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Izmantojiet zvaigznīti * vārda daļu meklēšanai (piemēram, dator* vai *pratība)
Jūs meklējāt
net book value
Atrasti 294 termini
ABC book
accession book
accessions book
account book
address book
adhesive binding machine for book blocks
advertising book
alphabetical index book
artistic presentation of a book
art of the book
assembly line for [the production of] book blocks
asset book
audio book
automatic book wrapping machine
auxiliary index to a book or catalog
backing of the book case
back of inner book
balance book*
balance book
balance sheet book
banking book
bearer's savings book
birch-bark book
Black book / list
Blue Book
book and claim scheme
book and claim system
book artist
book backbone muslin lining-up machine
book back compressor
book back glueing-off
book back gluer (gluing machine)
book-back rounding
book band
book bands (cords)
book binding
book block
book-block gluing (pasting) machine
book-block preparation (processing)
book-block processing machine
book-block trimmer
book building
book card
book case
book clamp
book classification
book code
book composing room
book cover
book covering material
book-dealer's discount
book decoration
book delivery
book depth
book design
book design dummy
book designer
book designing (graphic and typographic)
book disinfection
book disinfestation
book drop
book edge
book end
book entry
book-entry form
book-entry security
book-entry system
book exchange
book flattening press
book fold
*book gait
book holder
book illustration
book ink
book inventory
book issue
book jacket
book joint setting machine
book-keeping accounts
book-keeping automatic device
book-keeping entry
book-keeping record
book-keeping text-machine
*book-keeping theory
book linen
book louse
book maker
book mark[er]
book miniature
book money
book museum
book of compulsory exercises
Book of European and national instructions
book office
book of names
book of passenger waybills
book-or-cancel order
book (ordinary) type
book ornament
book parasites
*book passport
book pest
book printer
book printing
book printing house
book-printing paper
book printing rotary
book production
book provision for libraries
book publication
book publisher
book publishing
book reprint
book section folder
book selection
book sewing machine
book sheet
book size
book slip
book-stitching shop
book stock
book stock management
book stock unit
book storage
book structure
book supply agency for libraries
book support
book titles
book typography
book trade
book-trade catalog
book-trade classification
book trimming machine
book value
book wire stitching machine
*branch turnover of book stock
breeding book
cash book
cashier's book
cash receipts and payments book
check book
check book money
cheque from a limited cheque book
cheque from an unlimited cheque book*
comic book
complaints book
concertina-folded book
continuous auction order book trading system
copy book cover
cradle book
daughter stud book
debt book*
deposit book
depositor's book
depreciation book
derived depreciation book
digital book
digital talking book
Doomsday Book
double entry book-keeping
Driver's Rule Book
early printed book
e-book device
e-book lending
e-book reader
electronic book
engraved book
*equivalent in book exchange
EU Banking Rule Book
European Book Prize
filial book
filial breeding book
first printing book
formation of book stock
gathering machine for book signatures
global address book
Google Book Settlement
Green Book
gross book value
hand book
hierarchical address book
information book
*internal book exchange
international book exchange
International standard book number
international standard book number, binding and price area
international standart book number
inventory book*
Yellow Book
jacket for copy book
land book
library [book] binding
lilliput book (edition)
limited cheque-book*
loan book
log book
look to book ratio
miniature edition (book)
minute book
museum guide (-book) (GB)
net book value
non-trading book
non-trading book exposure
octavo book
offline address book
offline address book distribution
offline address book distribution point
offline address book generation
omnibus book
Orange Book
order book
paying book
partial turnover of book stock
pedigree book
pension book
Personal Address Book
phone book
phrase book
primary book selection
privatisation certificate book
provision of multiple copies of a book
quadruple [book] folder
*quota of book providing
rare book
rare book collection
rare book library
*real turnover of book stock
receipt book
Red Book
Red Data Book
reference book
*reliability of book stock
rotating book press
Route Book
rule book
safeguarding of book stock
salary tax book
sales tax book
savings-bank book
savings book
*secondary book selection
service record book
shared address book
shared order book
single rule book
spine of the book case
splicing book
statistical year-book
statistical unit of book sfock
statistics of book stock
stock book
Surface Book
tax book
tax book-keeping
type face reference book
to keep a book
trading book
trading book exposure
trading book position
training dairy (book)
turnover of book stock
turnover rate of book stock
unlimited cheque-book*
vehicle log book
visitors' book
wage and payment book
warehouse book
wear and tear of the book stock
White Book
work book
work contract book
World Book and Copyright Day
World Book Day
salary tax book
algas nodokļa grāmatiņa
Angļu-latviešu nodokļu terminu vārdnīca. — R., RTU, 2006
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Latvijas Zinātņu akadēmija