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«Terminoloģijas Jaunumi»
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Izmantojiet zvaigznīti * vārda daļu meklēšanai (piemēram, dator* vai *pratība)
Jūs meklējāt
lot of goods
Atrasti 608 termini
1980 United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods
abandoned goods
abandonment of goods to the State
a batch of goods
acceptance of goods
acceptance of goods declaration
acceptance of the goods declaration
accompanying goods
acquisition of goods
Agreement between the European Community and the Swiss Confederation on the Carriage of Goods and Passengers by Rail and Road
Agreement Concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road
Agreement on International Goods Transport by Rail
agricultural goods
alternative goods
analysis of defective goods
analysis of goods
annex concerning customs formalities prior to the lodgement of the goods
application of goods
arrival of goods
assembly of goods
assorted goods
assortment of goods
attributed emissions of goods
authentic goods
authorization for international carriage of goods by road
balance of goods*
balance of producer goods
baled goods
basket of goods and services
bonded goods
branded goods
buying up of goods
bulk goods
canned goods
capital goods
carriage of goods
carriage of goods at controlled temperature
carriage of goods by air
carriage of goods by pipeline
carriage of goods by road
carriage of goods by sea
carriage of goods in large containers
catalogue of goods
characteristics of the goods
chargeable goods
checking of the goods declaration
choice of goods
classification of goods
clearance of goods
clearance of the goods out of charge
collection of goods
Community goods
comparable goods
competing goods
competitive goods
complementary goods
composition of goods
consignment goods
consumer goods
consumer goods funds
consumer goods producing department
contraband goods
contract goods
control of goods moving across frontiers
Convention on the Law Applicable to Contracts for the International Sale of Goods
Convention on the Law Applicable to the International Sale of Goods
Convention on the simplification of formalities in trade in goods
*coordination of goods
cost of goods sold
cost of preserving goods
Council for Trade in Goods
counterfeit goods
counterfeit trademark goods
covering of goods
credit on goods
crisis-relevant goods and services
cross-border B2B trade in goods
cross-border business-to-business trade in goods
cultural goods
customable goods
Customs Convention on the ATA Carnet for the Temporary Admission of Goods
customs convention on the international transit of goods
customs convention on the international transport of goods under cover of TIR Carnets
customs convention on the international transport of goods under cover of TIR Convention
customs formalities for putting goods into free circulation
customs formalities prior to the lodgment of the goods declaration
customs goods manifest
customs value of goods
cut-price goods
day-to-day goods
damaged goods
dangerous goods
declarable goods
defective goods
defective goods report*
deficit of goods
delivery of goods
*delivery of goods according to agreement
demand for consumer goods
demi-season goods
deposit of goods
description of goods
destruction of goods
detention of goods
deteriorated goods by accident or force majeure
*direction of goods traffic
Directive 1999/62/EC on the charging of heavy goods vehicles for the use of certain infrastructures
Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on certain aspects concerning contracts for the sale of goods
dispatched goods
dispatch of goods
display of goods
disposal of goods
distance sales of goods imported from third territories or third countries
document of title to the goods
domestic supply of goods
*drying loss of goods
durable goods
dutiable goods
duty-free goods
duty-free replacement of goods procedure
economic goods
end use goods
enterprise supplying goods
enter the goods under a customs procedure
entry for free goods
entry for goods
entry of goods for a customs procedure
environmental goods
Environmental Goods Agreement
environmental goods and services industry
environmental goods and services sector
environmental public goods
equivalent goods
essential goods
EU goods
European Agreement concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Inland Waterways
European Agreement concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road
European Union goods
examination of goods
exchangeable goods
exchange of goods
excise goods
exemption from the obligation to present goods
exemption of imported goods
expedition of goods
expeditious customs clearance of goods
export goods
export of goods
extension of a range of goods
external balance of goods and services
falsification of goods
family groups of goods
fancy goods
fancy leather goods and glove-making industry
faulty goods
final consumer of goods and services
final goods production team*
finished goods
flow of goods
*formation of assortment of goods
franchiser's goods
free goods
free movement of goods
fungible goods
glassed goods
Global Alliance to end trade in goods used for capital punishment and torture
Global Public Goods and Challenges Programme
goods and material value
goods and services
goods and services account
goods and services tax
goods arising from processing
goods bill
goods brought into the customs territory of the Union
goods car
*goods cargo
goods chargeable by weight
Goods Council
goods declaration
goods declaration for customs transit
goods declaration for home use
goods declaration inwards
goods declaration outwards
goods delivery
goods digital passport
goods document
goods en route
