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non EU national
Atrasti 626 termini
Afghanistan National Development Strategy
Afghanistan National Peace and Development Framework
aggregate national data
Agreement on Marine Biodiversity of Areas beyond National Jurisdiction
Agreement on the Status of the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation, National Representatives and International Staff
Agreement under the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea on the conservation and sustainable use of marine biological diversity of areas beyond national jurisdiction
allocation of monetary income of national central banks
American National Standards Institute
Asia Pacific Forum of National Human Rights Institutions
Association of National Advertisers, Inc.
Austrian National Council
balance of national income
Belarus Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum National Platform
Belarusian National Platform
Book of European and national instructions
branches of national economy
Capacity building for Roma civil society and strengthening its involvement in the monitoring of national Roma integration strategies
CBRN national action plan
Chamber of National Ambassadors of the Covenant of Mayors
chief national coach
claiming the seniority of a national trade mark
Coin National Analysis Centre
Coldiretti National Farmers' Confederation
Commission expert group on gross national income
Commission on National Parks and Protected Areas
Committee on National Alcohol Policy and Action
Committee on the harmonisation of gross national income at market prices
Community action programme for the vocational training of customs officials of national administrations
Compilation of national control lists
complementary national direct payments
conduct endangering national security
conflicting national standard
Constitutional Declaration by the National Transitional Council
Convention concerning Seafarers' National Identity Documents
Convention on centralised customs clearance, concerning the allocation of national collection costs retained when traditional own resources are made available to the EU budget
conversion into a national trade mark application
Declaration on the Rights of Persons Belonging to National or Ethnic, Religious and Linguistic Minorities
deflator of gross national product
designated national macroprudential authority
Directorate for Relations with National Parliaments
dual national
earlier national trade mark
EDIFACT (the United National Rules for Electronic Data Interchange for Administration, Commerce and Transport)
EEA national
ELA national event
employment of a foreign national not entitled to work
Energy Efficiency National Fund
enterprise surveys at national level
equivalence of Community filing with national filing
ETIAS National Unit
EUAA Asylum Intervention Pool’s National Contact Point
EU compilation of national control lists
EU framework for national Roma integration strategies
EU law - national law
EU national
EU non-national
EU policy - national policy
Eurojust national coordination system
European Agreement for the Prevention of Broadcasts transmitted from Stations outside National Territories
European Association of National Productivity Centres
European Federation of National Organisations Working with the Homeless
European Labour Authority national event
European Labour Authority's National Liaison Officer
European Network of National Civil Society Associations
European network of national Equality Bodies
European network of National Europass Centres
European Network of National Human Rights Institutions
European Network of National Information Centres
European Network of National Information Centres on academic recognition and mobility
European System of Integrated National Accounts
European system of national and regional accounts
European System of National and Regional Accounts in the Community
European system of national and regional accounts in the European Union
Europol National Unit
family member of foreign national
folk (national) architecture
foreign national
foreign national beneficiary of subsidiary protection status
foreign national employed as government authorised exchange worker
foreign national employed on internship
foreign national in transit
foreign national sponsored researcher
foreign national without identity documents
foreign national writer, composer or artist
Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities
French National Assembly
Future National Activities Planner
gender mainstreaming in national policies and programmes
General Confederation of Portuguese Workers – National Trade Unions
Global Alliance of National Human Rights Institutions
Global Principles on National Security and the Right to Information
Government of National Accord
government of national consensus
government of national unity
Governor of a national central bank
governors of national central banks
gross national disposable income
Gross National Income
Gross National Income Expert Group
Gross National Product
gross national product, GNP
Group of high-level national regulatory experts
harmonization of national standards
High Commissioner on National Minorities
highest national judiciary
humanitarian status under national law
Hungarian National Federation of Consumer Co-operative Societies and Trade Associations
illegal employment of a third country national
illegally staying foreign national
illegally staying third-country national
independent national electoral commission
independent national equality body
indicative national contribution
indicative national contribution for FEC
indicative national energy efficiency contribution
indicative national energy efficiency contribution based on final energy consumption
indicative national energy efficiency contribution for FEC
indicative national energy efficiency contribution for final energy consumption
indicative national energy efficiency target
integrated national energy and climate plan
integrated national energy and climate plans
integrated national energy and climate progress report
integrated national financing framework
Interinstitutional Relations and Relations with National ESCs
International Commission on National Parks
International Coordinating Committee for National Human Rights Institutions
International Coordinating Committee of National Institutions for the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights
international law - national law
INTERPOL National Central Bureau
IPCC Guidelines for National GHG Inventories
IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories
Kyoto Protocol National Registry
language of the national court or tribunal
Latvian National Independence Movement
Latvian National Opera
Latvian National Radio and Television Council
Law of the People's Republic of China on Safeguarding National Security in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
Lisbon national coordinator
manner laid down by national law
marine biodiversity beyond areas of national jurisdiction
marine biological diversity beyond areas of national jurisdiction
marine biological diversity of areas beyond national jurisdiction
measures of national law
merchandise of national origin
militarisation of national economy
mono-national active substance
multi-annual national control plan
multi-national active substance
multi-national clinical trial
national/real income aggregates
national 2030 reduction target
National Academic Recognition Information Centre
National Academic Recognition Information Centres
National Academic Recognition Information Centres in the European Union
National Access Point
National Accounting Matrix including Environmental Accounts
national accounts
national accreditation body
