Pirmdiena, 13. janvāris
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«Terminoloģijas Jaunumi»
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Izmantojiet zvaigznīti * vārda daļu meklēšanai (piemēram, dator* vai *pratība)
Jūs meklējāt
in person
Atrasti 263 termini
accident to person
*accountable person
*accountable person card
accused person
ace person
activity as an employed person
activity as a self-employed person
activity as self-employed person
adoption by one person
alert on unknown wanted person
aromantic person
asexual person
associated person
associate of an accused person
associate of a person convicted of a criminal offence
at-risk person
authorised person
authorising person
authorized person
autistic person
auxiliary of person (in UDC)
blind person
boarder crossing person
bogus self-employed person
care-dependent person
certificated person
certificate of status of taxable person
certified taxable person
concerned person
connected person
contact person
controlled legal person
convicted person
deaf person
deceased person
declaration in the name of another person
deduction for a disabled person
dependent person
deposit payable to a particular person
designated person
dignity of the human person
disabled person
disappeared person
displaced person
distribution per employed person
divorced person
economically inactive person
elderly person
electronic person
employed person
established taxable person
estate of a deceased person
EU non-registered person
exposed person
externally displaced person
fiduciary person
*financially responsible person
fit and proper person requirement
fitness of a person
forcibly displaced person
foreign self-employed person
Genderbread person
genuinely self-employed person
genuine self-employed person
guide (person)
handicapped person
heterosexual person
homeless person
identifiable natural person
identifiable person
inactive person
independent person of standing
inherent dignity of the human person
in person
in-person learning
in-person meeting
in-person training
insured person
insured (person)
integrity of the person
intellectually disabled person
interested person
internally displaced person
internationally protected person
intersex person
*involved person
young person
juridical person
lay person
law-abiding person
learning disabled person
legal person
legal person governed by private law
legal person governed by public law
liaison person
listed person or entity
low-skilled person
marriage of a seriously ill person who is not expected to recover
married person
mentally disabled person
mentally handicapped person
missing person
missing person case
natural or legal person having the nationality of a Member State
natural person
non-active person
non-binary person
non-established taxable person
non-taxable legal person
non-taxable person
not being a proper person to act
official person
old person
one-person business
one-person company
one-person corporation
one person household
pansexual person
partially sighted person
person accorded international protection
person admitted in accordance with a national resettlement scheme
person at risk
person carrying tax[es]
person concerned
person concerned by the decision
person contravening the law
person covered by a final decision rejecting an application for international protection
person covered by a first instance decision rejecting an application for international protection
person eligible for subsidiary protection
person employed by the Commission
person empowered to solemnise a marriage
person enjoying subsidiary protection
person enjoying temporary protection
person entity
person entitled to appeal
person entitled to a reserved share
person entitled to receive royalty
person entitled to survivor's pension
person forming part of a couple
person granted international protection
person holding account
person identification data
person in arrears
person in charge
person in clear need of international protection
person liable for payment of customs debt
person liable for payment of tax
person liable to duty
person liable to make payment
person liable to make payments
person living in frontier zone
person lodging complaint
person-machine interface
person not subject to VAT
person obliged to aliment
person of concern
person of concern to UNHCR
person of free professions
person of good repute
person of liberal professions
person operating an unmanned aircraft
person outside the labour force
person owed an obligation of aliment
person performing platform work
person professionally arranging or executing transactions
person proficient in surrival craft
person record
person registered as proprietor
person registered for the purpose of conducting an admission procedure
person relationship
person remanded in custody
person residing without authorisation
person responsible for financial settlement
person's address for service
person's dignity*
person seeking work
person seriously injured
person slightly injured
person-type entity
person-to-person lending
person-to-person payment
person-to-person spread of disease
person-to-person transfer
person-to-person transfer of crypto-assets
person-to-person transfer of funds
person-to-person transmission
person to whom services are supplied
person undeserving of international protection
person wanted for arrest
person who inputs information
person who is blind
person who is deaf
person who uses drugs
person with a disability
person with a duty to maintain
person with a learning disability
person with an intellectual disability
person with authority to solemnise a marriage
person with autism
person with a visual impairment
person with learning difficulties
person with reduced mobility
person working through platforms
physical person
physical person deposit
politically exposed person
potentially excludable person
print-disabled person
private person
pursued person
reasonable person
registration certificate of a VAT taxable person
regulatory contact person
relevant person
reporting person
representative person
requested person
resettled person
responsible person
retired person
revocation of a declaration that a person is a refugee
right to the integrity of the person
self-employed person
self-occupied person
separated person
seriously injured person
services to the person
single person
stateless person
status of the person elected
succession to the estate of a deceased person
surrender of a person
suspected person
taxable person
taxable person established
taxable person not established
taxable person not established in the territory
taxable person not established within the Community
taxable person to whom the goods are supplied
tax status [of the person]
temporary transfer of a person in custody
third person in insurance
to arrest a person
to enter a sum to a person’s account — pārskaitīt naudas summu kontā
to exempt a taxable person
to safeguard a person's interests
Towards person-centred integrated care
trafficked person
transgender person
trans person
undocumented person
unemployed person
unmarried person
VAT non-liable person
VAT taxable person
very important person
Very Important Person, VIP
vulnerable person
wanted person
whereabouts of the person
widowed person
pansexual person
panseksuāla persona
pansexueller Mensch
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