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«Terminoloģijas Jaunumi»
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EN angļu
RU krievu
DE vācu
FR franču
LA latīņu
Izmantojiet zvaigznīti * vārda daļu meklēšanai (piemēram, dator* vai *pratība)
Jūs meklējāt
men’s team
Atrasti 224 termini
Academic Project Team
access team
acquire project team
all-round team
all-star team
all star team
all-time team
appraisal team leader
asylum support team
assessment team
attacking side (team)
at the foot of the table (team)
audit team
ball controlled by the team
block (to) an opponent (to help a team-mate)
blue team
care team
Change team
chief programmer team
Civilian Response Team
clash of team colours
Class Team
Close Protection Team
complex team*
comprehensive team*
Computer Emergency Response Team
Computer Emergency Response Team for the EU institutions, bodies and agencies
Computer Security Incident Response Team
construction team*
corona response team
coronavirus response team
crisis response coordination team
Declaration Assessment Team
discoverable private team
Election Assessment Team
Electoral Assessment Team
embryo collection team
embryo production team
emergency medical team
emergency medical team type 3
Emergency Response Coordination Centre Wildfires Support Team
ERCC Wildfires Support Team
EU Hybrid Rapid Response Team
EU Mobile Investigation Support Team
EU Police Advisory Team
European Border and Coast Guard Team
European Border Guard Team
European Commercial Aviation Safety Team
European corona response team
European General Aviation Safety Team
European Helicopter Safety Team
European Union Election Assessment Team
European Union Planning Team
EU Security Sector Reform Advise and Assist Team
EU-UK Relations team
evaluation team
exhibition organizing team
fall back (team)
final goods production team*
final team competitions
final team standings
first named team
first team player
first-time team
flying medical team
foul by the team in control of the ball
four fouls by team
Frontex Joint Support Team
Frontex Rapid Return Intervention Team
full team
go ahead of the team (to)
go ahead (team)
guilty team
home team
inspection team
Integrated Development Team
Internal Protection Team
Investigation and Identification Team
ITER Joint Central Team
joint analysis team
joint consular team
joint investigation team
joint investigative team
Joint Operational Team Mare
Joint Processing Support Team
joint special investigation team
joint supervisory team
leader of the team
leader of the team (manager)
location of the team
maintenance team
manager (team)
masseur (team)
medium urban search and rescue team
men’s team
men's team
Microsoft Detection and Response Team
migration management support team
Military Computer Emergency Response Team
Military Computer Emergency Response Team Operational Network
mobile team
Mobile Training Team
most sportsmanlike team
MUSAR team
name of the team
national coach (team)
national team
NATO Liaison Team
NATO permanent liaison team at the EU Military Staff
neighbourhood police team
non-discoverable private team
Ombudsman inquiry team
OPCW Investigation and Identification Team
opposing team
Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons Investigation and Identification Team
org-wide team
owning team
private team
production team*
project team
Provincial Reconstruction Team
public team
purple team
pursuit team
put a team-mate through
Quick Response Team
Rapid Border Intervention Team
receiving team
red team
relay team
relay team composition
relegate team
repair team*
repair team
rescue team
response team
second named team
seeded team
self-financing team*
service team
serving team
SE team
seven-team-foul marker
Syria Strategic Communication Advisory Team
specialized team*
Strategic Communications Advisory Team
support team
Support Team for the "hotspots"
take the field (team)
team activity
team bench area
Team Call
team-call group
team captain
team championship(s)
Team Chat
team coach
Team code
team competition
team competition (artistic gymn.)
team (competition) officials
team composition
team contract
team entry form
Team Europe
Team Europe initiative
team event
team flow
team followers
team fouls
team fouls penalty rule
team hits
Team Kaizala
team leader
team leader (official)
team line-up
team mate
team meeting
Team members
team of workers
team owner
team picture
team play
Team player
Team Planner
team Presidency
team purpose
Team Resources
team roster, team list
team site
team spirit
team sport
team standing
team starting line-up
team tactics
team talk
team teaching
*team training
team Web site
team work
Team Work Center
*team-work pay
*team-work system
three-Presidency team
top team
to split up the search team
trailing team
transition team
Union health emergency team
United Nations Investigative Team to Promote Accountability for Crimes Committed by Da'esh/Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant
verification team
virtual team
visiting (away) team
visitors (team)
white team
Windows 10 Team
withdraw a team from competitions
men’s team
women's team
working team
work team
EU Police Advisory Team
ES Policijas konsultatīvā grupa
Gruppe von EU-Polizeiberatern
équipe consultative de l'UE chargée des questions de police
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