Ceturtdiena, 13. marts
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Izmantojiet zvaigznīti * vārda daļu meklēšanai (piemēram, dator* vai *pratība)
Jūs meklējāt
net taxes
Atrasti 114 termini
abolition of taxes
anticipation of taxes
approximate taxes
approximation of indirect taxes
approximation of taxes
assessed taxes
assessment of taxes
back taxes
border taxes
Budgeting & taxes
calculation of taxes
capital taxes
collection of taxes
collection of taxes in a uniform manner
company taxes
compensation of taxes
convention on taxes
covered taxes
current taxes on income, wealth, etc.
deferred taxes
deposit of import duties and taxes
determination of duties and taxes
Directive on Faster and Safer Relief of Excess Withholding Taxes
direct taxes
earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortisation
earnings before interest and taxes
earnings before taxes
excessive taxes
exemption from local taxes
frontier taxes
general sales taxes
greening taxes
“green” taxes — “zaļie” nodokļi
harmonized taxes
immunity from taxes
income taxes
indirect taxes
inspection of taxes
inspector of taxes
liability to pay taxes
liable to excise taxes
liable to export duties and taxes
liable to import duties and taxes
liable to taxes
losses from excessive taxes
miscellaneous taxes
Model Convention with respect to taxes on income and on capital
multi-level taxes
municipal taxes and charges
national taxes
net income before taxes
net taxes
operation of taxes
other current taxes
payment of import duties and taxes
period of limitation for the collection of import duties and taxes
preferential taxes
procedure affording conditional relief from import duties and taxes
profit before extraordinary items and taxes
reassessment of taxes
reduction of withholding taxes
refund of taxes
reimbursement of taxes
relief from import duties and taxes
repayment of import duties and taxes
reparative taxes
reserve for taxes
scale of taxes
simplified procedures for charging and collecting taxes
survey of taxes
surveyor of taxes
taxes and charges
taxes and duties
taxes and duties on imports, excluding VAT
taxes and fees
Taxes in Europe database
taxes less subsidies on products
taxes on amounts of wages or salaries paid by enterprises
taxes on betting and gambling
taxes on capital appreciation
taxes on financial transactions
taxes on gains from disposal of movable or immovable property
taxes on imports, excluding VAT and import duties
taxes on income
taxes on insurance contract
taxes on production and imports
taxes on products
taxes on products, except VAT and import taxes
*taxes on rated salaries
taxes on services
to abolish taxes
to administer taxes
to assess the duties and taxes payable
to avoid [from paying] taxes
to avoid from paying taxes
to collect taxes
to collect taxes on a pay-as-you-earn (Paye) basis
to dodge from [paying] taxes
to evade taxes
to evaluate taxes
to harmonize taxes
to increase taxes
to keep taxes as low as possible
to pay taxes
to prohibit discriminatory and protective internal taxes
to provide for the harmonization of indirect taxes
to raise taxes
to reduce withholding taxes
to remove withholding taxes
Trade Specialised Committee on Administrative Cooperation in VAT and Recovery of Taxes and Duties
value-added-type taxes
waiver of import duties and taxes
write-offs of uncollectible taxes
period of limitation for the collection of import duties and taxes
termiņa ierobežojums importa muitas nodevu un nodokļu iekasēšanai
Angļu-latviešu muitas terminu vārdnīca — R., Jāņa sēta, 1997.
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