Sestdiena, 18. janvāris
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Izmantojiet zvaigznīti * vārda daļu meklēšanai (piemēram, dator* vai *pratība)
Jūs meklējāt
net balance
Atrasti 357 termini
abdominal balance
abridged balance
account balance
accounting balance sheet
acid/base balance
acid-base balance
active payment balance
active power balance
active trade balance
adjust balance beam
analytical balance
analytic balance
angle (half lever) support position, L-balance support, L-support
annual balance
annual balance sheet
anticipated balance*
arched handstand on thighs balance
arrival off balance
assigned balance*
available balance
available energy balance
balance, poise
balance account
balance analysis
balance and poise
balance assets
balance (balancing) position
balance bar
balance beam
balance beam (beam)
balance beam exercise
balance-beam movement
balance bench
balance book*
balance book
*balance card
balance coil
*balance crediting
balance due
balance element
balance exercises
balance in hand
balance ladder
balance method
balance of account
balance of calendar time*
balance of capital investment
balance of consumption
balance of demand and supply
balance of fixed assets
balance of fixed capital
balance of fixed nonproductive assets
balance of foreign trade
balance of fuels and electric power
balance of goods*
balance of gross resources*
balance of incomes and expenditures
balance of interests
balance of labour power
balance of labour resources
balance of loss brought forward
balance of national income
balance of natural resources
balance of nature
balance of payment
balance of payments
balance of payments assistance
balance of payments assistance facility
balance-of-payments deficit
balance of payments deficit
balance of payments facility
Balance of Payments Manual
balance of payments on current account
balance of plant
balance of power
balance of primary incomes
balance of producer goods
balance of productive capacities
balance of total social product
balance of trade
balance of water supply*
balance of water supply
balance on current account
balance pan
balance part of resources*
balance plow
balance profit
*balance profitability
balance reformation
*balance report
balance reserves
balance responsible party
balance routine
balance sheet
balance sheet account
balance-sheet analysis
balance sheet analysis
balance-sheet assessment
balance sheet basic principles
balance sheet book
balance sheet criticism
balance sheet figure
balance sheet figures
balance sheet item
balance sheet items
[balance sheet] liabilities
balance sheet recession
balance sheet reconciliation
balance sheet repair
balance sheets
balance sheet structure
balance sheet transaction
balance sheet value
balance shoulders
balance staining
balance stand
balance stand (horizontal scale) frontways on one leg
balance step
balance support position
balance table
balance test
balance the budget
balance-type relationship
*balance total
balance weight
bank balance
benefit-risk balance
bent-arm balance
body balance
brake balance
bridge balance
bringing of accounts to a balance
budgetary balance*
budgetary balance
budgetary position close to balance or in surplus
budget balance
budgeting of the balance
calculated balance
capital movement balance
carbon balance method
cash balance
catch-all material balance area
chest stand balance
cyclically adjusted balance
cyclically adjusted budget balance
closing balance
closing balance sheet
Committee on Monetary, Financial and Balance of Payments Statistics
complex balance*
compliance balance
composite balance sheet
composite balance sheet of money relations*
consolidated balance sheet
continuity of balance sheet
control balance*
control balance
credit balance
credit balance transaction
currency balance*
current account balance
current account of the balance of payments
current external balance
date of balance sheet
debit balance
decimal balance
de facto balance
deficit balance
detailed balance
diminishing balance method
Directive (EU) 2019/1158 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 20 June 2019 on work-life balance for parents and carers and repealing Council Directive 2010/18/EU
Directive (EU) 2022/2381 on improving the gender balance among directors of listed companies and related measures
dynamic balance
ecological balance
elbow balance (support scale) on one arm, single-elbow horizontal lever
emergency of balance
emission balance
end-of-year balance annual audit
energy balance
energy balance in drying
energy balance sheet
equipment load balance*
external balance
external balance of goods and services
external balance of payments
extra-balance account
extra-balance reserves
favourable balance
food balance sheet
foot to hand balance
forage balance*
forearm balance (elbow, underarm stand)
forecast balance sheet
foreign trade balance
foreign trade balance equilibrium
free front balance (lever)
free side arm balance
frog dance hand balance
fuel balance*
fuel balance
gender balance
general government balance
general government primary balance
government balance
handstand, hand (arm) balance
hand -to-hand balance (high hand-to-hand)
harmonic balance
head (and-hand) balance, headstand
head -balance walk
headline balance
head -to-hand balance
head -to-head balance
heat balance
heat-balance equation
heat balance in drying
held balance position
high -back balance
high hand, squat support balance
high L-balance
high split balance (support)
high squat balance (support)
high -thigh balance
hydrostatic balance
hold balance (to)
horizontal balance
ice sheet mass balance
import-export balance
institutional balance
institutional balance (EU)
interinstitutional balance
intermediate balance of products
intersectoral balance
inventory balance*
invisible trade balance
isolated balance*
issue balance*
keep (maintain) balance
knee and shoulder balance
labour balance*
lack of balance (equilibrium), loss of balance (off –balance)
land balance*
liquidating balance
liquidation balance
lose balance (to)
L-seat, angle sitting position (balance seat)
maintain balance while floating
mass and balance documentation
mass balance
mass balance system
material balance
material balance area
material composite balance sheet*
mechanical balance
migration balance
money balance*
monthly balance
natural balance
neck-and-shoulder stand, shoulder (candle) balance (stand), inverted shoulder stand
negative balance
net balance
net migration balance
net radiation balance
no-hand headstand (head balance)
*non-balance item
null-balance voltmeter
nutrient balance
off-balance sheet
off-balance sheet asset
off-balance-sheet business
off-balance sheet commitments
off-balance sheet exposure
off-balance-sheet item
off-balance sheet liability
off-balance sheet position
off-balance whirl
on-balance sheet exposure
one-arm in the back balance / support
one-hand on the knee balance
one-to-one hand balance, handstand (straight one-hand-to-hand)
opening and closing balance sheets
opening balance
opening balance selector
opening balance sheet
operating budgetary balance
outstanding balance
overall energy balance
payment of balance
payment of the final balance
partner balance
plan balance
position of close-to-balance
post balance sheet event
power balance
power system active power balance
power system electrical energy balance
preliminary [trial] balance
Preparation of an Opening Balance Sheet at the Date of Transition to IFRS
pressure balance
primary balance
principle of budgetary balance
Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on improving the gender balance among non-executive directors of companies listed on stock exchanges and related measures
public balance
quarterly balance*
radiation balance
reactive power balance
redress balance
reducing balance depreciation
risk-benefit balance
river-basin balance
sense of balance
separate balance*
settlement of balance
shoulder (upperarm) stand (balance)
Skype Credit balance
standing-scale frontways, single-leg balance (swallow stand scale)
static balance
structural balance
structural budget balance
structural primary balance
*sub-balance item
summarised balance sheet
supply balance sheet
temperature balance
temporary high balance
the accounts do not balance
thermal balance
thermal balance in drying
thermodynamic balance
to balance accounts
to balance competition with cooperation
to strike a balance
tourism balance
traction balance
tractive balance
trade balance
transfer balance*
trial balance
turnover balance*
unfavourable balance of payments
unfavourable foreign trade balance
useful mineral resource balance
value balance
vapour pressure balance
water balance
water-to-fibre balance
weight and balance report
white balance
white balance bracketing
wood balance
work–family balance
working balance
working-time balance
work-life balance
Work-Life Balance Directive
favourable balance
aktīvais saldo
сальдо активное
Ekonomikas, lietvedības un darba organizācijas termini (ELDO) — R., 1995
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