Ceturtdiena, 13. marts
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Latvijas Nacionālo terminoloģijas portālu
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«Terminoloģijas Jaunumi»
LZA TK termini atrodami
Akadēmiskajā terminu datubāzē AkadTerm
Vēlaties portāla jaunumus
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Norādiet savu adresi:
Pakalpojumu nodrošina
Akadēmiskā terminu datubāze
LV latviešu
EN angļu
RU krievu
DE vācu
FR franču
LA latīņu
Izmantojiet zvaigznīti * vārda daļu meklēšanai (piemēram, dator* vai *pratība)
Jūs meklējāt
local tax
Atrasti 234 termini
Additional Protocol to the European Charter of Local Self-Government on the right to participate in the affairs of a local authority
association of local authorities
Association of Local Democracy Agencies
CitiVERSE EDIC on Local Digital Twins
civil society organisations and local authorities
Civil Society Organisations and Local Authorities programme
Climate Summit of Local and Regional Leaders
community-led local development
community-led local development strategy
Conference of Regional and Local Authorities for the Eastern Partnership
Congress of Local and Regional Authorities
Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of Europe
Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe
Convention on the Participation of Foreigners in Public Life at Local Level
council of the district local government organisation
district local government organisation
domain local group
electric local space heater
Enterprise Local Exchange Carrier
EU Annual Regional and Local Barometer
Euro-Mediterranean Regional and Local Assembly
European Association for Local Democracy
European Charter of Local Self-government
European Local Energy Assistance
European Local Inclusion & Social Action Network
European Network of Regional and Local Councillors
European Network of Regional and Local Councillors – Bringing Europe to local communities
European Network of Regional and Local EU Councillors
European Regional and Local Health Authorities
Events and local dialogues
exemption from
local tax
full unbundled access to the local loop
ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability
indigenous and local communities
Indigenous Peoples and local communities
International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives
local (adj.)
local / specialized / excursion guide
local access to the law
Local Access Transport Area
local account
local acquisition
local action
local action group
local activators
local activity
local address administration
local administration
Local Administration Facility
local administrative unit
local administrators group
local anaesthesia
local anaesthetic
local and indigenous knowledge
local and regional authorities
local and regional body with special status
Local and Regional Digital Maturity Assessment
local annealing
local archives
Local Area Network
local-area wireless network
local assistant
local attack
local authority
local authority bill
local authority finances
local backup
local backup protection
local bank
local bioecological monitoring
local body
local border traffic
local border traffic permit
local border traffic regime
local branch of the bank
local budget
local bus
local community
local compaction
local computer
local conditions
local consular cooperation regarding visas
Local Content Diagnostic Provider
local continuous replication
local control
local coordinates
local corrosion
local council
Local Court
Local Criminal Court (minor offences | criminal division of Tribunal d'Instance)
local currency
local currency sovereign rating
local database
local digital twin
Local Digital Twin & Citiverse EDIC
local Distributor
local due
local due[s]
local earthquake
local echo
*local editions catalog
local effect
local election
local employment initiative
local energy community
local energy resources
local EU statement
Local Exchange Carrier
Local Experience Pack
local family tribunal
local file
local firm
local flight
local formatting
local formula
local frontier traffic
local govermnent
local governing council
local government
local group
local history
local history exhibition
local history gallery
local history museum
local history room
local income tax
local industry
Local Informatics Security Officer
local inhabitant
local interests
local[ized] [partial] heat treatment
local jurisdiction
local kind-of-activity units
local knowledge
local legislation
local lighting
local list (in UDC)
Local Lymph Node Assay
local loading (of a ring)
local loop
local lore collection
*local lore file
local machine
local market
local measure
local media
local messaging
local museum
*local newspaper file
local node number
local object
local override
Local Pack
local partitioned view
local planning
local pollution
local Presidency
local printer
local produces
local products
local public power system
local registration authority
local replica
local request number
local road*
local roads network
local routing
local Schengen cooperation
Local Scout
local sector council
Local Security Officer
local (selelctive) heating
local server
local service
local shock
Local Sync Agent
local space heater
local staff
local state
local statement
local store
local stress
local sub-loop
local subscription
local tariff
local tax
local tax
*local telephone communication
local tendency
local terminal
local test method
local train
local transaction
local user
local user profile
local valuation
local variable
local wine
luminous local space heater
member of the council of the district local government organisation
Members’ Local Assistance Financial Management Unit
municipality / local government / local authorities
Network of Associations of Local Authorities of South-East Europe
Northern Ireland Local Government Association
PCI local bus
placing the child in the care of a local authority
president of the council of the district local government organisation
radio local area network
regional and local authorities
Regional and Local Barometer
representative of local or regional authority
shared access to the local loop
shop like a local
"shop like a local" principle
strengthening of local policing capabilities
study of local history
substation local backup protection
substituting for local police forces
thematic programme on non-state actors and local authorities
thread local storage
tube local space heater
unbundled access to the local loop
Union of Local Businesses
United Cities and Local Governments
Urban Europe - Global Challenges, Local Solutions
User Local
VESA local bus
vice-president of the council of the district local government organisation
Virtual Local-Area Network
virtual local area network
Virtual Unbundled Local Access
wireless local area network
World Organisation of United Cities and Local Governments
local flight
vietējais lidojums
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