Otrdiena, 11. marts
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«Terminoloģijas Jaunumi»
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EN angļu
RU krievu
DE vācu
FR franču
LA latīņu
Izmantojiet zvaigznīti * vārda daļu meklēšanai (piemēram, dator* vai *pratība)
Jūs meklējāt
net position
Atrasts 331 termins
abuse of a dominant position
abuse of a position of vulnerability
abuse of dominant position
achieve rebounding position
advanced position
Advisory Committee on Restrictive Agreements and Dominant Position
aggregate position
aircraft 4D position
alternate position
angle body (angle position)
angle (half lever) support position, L-balance support, L-support
angular position deviation
arabesque in ring position
arch body position
arched (hollow -back) jump, jump in arch position
arms position
arms to breast (bending in shoulder height), fling position
arrive in a squat position
assume tight tuck position
attainment of horizontal body position
awareness of position
back-lying position
back to apparatus position
bad body position (wrong position of the trunk)
balance (balancing) position
*balanced position
balance support position
basic position, stance of player
bent-arm leaning rest, front lying position with bent arms
bent standing position
bit position
border position
budgetary position
budgetary position close to balance or in surplus
burial in a flexed position
burial in an extended position
burial in a seated position
capital position
cash position
cast to upperarm position on rails and kip to rearward swing
change in customs position
change of arms position
change of hand position during the inverted support
change-over contact with neutral position
change position
Change the position!
check position
circuit breaker position data
client’s position register
closed position
common position
common position + statement
competitive position
correct body position
criterion on the government budgetary position
cross in L-position
cutting to attacking position
debt position
deep knee-bend, full (low) squat position
deep side lunge position
delta-neutral position
derivative position
derivatives position
digit position
disconnected position
dynamic equilibrium position
dominant position
dorsal position (stand)
duration-weighted position
emergency position-indicating radiobeacon station
end-of-day position
equilibrium position
European Union common position
exchange (shifting) position
facial (facing) position
faulty position
faulty position of the feet (hands, head)
feet position
fight for position
financial position
first-loss position
first position
first position (choreography)
fixed-rate position
flat position
flexed position
flying position
footstand position
four standing position
front lying support hang on low bar, low -front oblique position
front position lamp
front support (lever), front lying (leaning) support, prone support, push-up position
fundamental position
gender position
GNSS position error
goal scored from an off-side position
gripper position
grip position
half -kneeling position
hand and knee support, knee -hand position
handstand with legs in split position (split handstand)
hang position
head kip to crouch position
held balance position
held position
heterosyllabic position
horizontal position of tongue
IF INHALED: Remove victim to fresh air and keep at rest in a position comfortable for breathing.
inclined position
initial position
initial (preparatory, starting) position
inoperative position
intermediate holding position
intermediate position
international investment position
inverted position
inward FDI position
inward foreign direct investment position
inward position
Isofix position
yard position
joint position
kip (hang, support position)
knee bending (position)
kneeling arabesque position
kneeling (hips extended) position, kneeling stand
layout position
landing position
legal guarding position
leg extension sideward from a squat position
leg kick from back-leaning rest position
leg position at the start
L hang (glide), kip hang position
liquidity position
lying down/supine/prone position
lying (leaning) position
long position
low back oblique position
L-seat, angle sitting position (balance seat)
lunge position
marginalised position
market position (of an undertaking)
mark L-position
mark (position)
matched weighted position
material position
mezzanine securitisation position
middle defence position
motionless starting position
multi-position relay
naked position
neck kip to sitting position
net international investment position
net long position
net position
net position
net risk position
netted area AC position
neutral position
non-gate position
non-rated position
normal driving position
normal position of use of a movable component
normal running position
off-balance sheet position
off position
open position
open position of hands
open up, open (tuck position)
operative position
optional position
OTC derivatives position
outfield position
outward FDI position
outward foreign direct investment position
outward position
overhead position
piked sitting position
pike position
position allocation tool
position at ease
position at first reading
position[-based] control
position control
position data of robot
position effect
position ID
position in derivative instruments
position index
position indicating device
position indication of robot
position indicator
position in gold derivatives
position in OTC derivatives
position lights
position limit
position mark
position of attention
position of close-to-balance
position of equilibrium
position of robot arm (lever)
position of the players
position of women
position (pos)
position report
position risk
position sensor
position slider
position switch
position transducer
pre-negotiated common position
pre-negotiated Council position at first reading
prone lying position, prone position
proper head position
proprietary position
Protocol on the position of Denmark
Protocol on the position of the United Kingdom and Ireland
Protocol on the position of the United Kingdom and Ireland in respect of the area of freedom, security and justice
puck(ed) position
punching position
punch position
rated position
reach position
reading position indicator
rear position lamp
removed position
Remove victim to fresh air and keep at rest in a position comfortable for breathing.
required position
re-securitisation position
reserve position
responsible position
return [to initial position]
right-angled position
ring position
risk position
risk weight for a securitisation position
road-holding position
roll backward in prone position to front leaning support
rotational position sensing
ruling position
running position
runway-holding position
satellite emergency position-indicating radio beacon
seating position
seat (seat position)
securitisation position
semi-bent position
semi-tuck position
sense of position
service position
shooting position
short equity position
short position
sideways position
significant net short position
sign position
sitting (position), sit
slight correction of feet position
slight lunge position
solvency position
sound budgetary position
spot position
squat position, bent leg squat
squat position (hang)
squat rest position, squat stand
standing position
stand on tiptoe, toes stand, toes-standing position (half -toe position, ballet stand)
stand-up position
starting position
starting position of robot hand
Starting position - take!
start position of robot
statement of financial position
statement of position
static equilibrium position
static (maintained) position
step position sensor
stoop stand position
straddle cut to L-position
strength position
stride position
support position
suspension position
sustainability of government financial position
sustainability of the government financial position
take a position (to)
take-off position
take up the starting position
tautosyllabic position
tax position
test position
three-position relay
throttle position sensor
throw-in from corner position
to backspace (2) (a position)
to close a position
to liquidate a position
to unwind a position in a financial instrument
trading book position
transport position
transversal position
treasury position
triple threat position
true position [of axis]
tuck position
two-position control
two-position controller
two-position governor
two-position regulator
two-position relay
uncomfortable position
uncovered position
underwriting position
unmatched weighted position
unrated position
upward jump in arch position (candle vault)
vertical position
vertical position of tongue
vertical pull-up with straight arms to L-support, from cross in L-position
V-position (V-lever)
welding in flat position
welding in vertical position
welding position
wiping position
working position
zero position
handstand with legs in split position (split handstand)
stāja uz rokām, kājas špagatā
стойка на руках ноги в шпагате
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Latvijas Zinātņu akadēmija