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Izmantojiet zvaigznīti * vārda daļu meklēšanai (piemēram, dator* vai *pratība)
Jūs meklējāt
normal use
Atrasti 128 termini
Backus Normal Form
Boyce-Codd normal form
calculation of the normal value
cutting edge normal plane
direct normal irradiance
end lap [normal fillet] weld
first normal stress coefficient
first normal stress decay coefficient
first normal stress decay function
first normal stress function
first normal stress growth coefficient
first normal stress growth function
first normal stress relaxation function
Gaussian [normal] distribution
Gaussian normal distribution function
income in addition to normal pay
individual normal value
logarithmic normal distribution
log-normal distribution
log normal distribution
log-normal paper
maximum normal stress theory of strength
"no creditor worse off than under normal insolvency proceedings" principle
normal acceleration
normal alleles
normal arrangements for value added tax
normal arrangements for VAT
normal award
normal backup
normal characters
normal circular pitch
normal clinical practice
normal component
normal configuration
normal coupe
normal course of business
normal deduction of the tax applied at the preceding stage
[normal] diametral pitch
normal distribution
normal distribution, Gauss distribution
normal driving position
normal earthquake
normal exposure
normal fluctuation band
normal fluctuation margins
normal force
normal (Gaussian) distribution
normal genes
normal grade
normal growing-stock
normal growth
normal insolvency proceedings
*normal labour time
normal liability
normal load
normal market conditions
normal module
normal module of rack
normal operating cell temperature
normal [operating] conditions
normal overnight charge procedure
normal passability
normal pension age
normal phase-column
normal phase column
normal pitch of rack
normal position of use of a movable component
normal power recharging point
normal pressure
normal price
normal probability density distribution
normal profit
normal pump operation
normal rate
normal reaction
normal retirement age
normal ride attitude
normal running position
normal section of rack
normal standing (stand)
normal state
normal stress
normal stress coefficient
normal stress decay coefficient
normal stress decay function
normal stress function
normal stress growth coefficient
normal stress growth function
normal stress koefficient
normal stress relaxation function
normal tariff
normal termination
*normal time payment
normal tyre
normal trafficability
normal transmittance
normal turnability
normal use
normal value
normal value added tax scheme
normal VAT arrangements
normal velocity
normal velocity component
normal withholding tax rate
normal working time
outside normal working hours
re-examination of normal value
second normal stress coefficient
second normal stress decay coefficient
second normal stress decay function
second normal stress function
second normal stress growth coefficient
second normal stress growth function
second normal stress relaxation function
system of normal equations
start of normal operation
stright (normal
support front ways, front leaning support, normal front support
[surface] normal
thread profile in normal section of worm
to be includible in the normal price
tool normal clearance
tool normal rake
tool orthogonal (normal) clearance
visible during
normal use
weighted average normal value
working normal rake
standard tariff
normal tariff
parastais tarifs
обычный тариф
Ekonomikas, lietvedības un darba organizācijas termini (ELDO) — R., 1995
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