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Izmantojiet zvaigznīti * vārda daļu meklēšanai (piemēram, dator* vai *pratība)
Jūs meklējāt
interest [money]
Atrasti 215 termini
accrued interest
accumulated interest
actionable indication of interest
action of interest
agreement interest
AIDA - attention, interest, desire, action
apparent conflict of interest
Area of Special Conservation Interest
average nominal long-term interest rate
bank interest
basic risk-free interest rate term structure
best-interest-of-creditors test
broken period interest
call for expressions of interest
carried interest
centre of economic interest
centre of interest
centre of interest of the activities
collective interest
compound interest
conflict of interest
Contact Committee of the European Economic Interest Grouping (EEIG)
contract for pecuniary interest
contract interest
controlling interest
Council Directive 2003/48/EC of 3 June 2003 on taxation of savings income in the form of interest payments
criterion on the convergence of interest rates
cross-currency interest rate swaps
debt interest
debt servicing (interest, repayment)
declaration of Community interest
deductible debt interest
deductible interest under thin capitalisation rules
deductible interest under thin capitalization rules
default interest
determination of rate of interest
earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortisation
earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortisation
earnings before interest and tax
earnings before interest and taxes
economic interest
Economic Interest Grouping
Euribor interest rate
European Centre of Employers and Enterprises providing Public Services and Services of General Interest
European Economic Interest Grouping
European Interest Representation Number
excessive interest payment
financial interest
fixed interest
fixed rate of interest
Flemish Interest
floating interest rate
forward interest rate
forward interest-rate agreement
general economic interest
general interest services
growth-interest rate differential
imperative reason of overriding public interest
imperative requirements in the general interest
important project of common European interest
indefeasible interest
insurable interest
insurance interest
Interest and Royalties Directive
interest-based advertising
interest-bearing loan
interest burden
interest capacity
interest charge
interest cost
interest discount paper
interest due
interest expenditure
interest expense
interest free
interest free advance
interest free credit
interest-free deposit
interest-free loan
interest generated by pre-financing payments
interest group
interest [in]
interest in another entity
interest in bringing an action
interest income
interest yield
interest limitation
interest [money]
interest note
interest of outside shareholders
interest on arrears
interest on bank deposits
interest on bonds
interest on deposit
interest on deposits
interest on government bonds
interest on late payments
interest on loan capital
interest on loans
interest on pre-financing
interest payable
interest payment
interest period
interest rate
interest rate cap
interest rate collar
interest rate corridor
interest rate differential
interest rate floor
interest-rate future
interest rate future
interest rate-growth differential
interest rate on the marginal lending facility
interest rate option
interest rate reset date
interest rate risk
interest rate risk sub-module
interest rate spread
interest rate subsidies
interest rate subsidy
interest rate swap option
interest rate swap rate
interest-rate swaps
interest rate swaps
interest rate term structure
interest rebate
interest representation
interest representative
interest subsidy
investors' interest
invitation to confirm interest
Joint European Forum for Important Projects of Common European Interest
key interest rate
late interest
late payment interest
lawful interest
legitimate interest
lending interest rate
Libor interest rate
loan interest
low-interest credit
Maritime Area of Interest
Maritime Area of Interest Coordination Cell
matter of common interest
Meeting of the ACP-EU Economic and Social Interest Groups
moral interest
mutual interest
national interest
natural interest rate
Nauru Agreement Concerning Cooperation in the Management of Fisheries of Common Interest
negative interest rate
nominal interest rate
non-controlling interest
non-interest-bearing deposit
non-interest credit
notional interest deduction
official interest rate
option on interest rates
originator's interest
overdraft interest
overnight interest rate
overriding public interest
overriding reasons relating to the public interest
ownership interest
participating interest
penal interest rate
penalty interest
People of interest
Permanent Group on Services of General Interest
Permanent Study Group on Services of General Interest
personal interest
principal and interest
private interest
project of common interest
project of Energy Community interest
protection of public interest
Protocol on services of general interest
public interest assessment
public-interest entity
Public Interest Oversight Board
rate of interest
reference interest rate
retained interest
retained net economic interest
SARS-CoV-2 variant of interest
savings on interest expenditure
service of general economic interest
services of general economic interest
services of general interest
simple interest
single-currency interest-rate swap
social services of general interest
Special interest
special interest-bearing loan
stock of common interest
Strategic Forum for Important Projects of Common European Interest
Strategic Forum on Important Projects of Common European Interest
substance of interest
taxation of savings income in the form of interest payments
taxing interest
term structure of interest rates
Thematic study group on Services of General Interest
to borrow money at high interest
to collect interest
to deduct interest
to invest money at interest
to tax the receipt of interest
to transfer the beneficial interest
tourism attraction / place of interest
variable interest rate
variant of interest
vested interest
vital interest
option on interest rates
interest rate option
procentu likmes iespējas līgums
Option auf Zinsbasis
option sur taux d'intérêt
option sur taux
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