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Latvijas Nacionālo terminoloģijas portālu
Terminu datubāze
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«Terminoloģijas Jaunumi»
LZA TK termini atrodami
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Vēlaties portāla jaunumus
saņemt pa e-pastu?
Norādiet savu adresi:
Pakalpojumu nodrošina
Akadēmiskā terminu datubāze
LV latviešu
EN angļu
RU krievu
DE vācu
FR franču
LA latīņu
Izmantojiet zvaigznīti * vārda daļu meklēšanai (piemēram, dator* vai *pratība)
Jūs meklējāt
net amount
Atrasts 161 termins
accumulated amount
additional amount
agent amount
aggregate amount
aggregate amount of tax
aggregate amount outstanding at any time of loans
amount (~s) charged
amount at risk
amount chargeable
amount committed
amount deducted
amount deemed necessary
amount due
amount due to customs
amount due to the Customs
amount entered
amount exceeding … — summa, kas pārsniedz …
amount of advance [money]
amount of a fine
amount of capacity
amount of customs duties
amount of customs duty
amount of deduction
amount of duty
amount of exemption
amount of fine
amount of information
amount of information, set of information
amount of loss
amount of money in circulation*
amount of penalty
amount of quota
amount of repetition
amount of savings
amount-of-substance ratio
amount of tax calculated
amount of tax due
amount of the debt
amount of the exemption
amount of the guarantee
amount of the quota
amount of the refund
amount of training load
amount of VAT
amount of work
amount overpaid
amount owing
amount paid
amount paid unduly
amount payable
amount ratio
amount recoverable
amount reimbursed
amount to be deducted
amount to be settled
amount total
amount wrongly paid
approximate amount
assigned amount unit
base amount
basic amount
basic taxable amount
basis for determining the amount of the duties to be levied
carrying amount
certain, of a fixed amount and due
committed amount
compensatory amount
comprehensive guarantee for a reduced amount
comprehensive guarantee with a reduced amount
compromise amount
corrective amount
cost adjustment amount
Deal amount
depreciable amount
determination of the amount of the debt
differential amount
due amount
estimate of the amount receivable
exempt amount
expected loss amount
expected purchase order
net amount
extended amount
financial reference amount
fixing of the amount of an export refund
flat amount
flat rate amount
fuel amount released for consumption
gross amount
gross carrying amount
independent amount
indicative amount
invoice line
net amount
irrecoverable amount
liable up to amount of share
limited amount
line price variance amount
maximum amount of penalty
maximum distributable amount
maximum overall amount
minimum amount of penalty
minimum transfer amount
monetary amount
monetary compensation amount
Monetary Compensatory Amount
net amount
net independent collateral amount
notional amount
outstanding amount
payment amount
payment of the amount of duty
past due amount
percentage of the taxable amount
pre-freight amount
preliminary annual amount of emission allowances
prepayment amount deducted
prepayment amount invoiced
prime reference amount
principal amount
purchase amount approval limit
purchase order line
net amount
recoverable amount
recovery of the amount of the customs debt
reference amount
reference swap commitment conversion amount
released fuel amount
remaining amount
remaining amount of profit*
request amount approval limit
residual amount
return of the amount overpaid
risk-weighted exposure amount
rounding amount
sales amount approval limit
settlement in full amount
*small amount producer
source document amount
specified amount of money
target incentive amount
taxable amount
to deduct the appropriate amount
to determine the amount
to determine the amount of duties
to determine the exact amount of tax
to exceed the amount
to handle a vast amount of data
to recover an amount of money
to reduce by the amount
to refund the amount
to regulate the amount of cash
to settle the amount
total amount
total risk exposure amount
to waive recovery of an established amount receivable
undrawn amount
undrawn amount of the commitment
uniform unit amount
unit amount
unit variance amount
weighed amount
preliminary annual amount of emission allowances
provizoriskais ikgadējais emisijas kvotu daudzums
vorläufige jährliche Zahl der Emissionszertifikate
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