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«Terminoloģijas Jaunumi»
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Izmantojiet zvaigznīti * vārda daļu meklēšanai (piemēram, dator* vai *pratība)
Jūs meklējāt
non EU country
Atrasti 283 termini
acceding country
accession country
Action Plan on the integration of third country nationals
advanced country
agreement with third country
agricultural country
air cargo or mail carrier operating into the Union from a third country airport
allied country
analogue country
analogue market economy country
Annex I country
applicant country
appropriate analogue country
associate country
associated country
associated Schengen country
Austrian Centre for Country of Origin and Asylum Research and Documentation
Autonomous Community of the Basque Country
Baltic country
Basque Country
beneficiary country
border country
candidate country
candidate country status
cohesion country
Commission Schengen Evaluation Country Coordinator
concept of first country of asylum
concept of safe country of origin
concept of safe third country
Core Country Group for Return Matters
Council Directive 2003/109/EC of 25 November 2003 concerning the status of third-country nationals who are long-term residents
Council Directive 2009/50/EC of 25 May 2009 on the conditions of entry and residence of third-country nationals for the purposes of highly qualified employment
country/region code
country / state codes
country-based support scheme
country-by-country report
country-by-country reporting
country code
country code for geographic areas
country code for global service
country code for Networks
country domain
country estate
country exposure
Country Focus report
country guidance
country guidance note
country-house museum (GB)
country image
country information
country leaving
country-led initiative
country name
country of asylum
country of birth
country of consignment
country of consumption
country of departure
country of destination
country of dispatch
country of exit
country of export
country of first asylum
country of former habitual residence
country of habitual residence
country of importation
country of issue
country of manufacture
country of nationality
country of origin
country of origin information
country of origin principle
country of previous usual residence
country of production
country of provenance
country of purchase
country of refuge
country of residence
country of return
country of sale
country of tax residence
country of transit
country of warehousing
country opinion
country overview report
country paper
country park
country recreation dwelling
country risk
country road
country roadmap for engagement with CSOs
Country Signing Certificate Authority
Country Signing Certification Authority
country-specific documentation
country-specific opinion
country-specific recommendation
country strategy
country strategy paper
country-wide subsidy margin
country with an emerging economy
cross-country ability
cross country conditions
cross country fault
cross-country race
debt-distressed country
departure country
developed country
developed country Parties
developing country
Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on common standards and procedures in Member States for returning illegally staying third-country nationals
distinguishing sign of the country
donor country
Eastern partner country
Eastern Partnership country
ECAA country
eligible country
emerging country
enlargement country
EUAA Country Guidance
EU country roadmap for engagement with civil society
EU country roadmap for engagement with CSOs
EU Laissez-Passer Country Signing Certificate Authority
European Criminal Records Information System for third-country nationals
European Fund for the Integration of third-country nationals
European Neighbourhood country
European travel document for the return of illegally staying third-country nationals
Eurozone country
EU Skills Profile Tool for Third-Country Nationals
exporting country
first country of asylum
first-stage country analysis
food-deficit country
foreign country
frontline country
goods wholly obtained in a country
goods wholly obtained in a single country
goods wholly obtained or produced in one country
Government of the Basque Country
heavily indebted country
heavily indebted poor country
high-income country
highly indebted poor country
highly qualified third-country worker
high-risk third country
high tax country
holding company of third-country insurance and reinsurance undertakings
home country
host country
human rights and democracy country strategy
human rights country strategy
illegal employment of a third country national
illegally staying third-country national
importing country
in-country/region number format
in-country number format
industrial-agrarian country
industrial country
industrialised country
integration of third country nationals
internal prices in the country of exportation
ISO country name
issuing country
Joint Return Operation Core Country Group
landlocked country
least developed country
least-developed country
like-minded country
lower middle-income country
low-income country
low-income food-deficit country
low R&I performing country
low tax country
low-tax country
marsh-ridden country
Medical Country of Origin Information
Mediterranean Partner Country
member country
Member State Schengen Evaluation Country Coordinator
middle-income country
multi-country notification
multi-country project
multi-country transaction
multi-country umbrella programme
multinational country
national of third country
negotiating country
Neighbourhood country
neighbouring country
newly industrialised country
Non-Annex I country
non-associated country
non-Community country
non-EU country
non-eurozone country
non-market economy country
non-member country
non-participating country
non-preferential country-allocated tariff quota
non-quota country
no tax country
notion of a safe country of origin
One Country, Two Systems
'one country, two systems' formula
outside the country of former habitual residence
outside the country of nationality
overseas country
Parliament of the Basque Country
participating country
partner country
post-conflict country
post-crisis country
post-embargo country
potential candidate country
pre-accession country
preferential trading partner country
programme country
purchasing country
recognised third-country investment firms
refugee-hosting country
Regulation introducing a screening of third country nationals at the external borders
relay country
relevant third-country authority
reporting country
requested country
requesting country
retentionist country
risk-corrected country spread
safe country of origin
safe country of origin concept
safe third country
safe third country concept
safe third country principle
Schengen associated country
seismic country
severely indebted country
signatory country
Skills Profile Tool for Third Country Nationals
Skills Tool Kit for Third Country Nationals
source country
springboard country
standard travel document for the expulsion of third-country nationals
sudden influx of third-country nationals
third country
third country associated to the Programme
third country associated with the Programme
third-country audit entity
third-country auditor
third-country CCP
third-country central counterparty
Third Country Cooperation Network
third country equivalence
third country government deletion account
third-country institution
third-country insurance undertaking
third country issuer
third-country national
third country national
third-country national found to be illegally present
third-country nationals
third country of return
third-country parent undertaking
third country registry
third-country reinsurance undertaking
third-country researcher
third-country resolution proceedings
third country supervisory regime
to carry goods across a third country
to enter the country
to leave the country
to take antiques out of the country
town and country planning
town-country relationship
trade by country
transit country
underdeveloped country
union country
upper middle-income country
vulnerable country
wholly obtained in a single country or territory
widening country
within the confines of our country
potential candidate country
potenciāla kandidātvalsts
iespējamā kandidātvalsts
mögliches Bewerberland
pays candidat potentiel
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