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Izmantojiet zvaigznīti * vārda daļu meklēšanai (piemēram, dator* vai *pratība)
Jūs meklējāt
net debt
Atrasti 265 termini
acknowledg[e]ment of debt
active debt
adjustment of debt
allowance for bad debt
amount of the debt
bad debt
bad debt recovery
basic debt
benchmark for debt reduction
cancellation of tax debt
capacity to bear debt
capitalisation of tax payment basic debt
capitalization of tax payment basic debt
climate debt
Climate Resilient Debt Clause
Common Framework for Debt Treatments beyond the DSSI
Connecting Europe Facility Debt Instrument
convertible debt security
corporate debt
corporate debt bond
corporate debt market
corporate debt security
credit card debt
current debt
customised debt
customs debt
customs debt on exportation
customs debt on importation
dated subordinated debt
debt adjustment
debt administration
debt assumption
debt-based crowdfunding
debt benchmark
debt bias
debt bias in corporate taxation
debt bondage
debt book*
debt brake
debt burden
debt cancellation
debt capital
debt ceiling
debt claim
debt collection
debt collector
debt commitment
debt crowdfunding
debt derivative
debt-distressed country
debt due
debt-equity bias
debt exposure
debt financing
debt forgiveness
debt instrument
debt instruments
debt interest
*debt in the beginning of a month
debt issuance
debt issue
debt issuer
debt level
debt level (advisable)
[debt] limit
debt management
debt management office
debt management strategy
debt market
debt obligation
debt obligations
debt office
*debt of social security payment
debtors’ debt
debt overhang
debt payable
debt portfolio
debt position
debt ratio
debt ratio adjustment benchmark
debt redemption fund
debt reduction
debt reduction benchmark
debt register
debt relations
debt relief
debt repayment
debt rescheduling
debt restructuring
debt rising date*
debt rising date
debt risk
debt roll-over
debt rule
debt sale agreement
debt-securities crowdfunding
debt securities issued
debt security
debt service
debt service cost
debt service payment
debt service ratio
debt service risk
Debt Service Suspension Initiative
debt servicing
debt servicing burden
debt servicing costs
debt servicing (interest, repayment)
debt standstill
debt stock
debt sustainability
debt sustainability analysis
Debt Sustainability Monitor
debt-to-adjusted capital ratio
*debt to creditors
debt to equity conversion
debt-to-equity swap
debt-to-GDP ratio
debt treatment
debt trend
debt write-down
debt write-down tool
debt write-off
decrease of debt
deductible debt interest
defaulted debt
deferred debt
demand of debt
determination of the amount of the debt
dischargeable debt
discharge of debt
*disputable debt
distressed debt
doubtful debt
due debt
ecological debt
Economic and Financial Committee (Subcommittee on EU Sovereign Debt Markets)
environmental debt
euro area sovereign debt crisis
European sovereign debt crisis
extension of a debt
external debt
extinction of customs debt
extinction of debt
extinguishment of customs debt
foreign currency debt rating
foreign debt
general government debt
general government debt ratio
general government gross debt
government debt
government debt ratio
government debt security
government gross debt
Guiding Principles on Foreign Debt and Human Rights
holdings of sovereign debt
household debt
impossibility to recover debt
increase in tax debt principal
incurrence of a customs debt
incurrence of a debt
incurring of a customs debt
*inner debt
instalment to repay a debt
irrecoverable debt
issued sovereign debt
issuer of debt
issuer of sovereign debt
junior debt
long-term debt
maintenance debt
Multilateral Debt Relief Initiative
national debt
negotiable debt security
net debt
net present value of debt
non-debt exposure
non-preferred senior debt instrument
notification of the customs debt
NPV of debt
open debt
outstanding debt
overdue debt
own debt
pace of debt reduction
*pay debt
perpetual subordinated debt instrument
person liable for payment of customs debt
press for a debt
pressing debt
principle of immediate debt
private debt
provider of debt
public debt
public debt market
public debt ratio
real implicit cost of debt
real implicit debt-servicing cost
recover a debt
recovery of debt
recovery of the amount of the customs debt
redemption of public debt
remission of debt
repayment of debt
rescheduling of public debt
reserve for debt redemption
residual debt
risk to the debt ratio
senior debt
senior debt tranche
senior unsecured debt
settlement of debt
short-term debt
short-term debt instrument
synthetic collateralised debt obligation
sovereign debt
sovereign debt crisis
sovereign debt exposure
sovereign debt holdings
sovereign debt instrument
sovereign debt market
sovereign debt rating
Specifications on the implementation of the Two Pack and Guidelines on the format and content of draft budgetary plans, economic partnership programmes and debt issuance reports
*stable debt
standard sovereign debt locate arrangement
state debt
stock of debt
structured debt
Subcommittee on EU Sovereign Debt Markets
subordinated debt
subordinated debt instrument
subordinate debt
sustainable debt trend
tailored debt
tax debt
tax debt capitalisation
tax debt capitalization
tax debt principal
tax debt write-off
tax payment basic debt
technical debt
termination of a debt obligation
termination of debt obligations
to be in debt
to cancel a debt
to collect a debt
to discharge a debt
to discharge the debt
to extinguish a debt
to recover a debt
to repay a debt
to repudiate a debt
to settle a debt
total gross debt
toxic debt
traded debt instrument
uncollectible debt
undischarged debt
unsecured debt
unsettled debt
writing-off/writing-down of debt
writing-off of the debt
*written-off debt
impossibility to recover debt
parāda piedziņas neiespējamība
невозможность взыскания задолженности
Unmöglichkeit der Schuldeintreibung
Ekonomikas, lietvedības un darba organizācijas termini (ELDO) — R., 1995
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Latvijas Zinātņu akadēmija