat of melting
heat of reaction
heat of vaporization
heat output
heat peak
heat [pipe-]line
heat pollution
heat potencial
heat power
heat power engineering
heat-power equipment
heat[-producing] nuclear reactor
heat production
heat productivity
heat-proof material
heat-proof varnish
heat pump
heat pump space heater
Heat Pumps skills partnership
heat purchase agreement
heat radiation
heat reclamation
heat recovery
heat recovery boiler
heat recovery system
heat recovery steam generator
heat recuperation
heat-reflecting surface
heat regeneration
heat regenerator
heat-related historical activity level
heat release
heat-releasing surface
heat removal
heat requirement
heat reservoir
heat resistance
heat resistance finishing paints
heat resistant cable
heat-resistant steel
heat-resisting materials
heat setting
heat-setting resin
heat shield
heat shock
heat-shock protein
heat signature
heat sink
heat source
heat stability
heat storage
heat stress
heat supply
heat [supply] network
heat supply system
heat technology
heat (thermal) ageing
heat transfer
heat-transfer agent
heat transfer agent
heat-transfer behavior
heat-transfer coefficient
heat transfer coefficient
heat-transfer factor
heat-transfer fluid
heat transfer fluid
heat-transfer medium
heat transfer medium
heat-transfer resistance
heat-transfer surface
heat transmission
heat transport
heat-treating furnace
heat treatment
heat-treatment furnace
heat treatment of fibreboards
heat value
heat wave
heat weight
high heat value
*in-out flow of heat
internal heat gain
Joule heat
keep away from heat, hot surfaces, sparks, open flames and other ignition sources
Keep away from heat/sparks/open flames/hot surfaces. – No smoking.
latent heat
local[ized] [partial] heat treatment
low heat value
measurable heat
melting heat
micro-combined heat and power
multipass heat exchanger
multi-pipe heat exchanger
multi-pipe heat extractor
net average heat rate of a unit
nominal heat output
non-measurable heat
non-solar heat contribution
output taxation of heat
passive flue gas heat recovery device
passive flue heat recovery device
phase transformation heat
phase transition heat
plate[-type]heat exchanger
power and heat generation
power and heat supply
power-to-heat ratio
process heat
protection against heat
radiant heat exchange
radiant heat-transfer coefficient
radiative heat exchange
radiative heat transfer
rated heat output
rated heat output capacity
recuperative heat exchanger
reflected heat
regenerative heat exchanger
regenerative heat recovery
residual heat
resistance to heat
reversible heat pump
run-around heat recovery system
sale of heat
solar heat collector
solar heat gain
solar heat gain coefficient
solar heat gain factor
solar heat seed husking establishment
solar industrial process heat
solid fuel heat generator
specific heat
specific-heat capacity
specific heat capacity
spray-type heat exchanger
steady heat exchange
steady-state heat exchange
steady-state heat transfer
sun heat
superheating heat
surface heat exchanger
surface heat treatment
surplus heat
tube-type heat exchanger
ultra heat treatment
unsteady heat transfer
urban heat island effect
useful heat
useful heat output
vacuum heat treatment
vaporization heat
waste heat
waste heat boiler
waste-heat boiler
waste-heat equipment
waste-heat loss[es]
waste-heat recovery
waste heat recovery
waste heat recovery boiler
waste heat utilization
heat flow
heat flux
thermal flow
siltuma plūsma
тепловой поток
heat flow
heat flux
thermal flow
siltuma plūsma
Latviešu-angļu enerģētikas un elektrotehnikas vārdnīca — 2006
heat flux
siltuma plūsma
тепловой поток
Mehānikas terminoloģijas vārdnīca. — R., LNMK, 1997
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