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LV latviešu
EN angļu
RU krievu
DE vācu
FR franču
LA latīņu
Izmantojiet zvaigznīti * vārda daļu meklēšanai (piemēram, dator* vai *pratība)
Jūs meklējāt
land tax
Atrasti 273 termini
abandoned land
afforested land
agrarian land
agricultural land
agricultural land[s]
agriculture, forestry and land use sectors
agriculture, forestry and other land use sector
allocation of land
allotment of land
arable land
artificial land
by land
brownfield land
built-over land
buying piece of land property
certified land surveyor
city land appraisal
city land valuation
clearing of land
combined land sector
combined land use and non-CO2 agriculture sector
common land
common land border
*common land[s]
commune land
confiscation of land
contaminated land
Convention for the Prevention of Marine Pollution from Land-Based Sources
Copernicus Land Monitoring Service
CORINE Land Cover
customary land
dead stop (landing), dead land
defence land
deforested land
degraded land
developable land
land tax
direct land use change
dividing up of land
drainage of forest land
EU Beyond Line Of Sight (BLOS) Land Battlefield Missile Systems
European Land Information Service
expropriation of land
fallow land
fallow (land)
(flank) wear land
flash land
flooded land
flood-land soil
forested land
forest land
*forest land[s]
free-for-all land
Glasgow Declaration on Forests and Land Use
Glasgow Leaders' Declaration on Forests and Land Use
grazing land
grazing land management
Holy Land Foundation for Relief and Development
idle land
indirect land use change
inner land-utilization system of a farm*
interfarm land-utilization system*
inundated [marshy, moss] land
lack of [arable] land
land accounting category
land acquisition, development and construction exposure
land allotment
land and buildings
Land and Sea Integrated Monitoring for Environment and Security
land appraisal
land assessed value
land assessed value of city
land attack
land awkwardly
land balance*
land bank
land-based betting
land-based bingo
land-based biofuel
land-based carbon removals
land-based climate change mitigation
land-based climate mitigation
land-based gambling
land-based gambling operator
land-based marine pollution
land-based mitigation
land-based motor vehicle
land-based net removals
land based pollution
land-based pollution
land-based removal
Land-Based Sources and Activities Protocol
Land-Based Sources Protocol
land-based water pollution
land base value
land base value of city
land book
land border
land border crossing point
land boundary
land breeze
land budget*
land cadastre
land conditioned sample value of city
land consolidation
land cover
land crossing point
land degradation
land degradation neutrality
*land dispute
land domain
land drainage
land earth station
land footprint
land forces
land frontier
land fund
land governance
land grabbing
land improvement
land law
land lying fallow
land market value
land mine
land mitigation unit
land mobile earth station
land mobile-satellite service
land mobile service
land mobile station
land mobility
land monitoring service
land occupation
land off the trampoline
*land of individual use
land on the right foot
land ownership relations
land parcel
Land Parcel Identification System
land plane
land policies
land pollutant
land pollution
land productivity
land quality evaluation
land real sample value of city
land recycling
land reclamation
land reform
land register
land registration
land registry
land rehabilitation
land rent
land reparcelling
land reserve[s]
land resistance
*land resources
land restitution
land restoration
land restructuring
land rights
land sample value
land sample value of city
land sealing
land sector
land shipment
land system
*land[s] of common use
land station
land storage
land subsidence
land surveyor
land take
land tax
land tax
land tenant
land tenure
land tenure plan
land [tenure] reform
land tenure rights
land (to)
land to a deadstop
land transport
land treatment
land turtle
land under cultivation
land use
land-use, land-use change and forestry
Land Use/Cover Area frame statistical Survey
Land Use and Coverage Area frame Survey
land-use category
land-use change
land use flexibility
land use planning
land user
land utilization
land-utilization system
land value tax
land value zone of city
land vehicle
land vehicles
land wheel
Latvian Land Cadastre Centre
Latvian Mortgage and Land Bank
lease of land
(long-) fallow land
low land forest
managed forest land
nationalisation of land
nationalization of land
native land
*new land[s]
no man's land
official land allotment
organization of the use of land
other wooded land
parcel of land
pasture (-land)
pasture land
plough land
pollution from land-based sources
populated land[s]
post-quarry land use
price of farm land
price of land
private land
Protocol against the Smuggling of Migrants by Land, Sea and Air, supplementing the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime
Protocol for the Protection of the Mediterranean Sea against Pollution from Land-based Sources and Activities
Protocol No 5 on the transit of persons by land between the region of Kaliningrad and other parts of the Russian Federation
Protocol No 5 to the 2003 Act of Accession on the transit of persons by land between the region of Kaliningrad and other parts of the Russian Federation
*provision with land
*public land
public land
radiolocation land station
radionavigation land station
reallotment of land
reclaimed land
recreational land[s]
restitution of land
rights to land
sample coefficient of city land utilisation
sample coefficient of land exploitation
severely degraded land
single-pupose land use
system of land exploitation
sound title to land
standards for good agricultural and environmental condition of land
standards of good agricultural and environmental condition of land
state land
State Land Board of the Republic of Latvia
state-owned land
state ownership of land
*state reserve land[s]
table land
tax on land value increment
title to land
to land cargo
*town-land economy
town land-utilization system*
uncultivated land
UN Protocol on Smuggling of Migrants by Land, Sea and Air
unutilised agricultural land
urban land
utilization of land resources
virgin land
viticultural land register
Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land, Fisheries and Forests
Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land, Fisheries and Forests in the Context of National Food Security
waste land
wooded land
Working Party on Land Transport
land frontier
sauszemes robeža
Angļu-latviešu muitas terminu vārdnīca — R., Jāņa sēta, 1997.
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