Sestdiena, 11. janvāris
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Izmantojiet zvaigznīti * vārda daļu meklēšanai (piemēram, dator* vai *pratība)
Jūs meklējāt
motor car
Atrasti 225 termini
adjustable speed [electric] motor
adjustable-speed motor
altermating current commutator motor
alternating current converter-feed controlled motor
alternating current [electric] motor
alternating current electronic motor
alternating current motor
apogee boost motor
apogee kick motor
apogee motor
asynchronous motor
autosynchronous motor
auxiliary motor
auxiliary motor start
auxiliary motor starting
brushless wound asynchronous motor
built-in [electric] motor
built-in motor
cage synchronous motor
capacitor motor
capacitor start motor
change-pole [electric] motor
change-pole motor
CNG motor vehicle
commercial motor vehicle
commutatorless motor
commutator motor
compensated asynchronous motor
complex motor-powered aircraft
compound[-wound] [electric] motor
compound[-wound] motor
conical rotor motor
constant speed [electric] motor
control [electric] motor
controlled motor
control motor
crane [electric] motor
crane motor
crankshaft motor
cumulative compounded motor
deep bar asynchronous motor
definite purpose motor
Deri motor
differential compounded motor
direct current [electric] motor
direct current motor
direct motor drive
double-speed motor
double [squirrel-]cage asynchronous motor
drip-proof [electric] motor
dust-proof [electric] motor
e-drive motor
electric drive motor
[electric] motor
electric [-motor] drive
engine or motor combination
European Convention on Civil Liability for Damage Caused by Motor Vehicles
European Convention on Compulsory Insurance against Civil Liability in respect of Motor Vehicles
European Convention on the International Effects of Deprivation of the Right to Drive a Motor Vehicle
explosion proof [electric] motor
flange[-mounted] motor
flange[-type] motor
geared motor
gear motor
general purpose [electric] motor
general purpose motor
heavy duty motor vehicle
high-speed [electric] motor
high-speed motor
hybrid motor vehicle
hydraulic motor
hysteresis motor
illicit trafficking in motor vehicles
individual motor drive
induction motor drive
inductor motor
inherent regulation of a motor
integrated [electric] motor
integrated motor
International Motor Vehicle Inspection Committee
International Organisation of Motor Vehicle Manufacturers
international third party motor insurance system
lateral protection of motor vehicles
linear motor
low power [electric] motor
low-power motor
monorail motor hoist
motor activity
motor armature
motor-assisted bicycle
motor bus
motor car
motor-car industry
motor coach
motor converter
motor co-ordination
motor coordination
motor depot
motor drive
motor-drive mechanism
motor freight
motor freighter
motor freighter pushing at least one tank-ship
motor freighter pushing one or more freighters
motor fuel
motor gasoline
motor generator
motor generator set
motor hotel
motor industry
motor yaw
motor neuron diseases
motor neurone disease
motor octane number
motor oil
motor omnibus
motor plough
motor road
motor rotor
motor saw
motor set
motor shaft
motor ship
motor synchronizing
motor speed jacht
motor spirit
motor sport
motor tanker
motor tanker, dry cargo as if liquid (e.g. cement)
motor tanker, liquid cargo, type N
motor tanker, tug
motor test stand
motor timing
motor transport
motor transport enterprise
motor tricycle
motor vehicle
motor vehicle crime
motor vehicle duty
motor vehicle industry
motor vehicle insurance
motor-vehicle liability insurance
motor vehicle liability risk
motor vehicle pollution
motor vessel
motorway / motor highway / expressway
multifocal motor neuropathy
multispeed asynchronous motor
multispeed [electric] motor
multispeed motor
non-reversible [electric] motor
open [electric] motor
perigee kick motor
[phase-]wound asynchronous motor
piston motor
polyphase [electric] motor
polyphase motor
polyphse commutator motor
private motor transport
reactor start split phase motor
reduction motor
regulation of a motor
reluctance synchronous motor
repulsion motor
resistance start split phase motor
resistance to motor fuels
reversible [electric] motor
robot motor
round-rotor [electric] motor
round-rotor motor
Schrage motor
sealed motor
self-cooled motor
self-excited [electric] motor
self-start[ing] motor
separately excited [electric] motor
separately excited [electric] motor
separately excited motor
series connected starting-motor start
series connected starting-motor starting
series[-wound] [electric] motor
series[-wound] motor
shaded pole motor
shunt[-wound] [electric] motor
shunt[-wound] motor
single-phase asynchronous motor
single-phase commutator motor
single-phase [electric] motor
single-phase motor
synchronized induction motor
synchronous motor
slip-ring asynchronous motor
small power [electric] motor
special purpose motor
splash-proof [electric] motor
split-pole [electric] motor
split-pole motor
[squirell-]cage asynchronous motor
squirrel-cage induction motor
starting motor
state motor transport
step[-by-step] motor
step[ing] motor
stepping (stepper) motor
submersible motor
sub-synchronous reluctance motor
Technical Committee — Motor Vehicles
three-phase commutator motor
three-phase [electric] motor
three-phase motor
torque motor
totally enclosed [electric] motor
traction [electric] motor
traction motor
two-speed motor
two-wheeled motor vehicle
universal [electric] motor
universal motor
variable speed motor
varying speed [electric] motor
waterproof [electric] motor
Working Party on Technical Harmonisation (Motor Vehicles)
Working Party on Technical Harmonisation (Motor Vehicles - internal market, Motor Vehicles - international)
dust-proof [electric] motor
putekļdrošs elektrodzinējs
Latviešu-angļu enerģētikas un elektrotehnikas vārdnīca — 2006
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