national adaptation plan
National Adaptation Programme of Action
national adaptation strategy
national administration
national administration of justice
national administrative competition authority
national administrative platform
national administrative system
National Agency for Radioactive Waste and Nuclear Fuels
national agricultural policy
national airline
national air pollution control programme
national alert
national allocation plan
national allocation plan for the allocation of greenhouse gas emission allowances
national allowance holding account
National Analysis Centre
national anthem
national anti-trafficking action plan
national anti-trafficking coordinator
national application fee
national arbitration court
national archives
National Armed Forces
national arrest warrant
national asylum policy
National Asylum Support Service
National Assembly
National Association of Entrepreneurs and Employers
National Association of Hungarian Farmers' Societies and Cooperatives
National Association of Insurance Commissioners
National Association of Strategic and Public Utility Companies
national audit body
National Audit Bureau
national authorisation
national authorities
national authority
National Automated Clearing House Association
national aviation security programme
national backend
National Best Bid and Offer
National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan
national border
national border guard
national borrowing*
national boundary
national budget
national building renovation plan
National Bureau of Standards
national CAP network
National Case Reference Identifier
national ceiling
National Center for Missing & Exploited Children
national central access point
national central bank
National Central Bureau
National Centre for Missing and Exploited Children
national certificate policy
national champion
national championship
national citizens’ panel
national citizenship
national city park
national civil aviation security programme
national cybersecurity certification authority
national cybersecurity certification scheme
National Cyber Security Strategy
national climate plan
national coach (team)
National Coalition for Opposition Forces and the Syrian Revolution
National Coalition for Syrian Revolutionary and Opposition Forces
National Coalition of Syrian Revolutionary and Opposition Forces
national coin analysis centre
National Commission for Civic Education
National Commission on Human Rights and Freedoms
national Common Agricultural Policy Network
national communication
national compartment
national competent authority
national competent authority partner
national competition
national competition authority
National Confederation of Agricultural Cooperatives and Agricultural Credit of Portugal
National Confederation of Employers' Organisations in Romania
National Confederation of Free Trade Unions of Romania – Frăţia
National Confederation of Solidarity Institutions
National Congress for the Defence of the People
national consensus government
national consumption
national contact point
national contact point for secondary use of electronic health data
National Contact Points for eHealth
National Coordination Centre
national copy
national corporate tax law
national costume
National Council
National Council for Democracy and Development
National Council of Professional Associations
National Council of Small and Medium-Sized Private Enterprises in Romania
National Council of Swedish Youth Organisations
National Council of the Slovak Republic
national court
national court or tribunal
national court or tribunal which referred the question to the Court
national currency
national currency's system
national customs procedure
national customs service
national day of mourning
national debt
national delegation
national design right
national destination code
national deviation
National Dialogue Quartet
national disposable income
national drugs coordinator
national drugs observatory
national economic complex
national economy
national economy branches
national economy branches and districts structure development policy
national economy purposes
national election
national electronic register
national electronic register of road transport undertakings
national emission ceiling
National Emission Ceilings Directive
national emission reduction commitment
national emission target
National EMPACT Coordinator
national employment
National Endowment for Democracy
national energy and climate plan
National Energy Efficiency Action Plan
National Energy Efficiency Fund
national energy efficiency obligation scheme
National Enforcement Authority
national envelope
National Environmental Security Taskforce
National Environmental Security Task Force
national equality body
National Europass Centre
National Execution Measures database
national expenditure
national exposure reduction target
national face of euro coins
national facilitation programme
national federation (association)
National Federation of Farmers' Unions
National Federation of Workers' Councils
national financing
National Firearms Focal Point
national fiscal council
National Flag Day
National Flag Day (Observed)
national flight
National Focal Point
National Folk
national food
National Forest Inventory
national forestry accounting plan
national foundation
national framework for qualifications
national framework programme
National Frontex Point of Contact
national frontier
national fuel stream
national funding
national GAAP
national gallery
National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency
national gymnastic federation
national goods
national government
national greenhouse gas inventory
national guarantee fund
national headquarters
National Health System
national helpdesk
national history
national holding account
national holiday
National Human Rights Institution
National Human Rights Institutions
national identity
national implementing law
national implementing measure
national income
national income (at market prices)
national independence
national indicative energy efficiency target
national indicative program
national indicative programme
National Institute for Standards and Technology
National Institute of Child Health and Human Development
national institution
national institution for the promotion and protection of human rights
national insurance benefit
national integrity
national interest
national interface
national inventory
national inventory data
national inventory document
national inventory of anthropogenic emissions by sources and removals by sinks of all greenhouse gases not controlled by the Montreal Protocol
national inventory report
national inventory system
national job plan
national judicial competition authority
national judicial system
national Kyoto Protocol registry
national KP registry
national language
national law
National League for Democracy
national legal monopoly
national legislation
national legislation on OSH
national liaison office
national liaison officer
National Liaison Officers Network
National Liberation Army
National Liberation Front of Azawad
national liberation movement
national library
national location outside facilities
national long-term care coordinator
national machinery for the advancement of women
national market
national marketing authorisation application
national medium-term fiscal-structural plan
national memorial site
national minimum wage
national minority
national money laundering and terrorist financing risk assessment
national monetary authority
National Movement for the Liberation of Azawad
national museum
*national needs
national forestry accounting plan
nacionālais mežsaimniecības uzskaites plāns
Anrechnungsplan für die Forstwirtschaft
plan comptable forestier national
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