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LV latviešu
EN angļu
RU krievu
DE vācu
FR franču
LA latīņu
Izmantojiet zvaigznīti * vārda daļu meklēšanai (piemēram, dator* vai *pratība)
Jūs meklējāt
ink table
Atrasti 273 termini
action table
aerodrome climatological table
age-class table
air-cushion table
AL Table Proxy Generator
amortization table
assembly table
at the foot of the table (team)
*auxiliary table
auxiliary table
balance table
band sawing machine with table
band saw table
bare table
base table
bill of fare / table d'hote
body of a table
Boolean operation table
butt joint with dovetail table
butt joint with splayed table
cell of a table
*chessboard-type table
child table
circular saw bench with travelling table
circular table
classification table
collapsible table
color look-up table
color table
*combined table
common reporting format table
common reporting table
complete table
compound rotary table
concordance table
contingency table
conversion table
corner table
*correlation table
correlation table
cost rate table
CRF table
custom table
data table
decision table
decision table testing
delivery table
derived table
detailed table
dimension table
distributed routing table
double-turn table
draw table
Economic and Finance Committee - Financial Stability Table
EDP notification table
EFC Financial Stability Table
engraving table
etching table
EU-Brazil Civil Society Round Table
EU-Brazil Round Table
EU-China Round Table
EU-India Round Table
European Round Table
European Round Table of Industrialists
evaluation table of difficulty
evaluation table of vaulting
event table
expenditure and income table
extended side table
*extended table (in BBC)
external table
extraction table
fact table
federated table
feed table
felling table
file allocation table
folding table
folio table
foot of the table
foreign table
fourfold table
freight calculation table
from farm to table
from stable to table
front table
gathering table
genealogical table
general table of faults
go close to the table
ground-water table
grouping table
group table
GUID partition table
hash table
hash table search
imposing stone (surface, table)
imposing table
India-EU Round Table
ink table
Ink to Table
input-output table
International Agreement on Olive Oil and Table Olives, 1986
International Agreement on Olive Oil and Table Olives, 2005
International Agreement on Olive Oil and Table Olives, 2015
jarring table
joggling table
jolt table
jumping table, high table (gymnastics table)
junction table
layout table
linked table
Linked Table Manager
linking table
locked-up table
logging table
longitudinal table
look-up table
lounge table
main table
make-ready table
make-table query
Make Table query
master file table
master table
match calendar, fixture table (list)
minor official's table
*model of statistical table
molding table
movable table
names table
nested table
notification table
operation table
parent table
preliminary table of contents
primary dimension table
primary table
printing table
publishing table
*punched table-card
quern table
reciprocating-table horizontal-spindle surface grinding machine
reference table
Regional Table of the Stability Pact
remote table
repeating table
retouching and mounting (planning) table
retouch table
roll-over table
rotary-table milling machine
rotary table vertical-spindle surface grinding machine
rotatable (rotary-axis) table
rotatable (rotary) table
rotatable table
rotating table
round table
round table discussion
round table meeting
route table
routing table
Routing Table Protocol
running resistance table
scorer's table
service table
sharded table
side-table service / English service
system table
slewing (swivel) table
slewing table
sliding table
South-Eastern Europe Regional Table
sparing table
staging table
standardized time-table of production
standing (in the table)
state table
statistical table
stitching table
stock table
subject of statistical table
Sub-Table on Justice and Home Affairs
Sub-Table on Security and Defence
summary table
supply table(s)
Swedish vaulting table
switch in table
switch out table
*table accounting
table band-sawing machine
table constraint
table data region
Table Designer
table header
Table Hierarchy
table lamp
table land
table-level constraint
Table List
table lock
table look-up
table lookup
table name
*table of accounts
table of contents
table of correlation
table of figures
table of moulding
table of rates
table of results, tournament table
table of services
table of value (difficulty)
table of vaults
table of А, В, С, D, E and F parts
table-oriented database management program
table rates
table reference
table return movement
table round
table scan
table showcase
table size
table slicer
table stroke (travel)
table-top exercise
table-top sweetener
table (tournament)
table-valued function
table vibrator
table wine
table work
tax table
temporal table
temporary table
temp table
tentative table of contents
tilt table angle
time table
time-table plan
tour de table
tournament table
tournament table, table of results
train time-table
transaction commit sequence table
trimming table
trunnion-[type] table
truth table
turn[ing] table
turn-over table
turn table
underlying table
under-the-table payment
use table
valid time state table
vibrating table
vibration table
video look-up table
volume table
volumetric table
water table
water table aquifer
Working Table on Democratisation and Human Rights
Working Table on Economic Reconstruction, Cooperation and Development
Working Table on Security Issues
working time table
work table
X-table data
body of a table
Latviešu-angļu-vācu-krievu poligrāfijas un izdevējdarba terminu vārdnīca — R., LITTA, 1995
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Latvijas Zinātņu akadēmija