Otrdiena, 7. janvāris
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Izmantojiet zvaigznīti * vārda daļu meklēšanai (piemēram, dator* vai *pratība)
Jūs meklējāt
look through approach
Atrasti 220 termini
‘follow the money’ approach
‘net acquisitions’ approach
‘one-in, one-out’ approach
‘one substance, one assessment’ approach
‘whole-of-society’ approach
Ad Hoc Working Party on the implementation of the 'one substance, one assessment' approach to chemical safety assessments
administrative approach
Advanced Internal Ratings Based Approach
advanced measurement approach
all-hazards approach
Alternative Standardised Approach
approach an apparatus (to)
approach and landing operations with vertical guidance
approach angle
approach clearance
approach control
approach control service
approach control unit
approach procedure with vertical guidance
approach (trial)
approach velocity
audit approach
balanced approach
bar-band approach
basic indicator approach
bottom-up approach
capacity calculation approach
category approach
circling approach operation
Common Approach of the European Parliament, the Council of the EU and the European Commission on decentralised agencies
Common Approach on decentralised agencies
Common Approach on EU decentralised agencies
Community approach
community-based approach
comprehensive approach
Comprehensive Democracy Support Approach
Concept for an Integrated Approach on Climate Change and Security
concerted approach
connectionist approach
constrained discretion approach
constrained judgement approach
continuous monitoring approach
coordinated net transmission capacity approach
Council Declaration on the fight against antisemitism and the development of a common security approach to better protect Jewish communities and institutions in Europe
Council of Europe Convention on an Integrated Safety, Security and Service Approach at Football Matches and Other Sports Events
cross-curricular approach
cross-thematic approach
default valuation approach
double-track approach
dual approach to gender equality
duration-based approach
ecological approach
ecosystem approach
ecosystem-based approach to fisheries management
European Approach for Quality Assurance of Joint Programmes
European Integrated Approach on Return towards Third Countries
EU Strategic Approach to Women, Peace and Security
evidence-based approach
expected approach time
factorial approach
final approach
final approach fix
fixed price approach
flow based approach
formulaic approach
forward approach
Foundation Internal Ratings Based Approach
Framework for Resilient Development in the Pacific: An Integrated Approach to Address Climate Change and Disaster Risk Management
Friends of the Presidency Group (EU approach to international cultural relations)
funding gap approach
gender approach
gender-neutral approach
general approach
generic risk approach
Global Approach to Migration
Global Approach to Migration and Mobility
glocal approach
graduated approach to regulation
graduated regulatory approach
grouping approach
historical look back standardised approach
holistic approach
horizontal approach
Hotspot approach
human rights‑based approach to ageing
human rights-based approach
human rights-based approach to development programming
incentive-based approach
initial approach segment
instrument approach
instrument approach operation
instrument approach procedure
instrument approach runway
integrated approach
Integrated Approach for Security and Peace Directorate
integrated approach to conflicts and crises
integrated approach to external conflicts and crises
interdisciplinary approach
intergovernmental approach
intermediate approach segment
Internal Assessment Approach
Internal Model Approach
internal ratings-based approach
intersectional approach
IRB Approach
Joint Statement and Common Approach
Joint Statement and Common Approach of the European Parliament, the Council of the European Union and the European Commission on decentralised agencies
Joint Statement and Common Approach on decentralised agencies
judgement-based approach
landscape approach
'less for less' approach
life cycle approach
life-course approach
linguistic approach
look-through approach
Low Arousal Approach
management approach analysis
matched model approach
maturity ladder approach
measure the approach
method that replicates the matched model approach
missed approach
missed-approach altitude
missed approach guidance
missed approach height
missed approach point
missed approach procedure
modified nexus approach
more-for-more approach
'more for more' approach
multi-barrier approach
multidisciplinary approach
multiple-barrier approach
net acquisitions approach
New Approach directive
New Approach Notified and Designated Organisations Information System
nexus approach
non-market approach
non-market-based approach
non-precision approach and landing operations
non-precision approach runway
oblique approach
One Health approach
"one substance, one assessment" approach to chemical safety assessments
open-geometry approach
overlay approach
own estimates approach
own estimates of volatility adjustments approach
parallel approach
partial general approach
participatory approach
peer-led approach
PIT approach
placed-on-the-market approach
point in time approach
Political Framework for Crisis Approach
precautionary approach
precautionary approach to fisheries management
precision approach and landing operations
precision approach procedure
precision approach runway
precision approach runway, category I
precision approach runway, category II
precision approach runway, category III
premium allocation approach
prudential approach
quality risk management approach
read-across approach
rights‑based approach to ageing
rights-based approach
rights-based approach to development
rights-based approach to development cooperation
risk-based approach to change
risk-factor based approach
sectoral approach to gender mainstreaming
sense folder approach
short approach run
simplified approach
simplified standardised approach for counterparty credit risk
single-tier approach
single-tiered approach
systems approach
skills-first approach
SOGIESC-sensitive approach
standardised approach
standardised approach for counterparty credit risk
standardised approach for operational risk
standardised approach to credit risk
standardised approach to operational risk
'steps-for-steps' approach
stepwise testing approach
Strategic Approach to International Chemicals Management
Strategic Approach to WPS
supervisory formula approach
supervisory volatility adjustments approach
survivor-centred approach
test approach
The European Union approach to the WTO Millennium Round
through the cycle approach
type A instrument approach operation
type B instrument approach operation
to approach a customs officer
to approach a problem
tool lead [approach] angle
twin-track approach
two-pronged approach
valuation approach
VaR based approach
variable-geometry approach
victim-centred approach
virtual housing approach
visual approach slope indicator system
waste analysis approach
wave-through approach
weight of evidence approach
White Paper - Together for Health : A Strategic Approach for the EU 2008-2013
'whole of route' approach
whole-of-route approach
whole-school approach
approach angle
priekšējās pārkares leņķis
vorderer Überhangwinkel (Kfz)
angle d'attaque
angle de surplomb avant
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