Ceturtdiena, 9. janvāris
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Latvijas Nacionālo terminoloģijas portālu
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«Terminoloģijas Jaunumi»
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LV latviešu
EN angļu
RU krievu
DE vācu
FR franču
LA latīņu
Izmantojiet zvaigznīti * vārda daļu meklēšanai (piemēram, dator* vai *pratība)
Jūs meklējāt
input value
Atrasti 162 termini
agricultural input
asynchronous input/output
asynchronous input-output
assessment input
atmospheric input
auxiliary input
Basic Input/Output System
Basic Input Output System
brake input device
brake input threshold torque
brake input torque
component input
composite input
data input
data input sheet
data input station
deferred input VAT
dual input adapter
effective power input
employee labour input at constant compensation
energy input
exemption without the right to deduct input tax
exemption without the right to deduct input VAT
exemption with the right to deduct input tax
exemption with the right to deduct input VAT
fan power input
freshwater input
gestural input
glove-based input
glove input
glove input device
graphic input
information input
input (adjective)
input/output port
input adapter
input admittance
Input and output
input area
input capacitance
input cell
input characteristic
input circuit
input control
input costs
input current
input data
input (data)
input device
input documents
input domain
input (driving) link
input energizing quantity
input energy
input error
input file
input focus
input gene
input impedance
input information
input language
input mask
input material
input medium
input member
input message
input method editor
input nozzle
input of organic solvent
input-output (adjective)
input-output analysis
input-output bus
input-output channel
input-output device
input-output error
input-output framework
input-output interface
input-output processor
input-output register
input-output table
input-output tables
Input Panel
input power
input price
input primitive
input (process)
input-process-output chart
input pulse
input quantity
input resistance
input resolution
input scope
input session
input set
input signal
input signal spectrum
input sort
input sound pressure
input source
input stream
input tax
input terminal
input transformer
input unit
input value
input value
-added tax
input value
added tax
input variable
input VAT
input VAT charged
input voltage
irrecoverable input tax
labor input
labour input
*labour input per production unit
low-input economy
manual data input
manual information input
market-corroborated input
material input per unit*
Math Input Control
Math Input Panel
metal input per unit
*missing input
multi-touch input
NETwork Basic Input/Output System
NFC input
orb input device
parallel input/output
pen input
plastic input
power input
proportion of recoverable input tax
rated input power
rated thermal input
recoverable input tax
reduction of labour input
right to deduct input VAT
Simplified Molecular Input Line Entry System
solvent input
specific power input
specified input
speech input
standard input
statement on input tax
Tablet PC Input Panel
Tablet PC Input Panel icon
task input panel
test input
text input area
thermal input
to input information
total rated thermal input
touch input
transformation input
unobservable input
voice input
waste input
thermal input
apport thermique
puissance thermique
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