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Izmantojiet zvaigznīti * vārda daļu meklēšanai (piemēram, dator* vai *pratība)
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natural run off
Atrasti 262 termini
additional rate of natural resource tax
air-natural transformer
area facing natural and other specific constraints
area facing natural constraints
area facing natural or other specific constraints
area with natural constraints
balance of natural resources
basic rate of natural resource tax
chemically modified natural polymer
CI Natural Green 3
CI Natural Green 5
CI natural yellow 3
CI natural orange 4
Codex Alimentarius Working Party (Natural Mineral Waters)
Commission for Natural Resources
compensatory allowance for permanent natural handicaps
compressed natural gas
conditioned natural measures
conformity to natural laws
conservation status of a natural habitat
controlled natural language
conventional natural gas
*conventional natural indices
Convention concerning the protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage
Convention for the protection of the world cultural and natural heritage
Convention on the Conservation of European Wildlife and Natural Habitats
delimitation of areas facing natural constraints
depletion of natural resources
Directive on the conservation of natural habitats and of wild fauna and flora
discharge into natural environment
Environment and Natural Resources Thematic Programme
European Programme on Climatology and Natural Hazards
form of natural vibration
geological and geomorphological natural object
hydroxide lime of natural origin
hollow (natural or manmade) in a tree used as a hive for bees
identifiable natural person
*increase in natural reproduction of cattle
insurance against natural hazard
Intergovernmental Committee for the Protection of the Cultural and Natural Heritage of Outstanding Universal Value
Intergovernmental Committee for the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage
International Day for Natural Disaster Reduction
International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources
licence for using natural resources
liquefied natural gas
liquefied natural gas carrier
liquefied natural gas terminal
liquid natural gas terminal
losses due to natural causes
major natural disaster
management of natural resources
methods of natural sciences
natural ability
natural account code segment
natural advancing
natural ag[e]ing
natural alcoholic strength
natural alcoholic strength by volume
natural area
natural asset
natural attractions
natural balance
natural bequest / heritage
natural boundary conditions
natural branch cleaning
natural breeding
natural calamity
natural capital
Natural Capital Financing Facility
natural carbon sink
natural casing
natural catastrophe
natural catastrophe risk
natural child
natural circulation
natural circulation boiler
natural-circulation boiler
natural class
natural classification
natural complex
natural conditions
natural convection
natural convection circuit
natural convection loop
natural cooling
natural coordinates
natural crisis
natural daylight
natural deterioration
natural disaster
natural disaster protection
natural disturbance
natural division of labour
natural draft
natural draught
natural draught burner
natural-draught transformer
natural durability
natural economy
natural environment
natural factor
natural factors
natural father
natural fibre
natural flavouring substance
natural floodplain
natural food colouring
natural forest
natural frequency
natural frequency spectrum
natural fuel
natural gas
natural gas condensate
natural gas deposit
natural gas extraction
natural gas field
natural gas linepack
natural gas liquefaction
natural gas liquids
natural gas pool
natural gas processing plant
natural gas production
natural gas reservoir
natural gas undertaking
natural graphite
natural grassland
natural greaseproof pulp mill
natural growth of population
natural gut casing
natural habitat
natural hazard
natural hiding-place
natural history
natural history cabinet
natural history gallery
natural history museum
natural humidity
natural infrastructure
natural insemination
natural interest rate
natural interface
natural key
natural killer cell
natural landscape
natural language
natural language comprehension
natural-language comprehension
natural language generation
natural language processing
natural language query
natural language searching
natural language understanding
natural-language understanding
natural law
*natural lease
natural light
natural lighting
natural lime
natural load of a line
natural logarithm
natural material
natural mating
natural measures
natural mineral water
natural mistake
natural monopoly
natural moulding sand
natural movement
natural mutation
natural number
natural opposite surface of a burin
natural or legal person having the nationality of a Member State
natural (or mineral) resources
natural or other area-specific constraint
natural oscillation[s]
natural oscillations
natural park
natural path
natural pencil
natural person
Natural Persons Register
natural petrol
natural pigment
natural pivot turn
natural polymer
natural polymer not chemically modified
natural pollution
natural population growth
natural power
natural preserve (US)
natural price
natural product
natural products
natural progression
natural promenade turn
natural pruning
natural query syntax
natural radiation source
natural radioactive element
natural radioactive nuclide
natural radionuclide
natural range
natural rate of unemployment
natural reforestation
natural regeneration
natural reproduction
natural reserve
natural reservoir
natural resin
natural resource management
natural resources
Natural Resources and Environment
natural resource tax
natural resource tax on output and pollution
natural resource tax on sales
natural resource utilization
natural right
natural risk
natural rubber
natural rubber roller
natural run-off
natural sand
natural sciences
natural sciences (pl)
natural seasoning
natural seeding
natural segment
natural selection
natural service
natural sink
natural site
natural specimen
natural stone
natural sugar
natural thinning
natural turf (pitch)
natural turn
natural user interface
natural ventilation
natural wood
nature / natural attraction
oxide lime of natural origin
payment for areas with natural constraints
payment to areas facing natural or other specific constraints
permanent natural handicap
protection gap for natural catastrophes
radionuclide of natural origin
regional natural disaster
Regulation on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data
Regulation on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data by the Union institutions, bodies, offices and agencies and on the free movement of such data
reproduction of natural resources
restoring agricultural production potential damaged by natural disasters and catastrophic events and introduction of appropriate prevention actions
semi-natural forest
*specific natural expression
status and legal capacity of natural persons
textless natural language processing
Thematic Programme for Environment and Sustainable Management of Natural Resources including Energy
Trans-Anatolian Natural Gas Pipeline
unconventional natural gas
unsustainable exploitation of natural resources
utilization of natural resources
natural environment
dabiskā vide
есественная среда
Natürliche Umwelt
milieu naturel
natural environment
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Natürliche Umwelt
milieu naturel
IATE šķirkli
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natural environment
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есественная среда
Konsultants. Palīglīdzeklis valodas praksē. 8. laidiens. Dabas aizsardzības termini — 1989
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