Svētdiena, 12. janvāris
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Latvijas Nacionālo terminoloģijas portālu
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«Terminoloģijas Jaunumi»
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Izmantojiet zvaigznīti * vārda daļu meklēšanai (piemēram, dator* vai *pratība)
Jūs meklējāt
of its own motion
Atrasts 121 termins
3D motion
absolute motion
accelerated motion
arms movement (action, motion)
arrest a motion
bed return motion (movement, stroke)
bed reverse motion
carriage motion (movement)
chaotic motion
check motion
compound motion
confidence motion
constrained motion
continuous motion
control motion noise
curvelinear motion
curvilinear motion
decelerated motion
differential equations of motion
direction of motion
disturbed motion
equation of motion
equations of motion
Euler's equations of motion
EURAXESS - researchers in motion
examination of the facts by the Office
of its own motion
feed motion
feed motion angle
first law of motion
full motion video adapter
gear train of indexing and generating motion
gear train of primary motion
initiate motion
joint motion for a resolution
laminar motion
let of motion (regulator)
linear-motion roller bearing
mechanical motion
motion background
motion blur
motion controller
motion data
motion dynamics
motion focus
motion for a non-legislative resolution
motion for a resolution
motion for rejection
motion-induced electric field
motion mark
motion of censure
motion of rigid body about fixed point
motion of transport
motion parallax
motion path
motion picture
Motion Picture Association of America
motion platform
motion sensor
motion sickness
motion (translation) thread
Newton's law of motion
no-action motion
non-legislative motion for a resolution
nonstationary motion
non-uniform motion
of its own motion
orbital motion
oscillatory motion
periodic motion
perturbed motion
plane motion
plane of motion
potential motion
primary motion
principle of motion of centre of mass
procedural motion
*progress of the motion
pulsating motion method
quantity of motion
range of motion (movement)
Real Motion
reciprocating motion
rectilinear motion
relative motion
resistance to motion
resolution of a motion
rocker motion
rotary motion
rotary motion (movement)
rotational motion
screw motion
slow motion
slow motion crusher
smooth motion
spherical motion
stability of motion
stable motion
stationary motion
steady-state motion
stick-slip motion
straight-line motion
swirling motion
three-dimensional motion
to propose a motion
translational motion
translatory motion
turbulent motion
two-dimensional motion
uniformly accelerated motion
uniform motion
unperturbed motion
unstable motion
unsteady motion
velocity of motion
vortex-free motion
vortex motion
wares (goods) take up motion mechanism (device)
warp protector motion
warp stop motion
Windows Mixed Reality motion controller
swirling motion
swirling movement
vortex motion
vortex movement
Latviešu-angļu enerģētikas un elektrotehnikas vārdnīca — 2006
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