goods exchange
goods for home use
goods for processing
goods for resale
goods imported into the customs territory of the Union
goods imported on hire terms
goods imported under licence
goods in accountable storage
*goods in accountable storage
goods in bond
*goods income order
goods in excess
goods in free circuation
goods in free circulation
goods infringing an intellectual property right
goods in process
goods in transit
goods inward docket
goods irretrievably lost
goods liable to import duties
goods lift
*goods lottery
goods manifest
*goods movement
goods not in demand
goods not paid for on time
goods obtained by processing agricultural products
goods of a non-commercial nature
goods of foreign make
goods of foreign manufacture
goods of foreign origin
goods of prime necessity
goods of sufficient assortment
goods outlay
goods outward docket
goods overdue
Goods Package
goods processed from agricultural goods
*goods produced by co-operatives
goods receipt
goods received note
goods released for free circulation
goods resulting from the processing of agricultural products
goods schedule
goods shed
goods shipment
goods short delivered
*goods sold by weight
goods station
goods subject to tariff quotas
goods supply
goods tariff
goods taxable
goods to be exported
goods to be moved or used in the context of military activities
goods to be valued
goods traffic
goods train
goods transferred to the transferee
goods transport
goods transport agency
goods turnover
goods under arrest
goods under customs seal
goods van
goods wagon
goods wholly obtained in a country
goods wholly obtained in a single country
goods wholly obtained or produced in one country
goods with embedded digital content
grave goods
green goods
half-finished goods
hard goods
hazardous goods
heavy goods
heavy goods vehicle
high-duty goods
high-quality goods
holder of goods
holder of the goods
holding of goods at warehouses
home-made goods
home-produced goods
home produced goods
home use goods
household goods
identical goods
illegal goods
illegal importation of goods
illegal import of goods
illicit trafficking in cultural goods
illicit trafficking in cultural goods, including antiques and works of art
illicit trafficking in cultural goods, including antiquities and works of art
importation of excise goods
importation of goods
importation of goods under preferential conditions
imported goods
import goods
import of goods
incomplete goods
in compliance with the transport documents and goods
industrial goods
in exchange for the goods
inferior goods
information necessary to identify the goods
infringing goods
inspection of goods
intermediate goods
internal market strategy for goods and services
international carriage of dangerous goods by road
internationally non-tradable goods and services
internationally tradable goods and services
International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code
international movement of goods
intra-Community acquisition of goods
intra-Community distance sales of goods
intra-Union supply of goods
introduction of goods into the customs territory
investment goods
inward goods
IP goods
irrecoverably lost goods
keeping quality of goods
knitted and crocheted goods
*knitted-goods industry
leakage of goods
light goods vehicle
limited range of goods
line of goods
list of goods
list of the goods
location of goods
long-lived capital goods
lot of goods
low-duty goods
low grade goods
low-grade goods
luxury goods
Madrid Agreement for the Repression of False or Deceptive Indications of Source on Goods
manufactured goods
manufactured goods shop
marketable goods
market access for goods
mass of goods
mass production goods
material goods
material of which the goods are made
Memorandum of Understanding on the online sale of counterfeit goods
Memorandum of Understanding on the Sale of Counterfeit Goods
Memorandum of Understanding on the Sale of Counterfeit Goods via the Internet
money and goods lottery
movable goods
movement of goods
*movement of stocks of goods
multimodal transport of goods
nameless goods
national goods
nature of goods
necessary goods
negative list of goods and services
neutralization of goods
Nice Agreement concerning the International Classification of Goods and Services for the Purposes of the Registration of Marks
nomenclature for the classification of goods in customs tariffs
non-Community goods
non-Community status of goods
non-consumable goods
non-defence goods
non-durable goods
non-EU goods
non-European Union goods
non-food consumer goods
non-food goods
*non-goods bill
non-goods transaction*
non-harmonised goods
non-originating goods
non-preferential origin of goods
non-standard goods
non-tradable goods and services
non-Union goods
notice of the readiness of the goods for inspection
odd goods
offence concerning the origin of goods
ordering of goods
origin of goods
overstocking with goods
*packaged piece goods
parcel of goods
particulars relating to the value of goods
part-load goods
passage of goods at frontiers
pawning of goods
period during which the goods may remain in the territory by reference to the authorized uses
perishable goods
physical inspection of goods
piece goods
pirated copyright goods
pirated goods
place of supply of goods
place the goods under a customs procedure
placing of goods under a customs procedure
*planned delivery of goods
pledged goods
positioning of goods
positive list of goods and services
preferential import of goods
pre-packed goods
presentation of goods
presentation of goods to customs
price the goods would fetch
prior delivery of goods
goods car
kravas automobilis
Angļu-latviešu muitas terminu vārdnīca — R., Jāņa sēta, 1997.
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