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Izmantojiet zvaigznīti * vārda daļu meklēšanai (piemēram, dator* vai *pratība)
Jūs meklējāt
net expenditure
Atrasti 144 termini
*above-plan expenditure
accrued expenditure
actual expenditure
additional expenditure
administrative expenditure
administrative expenditure (EU)
age-related expenditure
age-related public expenditure
aggregate expenditure curve
agricultural expenditure
articles of expenditure
audit of expenditure
authorisation of expenditure
authorise expenditure
breakdown of capital expenditure
budgetary expenditure
budget of expenditure
capital expenditure
capital expenditure[s]
cash expenditure
cash expenditure[s]
catastrophic expenditure
catastrophic health expenditure
climate expenditure
climate relevant expenditure
*coefficient of expenditure
collective consumption expenditure
commitment of expenditure
compulsory expenditure
consumption expenditure
cover of expenditure
current expenditure
defence expenditure
disallowance of expenditure
discretionary expenditure
draft estimate of revenue and expenditure
drug-related public expenditure
eligibility of expenditure
eligible expenditure
eligible public expenditure
estimate of expenditure
estimate of revenue and expenditure
EU expenditure
exclusion of expenditure
expenditure and income table
expenditure at risk
expenditure benchmark
expenditure [budget]
expenditure cash department
expenditure ceiling
expenditure cycle
expenditure cut
expenditure declaration
expenditure discipline
expenditure document*
expenditure item
expenditure of energy
expenditure of funds
expenditure of labour
expenditure of manual labour
expenditure of materials
expenditure of power
expenditure overruns
expenditure profile
expenditure ratio
expenditure recognition accounting rule
expenditure-reducing measures
expenditure restraint
expenditure retrenchment
expenditure review
expenditure rule
expenditure target
expenditure-to-GDP ratio
expenditure tracking
extra-budgetary expenditure
family expenditure survey
final consumption expenditure
final consumption expenditure of households
financing of operational expenditure
food expenditure
freeze of expenditure increase
general expenditure
general expenditure allowance
general statement of revenue and expenditure
government expenditure
heads of expenditure
health expenditure
household final consumption expenditure
household final monetary consumption expenditure
implementation of expenditure
incidental expenditure
income and expenditure
individual consumption expenditure
interest expenditure
international tourism expenditure
intramural expenditure on R&D
intramural expenditure on research and development
intramural R&D expenditure
irregular expenditure
manufacturing expenditure[s]
margin for unforeseen expenditure
military expenditure
*minimum of production expenditure
national expenditure
net expenditure
net government expenditure
net primary government expenditure
nominal expenditure ceiling
non-compulsory expenditure
non-salary related expenditure
operating expenditure
operational expenditure
operational expenditure (EU)
out-of-pocket expenditure
payment of expenditure
planned expenditure
primary expenditure ratio
primary expenditure-to-GDP ratio
programme support expenditure
public expenditure
quality of public expenditure
receipt and expenditure
receipt and expenditure of materials
recurrent expenditure
recurring expenditure
research expenditure (EU)
salary-related expenditure
savings on interest expenditure
*single expenditure
special purpose expenditure
*specific expenditure
*specific expenditure of raw materials
staff expenditure
statement of estimates of revenue and expenditure
statement of expenditure
statement of revenue and expenditure
structural expenditure
tax expenditure
to treat as expenditure
validation of expenditure
work expenditure
working time expenditure
final consumption expenditure
galapatēriņa izdevumi
dépense de consommation finale
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