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Terminu datubāze
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«Terminoloģijas Jaunumi»
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Izmantojiet zvaigznīti * vārda daļu meklēšanai (piemēram, dator* vai *pratība)
Jūs meklējāt
job file
Atrasti 414 termini
abstracts file
ACCDE file
access to the Commission's file
accounting file
acquisitions file
active file
Active Substance Master File
active substance master file certificate
additional quality master file
ADE file
alain reference file
amendments file
analysis file
analysis work file
answer file
application configuration file
application definition file
application file
archived file
archive file
assurance engagement file
assurance file
audio file
authority file
automatic file restore
auxiliary file
backup file
BAK file
batch file
batch file transfer
BAT file
binary file
binary file transfer
binary format file
BIND boot file
blunt flat file
BMP file
buddy file
.cab file
cabinet file
cache file
card file
Catalog Maintenance Request file
CDIF transfer file
CD-ROM File System
closed file
close the file on the complaint
cloud file
CMR file
coarse file
COM file
comma-delimited file
comma delimited file
comma-delimited text file
comma-separated file
comma-separated value file
comma-separated values file
Common Internet File System
Compact Disc File System
compiled binary file
compound file
COM-structured storage file
concordance file
config file
configuration file
connected file
corrupted file
critical file
cross-border file
CSV import file
cumulative file
current file editing
DAC package file
database file
data connection file
data file
[data] file
dead file
dead-smooth file
dedicated file
default data file
delimited text file
delta file
destination file
direct access file
distributed file system
dynamic-link library file
.dll file
donor file
dot file
double file
drawing file
DTD file
Edge Subscription file
Efficient File Storage
Efficient File Transfer
electronic file transfer access method
elementary file
end-of-file label
end of file label
engagement file
ETIAS application file
executable file
EXE file
.exe file
fee for the inspection of the file
file/registry virtualization
file adapter
file allocation
file allocation table
File and Folder Backup wizard
File and Registry Virtualization
File as Printout
file attachment control
file attribute
file attributes
file backup
file-based imaging
file base name
File Block
file carving
*file certificate
file compression
file control block
file conversion
file copy
file cover
file creation
(file) cut
file cut
file deletion
file description
file descriptor
file differential backup
file DSN
*file editor
file (electronic resources)
File Explorer
file extension
file filter
file fork
file format
file formation
file fragmentation
file grooming
file handle
file handler
file handler application
file header
File History
file in the case
file label
file layout
file list
file locking
file maintenance
file management
file management program
file management system
file manager
File managers
file mapping
file-mapping object
File menu
file name
file name extension
file of classification decisions
file pair
file picker
file plan
file property
file protection
file-protection ring
file protect ring
file recovery
file replication service
file restore
file revisions
file rollover
file security
file server
File Server for Macintosh
File Service Protocol
File Set Descriptor
file share witness
file sharing
file sharing program
file size
file system
file system cache
file storage
file structure
*file title
file type
file transfer (in networking)
file transfer
file transfer, access and management
File Transfer, Access and Management protocol
file transfer and access management
File Transfer Protocol
file updating
file viewer
fixed file location
fixed-width text file
flat file
flat-file database management program
flat file directory
format file
form definition file
form template file
full file replacement
global file
grater file
half-round file
header file
hibernation file
Hibernation File Cleaner
hidden file
hierarchical file system
High Efficiency Image File Format
high performance file system
high-performance file system
hot file
HTML file
*illustrated file
image file
import file parse
indexed sequential file
Indian file
individual file
.inf file
information file
.ini file
initialization file
input file
.ins file
Instant File Initialization
interinstitutional file number
Internet settings file
inverted file
ISV.config file
job file
lat file
library file
licensed file
Live File System
load file
local file
*local lore file
*local newspaper file
location file
location record file
locked file
log file
logon file
long file name
main file
mapped file
march in file
master file
master file table
master reference file
MDE file
media file
memory mapped file
metadata file
*microcopy file
microfilm file
Microsoft Access data file
mirror file
mounted file system
movie file
multi-file account
multipart file
native file
needle file
Network File System
newspaper file
NTFS file system
object file
ODC file
Office 365 Extra File Storage
Office 365 Extra File Storage for faculty
Office 365 Extra File Storage for Small Business
Office 365 Extra File Storage (Government Pricing)
Office compatibility definition file
Office data connection file
Office File Validation
official file
offline cube file
offline folder file
one-year file
on-hand file
online file storage
oobe.xml file
orphan file
output file
package definition file
page file
paging file
periodicals file
personal file
personal file of the official
pharmacovigilance system master file
planned file revisions
Platform Technology Master File
police file
*polythematic illustrated file
PostScript file
product file
product information file
profile file
program file
protected file
proxy auto-config file
punched card file
random access file
range, rank (file, order, line) (military)
raw file
Raw File destination
Raw File source
receive file
*regional studies file
replication file
resident's file
resource file
Resource Interchange File Format
*review file
revolving card file
rider file
rollover file
root zone file
rotary file
rotating card file
round file
saw teeth equalization by file
script file
seed file
self-extracting file
send file
setup initialization file
shared file
sharer file
sidecar [file]
signature file
system file
skin definition file
smart file
smooth file
sound file
source code configuration file
source file
sparse file
special file
squad file formation
square file
standby file
stash file
stream format file
stream-oriented file
subject heading file
*subject subheading file
subscription file
swap file
tagged image file format
taper flat file
tax file
tax file number
temp file
template file
temporary file
tender file
test file
text file
*thematic card file
.theme file
.themepack file
three-square (three-cornered) file
title file
to file a declaration
to file a monthly VAT tax returns
to file an annual return
to file an income tax return
to file a report
to file a tax return
to file monthly VAT returns
torrent file
trace file
transaction file
transaction log file
translations file
Trivial File Transfer Protocol
undo file
union file
unique file
update file
vaccine platform technology master file
vertical card file
smart file
intelligente Datei
fichier intelligent
A file that is only available when a device is connected to the Internet so that the file’s data uses little space in the device’s storage.
Microsoft Terminology 2023. Entry from the Microsoft Language Portal.
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Latvijas Zinātņu akadēmija