Piektdiena, 3. janvāris
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Latvijas Nacionālo terminoloģijas portālu
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Izmantojiet zvaigznīti * vārda daļu meklēšanai (piemēram, dator* vai *pratība)
Jūs meklējāt
net assets
Atrasti 190 termini
accumulation of assets
acquisitions less disposals of non-financial non-produced assets
acquisitions of non-financial assets account
additions to fixed assets
Ad Hoc Working Party on the use of frozen and immobilised assets to support Ukraine’s reconstruction
Agreement on Net Financial Assets
AHWP on Frozen and Immobilised Assets
alienated assets
amortisation of fixed assets
appearance of assets
application assets in requirements
assets/liabilities denominated in foreign currencies
assets and capabilities
assets and liabilities
assets belonging to the estate
assets in foreign currency
assets in the estate
assets of extremely high liquidity and credit quality
assets of high liquidity and credit quality
assets of the estate
assets on hand
assets under management
assigned portfolio of assets
*average age of fixed assets
average turnover time of current assets*
balance assets
balance of fixed assets
balance of fixed nonproductive assets
biological assets
blocked assets
business assets
Camden Assets Recovery Interagency Network
capital assets
cash assets
cash-like assets
category of assets
changes in assets, liabilities and net worth
changes in classification of assets and liabilities
changes in net worth due to other changes in volume of assets
circulation assets
circulation of assets
classification of economic assets
classification of financial assets and liabilities
class of fixed assets
confiscation of criminal assets
confiscation of current assets
corporate assets
criminal assets
cure rate defaulted assets
current assets
current assets credit
custodian of the reserve assets
dedicated hydrogen assets
Defence of Space Assets
deferred tax assets
deferred tax assets that rely on future profitability
deficit of current assets
defined benefit pension fund assets
depreciate of fixed assets
depreciation of assets
depreciation of fixed assets
disappearance of assets
disposal of assets
disposal of fixed assets
disposition of assets
dissipation of assets
duty on assets contributed
equity in assets
estimate of fixed assets
excess of assets over liabilities
*factor of renewal of fixed assets
factor of withdrawal of fixed assets
financial assets
financial assets/liabilities
financial statement of assets and liabilities of the Community
fixed assets
fixed assets acquisition value
fixed assets liquidation
fixed assets residual value
fixed assets restoration value
fixed assets wear and tear
fixed industrial production assets
fixed nonproduction assets
fixed production assets
foreign exchange assets
foreign-exchange assets
foreign reserve assets
free assets
free disposal of the assets
freezing of assets
freezing of criminal assets
frozen assets
Guidelines on the Use of Foreign Military and Civil Defence Assets in Disaster Relief
illiquid assets
immobilised assets
indemnification assets
intangible assets
intangible (fixed) assets
International Assets Valuation Standards Committee
inventory of fixed assets
yield per unit of assets*
leased assets
level 1 assets
level 2 assets
liquid assets
liquid assets ratio
liquidation of assets
liquidation of fixed assets
liquidation value of fixed assets
management of assets
Markets in Crypto-Assets Regulation
matrimonial assets
Military and Civil Defence Assets
misapplication of assets
misappropriation of assets
money assets
monitoring of NATO assets and capabilities
movable assets
NATO common assets and capabilities
near-cash assets
net assets
net current assets
net financial assets
newly designated financial assets
non-cash assets
non-financial assets
non-financial non-produced assets
non-financial produced assets
non-produced assets
non-productive assets
number of turnovers of current assets
obsolescence of fixed assets
offer to the public of crypto-assets
person-to-person transfer of crypto-assets
physical wear of fixed assets
placing of crypto-assets
plant assets
pool of assets
pre-identified assets and capabilities
produced assets
*productivity of fixed assets
realisation of assets
recall of NATO assets and capabilities
recourse to NATO assets and capabilities
recourse to NATO common assets and capabilities
recovery of criminal assets
reevaluation of fixed assets
regime of participation in matrimonial assets
Regulation (EU) 2023/1114 on markets in crypto-assets
Regulation on markets in crypto-assets
release of circulating assets
release of NATO assets and capabilities
renewal of fixed assets
renovation of fixed assets
reproduction of fixed assets
requirement of plant assets
reserve assets
reserve of assets
return of NATO assets and capabilities
rights arising from equal sharing of matrimonial assets
rights arising from the sharing of acquired matrimonial assets
segregation of assets
seizure of assets
sensitivity of assets and liabilities
set-off between assets and liabilities
share in own turnover assets
shortage of current assets
Software and Cloud Assets Management Service
space assets
space-based assets
statement of changes in
net assets
stocks of fixed assets
structural mismatch between assets and liabilities
succession assets
tangible assets
tax on yield of pension scheme assets
transferable assets that are of extremely high liquidity and credit quality
transferable assets that are of high liquidity and credit quality
transfer of assets
transfer of crypto-assets
transfer of virtual assets
transferred assets and liabilities
turnover of the current assets
use of the fixed assets
valuation of assets
wear and tear degree of fixed assets
wear and tear [of fixed assets]
withdrawal of fixed assets
wrongful retention of assets
net assets
tīrie aktīvi
net assets
tīrie aktīvi
Angļu-latviešu nodokļu terminu vārdnīca. — R., RTU, 2006
net assets
tīrie aktīvi
Angļu-latviešu nodokļu terminu vārdnīca. — R., RTU, 2006
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