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«Terminoloģijas Jaunumi»
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Akadēmiskā terminu datubāze
LV latviešu
EN angļu
RU krievu
DE vācu
FR franču
LA latīņu
Izmantojiet zvaigznīti * vārda daļu meklēšanai (piemēram, dator* vai *pratība)
Jūs meklējāt
hot word
Atrasti 213 termini
adjectivized word
adverbialized word*
adverbial subordinate word group*
alphabetic word
alphanumeric word
analytic word form
analogue of coordinative word group*
analogue of subordinate word-group*
anaphoric word
autosemantic word
auxiliary word
bad word
bad word supervision policy
basic word
binary word
buzz word
clipped word
colloquial word
combined subordinate word-group *
compound subordinate word-group*
compound word
computer word
conjunctive word
context word
coordinated word group*
coordinative word group
deictic word
deonymic word
derivational dialect word
derived word
dialect word
direct word order
double word
entry word
exact word extraction dictionary
exact word part extraction dictionary
explanatory word group*
Finno-Ugric word
fixed word-group
flectional word-formation
foreign word
formal variant of a word*
four-letter word
free word order
generalizing word *
head (guide) word
heteroclitic word
hot word
identifier word
independent word
instruction word
interlinear (word for word) translation
international word
inverted word order
key word
key word index
level of word-formation
loan word
machine word
Microsoft® Office Word 2007
Microsoft® Office Word 2007 (Home and Student version)
Microsoft® Office Word Mobile
Microsoft® Word 2019
Microsoft Office LTSC Word
Microsoft Office LTSC Word 2021
Microsoft Office Word 2021
Microsoft Word
Microsoft Word 2010
Microsoft Word 2013
Microsoft Word 2021
Microsoft Word for iPad
Microsoft Word for Mac
Microsoft Word Home and Student 2010
Microsoft Word LTSC
Microsoft Word on the web
Microsoft Word Starter 2010
modal word
monolingual word sense alignment
monosyllable word
morphological dialect word
morphological word-formation pattern
motivation word*
multisyllable word
multi-word term
neutral word order
noise word
nomenclature word
nominal subordinate word-group*
nonce word
non-literary word
numeric word
obscene word
obsolete word
occasional word
Office LTSC Word
Office LTSC Word 2021
Office Word 2021
omitted word
onomatopoetic word
parasite word
part-of-sentence [word-]group*
phonetic dialect word
phonetic word
prepositional word-combination
[program] word
quasi-international word*
regional word
reserved word
rigid word order
semantic change of word*
semantic shift of word*
semantic structure of word
semantic word-formation pattern
sensitive word
sensitive word list
signal word
simple subordinative word-group *
simple word
synsemantic word
syntactic word-formation pattern
synthetic word form
slang word
slovenly slang word
software applications: word processing, spreadsheets, database management, communication, statistical analysis
spoken word
stop word
subject word
subject-word entry
subordinate word-group
substantivized word
suitcase word
suppletive word form
taboo word
target word
verbal subordinate word-group*
vulgar word
wake word
weighted word
weighted word count
Word 2016
word alignment
word aphasia
word blindness
word breaker
word cloud
word constituent
word count
Word Dictation
word embedding
Word Error Rate
word extraction dictionary
Word Flow
Word Flow with shape writing
Word for Android
Word for iPad
Word for iPad, iPhone and iPod touch
word form
Word for Mac
word-formation affix
word-formation chain*
word-formation function
word-formation meaning*
word-formation means
word-formation model
word-formation nest*
word-formation pattern*
word-formation system
word-formation stem*
word-formation type
word formative
Word for Microsoft 365
Word for Microsoft 365 for Mac
Word for the web
word-for-word translation
word generation
word group
word-group term*
word guide card
Word Home and Student 2010
word length
word mark
Word Mobile
Word Mobile Viewer
Word Object Model
word of argot
word-of-mouth advertising
word-of-mouth marketing
Word on the web
word-organized storage
word part extraction dictionary
Word Prediction
word processing
word processing program
word processor
word sense disambiguation
word size
word space (spacing)
word stem
word stemming
word stock
word wrap
Word XML Format
compound word
salikts vārds
сосотавное слово [с дефисом]
Latviešu-angļu-vācu-krievu poligrāfijas un izdevējdarba terminu vārdnīca — R., LITTA, 1995
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