Pirmdiena, 23. decembris
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LV latviešu
EN angļu
RU krievu
DE vācu
FR franču
LA latīņu
Izmantojiet zvaigznīti * vārda daļu meklēšanai (piemēram, dator* vai *pratība)
Jūs meklējāt
lag angle
Atrasti 228 termini
acceptance angle
Ackerman steer angle
actual torso angle
acute angle
acute-angle scraper
advance angle
angle advance
angle between post and cross-bar
angle body (angle position)
angle-burin gouged from a blade
angle-burin with retouched curved end
angle cutter
angle drilling
angle gauge
angle (half lever) support position, L-balance support, L-support
angle indicator
angle iron
angle jump
angle of advance
angle of a grip
angle of a slope
angle of attack
angle of cutting edge
angle of deviation
angle of deviation between two e.m.f.'s
angle of divergence
angle of extinction
angle of friction
angle of geometric visibility
angle of incidence
angle of protection
angle of reflection
angle of refraction
angle of repose
angle of rotation
angle of shade
angle of take-off
angle of thread
angle of tooth gullet
angle of tooth point
angle of torsion (twist)
angle of total reflection
angle play
angle-ply layup
angle random walk
angle support
angle suspension tower
angle valve
approach angle
axial [back] relief angle
axial rake (angle)
back angle
baffle angle separator
bank angle
bending angle
bevel angle
blade angle
blade azimuth angle
blade pitch angle
blade's angle-burin
body angle
bouncing angle
Bragg angle
brush shift angle
canted angle
centre angle
characteristic angle
clearance angle
clear straddle support, clear support in astride, free straddle angle support, straddle half lever
collector angle
collector tilt angle
cone angle
contact angle
cover the angle
cut-off angle
cutting angle
cutting edge angle
cutting-point angle
dead angle
dead-end angle support
deflection angle
delay angle
departure angle
design seat-back angle
design torso angle
deviation angle
dielectric loss angle
diffraction angle
displacement angle
double-angle burin
double-angle [milling] cutter
double-angle point grinding
double-burin with end-retouch (middle-burin above, angle-burin beneath)
double-reduction right-angle reduction gear unit
Dutch angle
electric[al] angle
error angle
Eulerian angle
Eulerian angle of rotation
Euler['s] angle
exocentric angle
extinction angle
face cutting edge angle
feed motion angle
firing angle
first angle projection
flight path angle
flying angle support
free pointed angle support
free pointed angle support, followed by stoop through
free pointed angle support, from stoop through
front rake angle
geocentric angle
helix angle
helix angle on a drill
high angle fire
high angle shot
hip angle
hip angle quadrant
illumination angle
ILS glide path angle
incident angle of sound
inclination angle of a windscreen
installation angle
Instrument Landing System Glide Path Angle
interaxial angle
interfacial angle
internal angle of an alternator
lag angle
landing angle
lead angle
line angle
line screen angle
lip angle
load angle
load angle characteristic
loss angle
L-seat, angle sitting position (balance seat)
Mach angle
multistroke angle-burin with end-retouch
narrow-angle luminaire
nutation angle
oblique angle
obtuse angle
offset angle
overhang angle
phase angle
phase[-angle] control
phase shift angle
pitch angle
plane angle
pointed angle sitting
pointed angle sitting with legs pressed against forehead
pointed angle support
power-angle curve
precession angle
pressure angle
radial [peripheral] relief angle
radial rake angle
radiation angle
rake angle
rake angle of a windscreen
ramp angle
relief angle
resin blaze angle
resultant cutting speed angle
right angle
right-angle reduction gear unit
right-angle scraper
right-angle [speed] reducer
root cone angle (of teeth)
rotor angle stability
running angle support
saw teeth angle
scattering angle
seat back angle
setting angle
shaft angle
shear angle
shooting angle
side clearance angle
side-cutting edge angle
side rake angle
single-angle [milling] cutter
slope angle
solar altitude angle
solar azimuth angle
solar elevation angle
solar hour angle
solar zenith angle
solid angle
standard pressure angle
start angle
steering angle
strap angle
sweep angle
take-off angle
taper angle
third angle projection
threefold angle-burin with convex retouched upper end and concave lower end
throwing angle, angle of release
tilt angle
tilt table angle
tip cone angle (of teeth)
tool angle
tool cutting edge angle
tool included angle
tool lead [approach] angle
topocentric angle
torque angle
torque-angle curve
torso angle
trim angle
turning angle
twinning angle
twist angle
two-angle burin
two-angle burin with end-retouch
two shakes at an angle to each other
two-stage right-angle [speed] reducer
twostroke angle-burin with end-retouch
ultimate angle of twist
viewing angle
wedge angle
wetting angle
wide angle luminaire
bending angle
izlieces leņķis
угол изгиба
angle de flexion (de pliage)
J. Dolacis. Mežtehnikas, mežsaimniecības un kokrūpniecības terminu vārdnīca. — R., 1998
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