Pirmdiena, 23. decembris
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Latvijas Nacionālo terminoloģijas portālu
Terminu datubāze
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«Terminoloģijas Jaunumi»
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FR franču
LA latīņu
Izmantojiet zvaigznīti * vārda daļu meklēšanai (piemēram, dator* vai *pratība)
Jūs meklējāt
off mode
Atrasti 256 termini
acid mode
active mode
addressing mode
adjust text mode
Admin Approval Mode
admin mode
airplane mode
asynchronous mode
Asynchronous Transfer Mode
audit mode
autocommit mode
automatic mode
auto style application mode
background graphics mode
Ball Mode
basic mode link control
Battery Limit Mode
bending mode
bi-mode locomotive
boxed mode
bracket mode
break mode
bridge mode
browse mode
browser-compatible mode
bullet mode
burst mode
Cached Exchange Mode
centered mode
character mode
cine mode
circuit mode
classic mode
cofunctional mode set
collection mode
combined fracture mode
common mode failure
compatibility mode
Comprehension mode
conference mode
connectionless mode
connection mode
consecutive interpreting mode
Contributor mode
control mode
conversational mode
coupled units mode
crankcase heater mode
crankcase heater operation mode
create mode
dark mode
data gateway (personal mode)
delayed-mode analysis
design mode
developer mode
dialling mode
dial mode
dialog mode
dictation mode
direct response mode
dynamic mode
docked mode
Drive mode
driver-selectable mode
Driving mode
dual-mode locomotive
dual-screen mode
edit mode
Emergency Callback Mode
emergency mode
End mode
endocrine mode of action
Enterprise Mode Site List
Enterprise Mode Site List Manager
Exit drive mode
expanded screen mode
factory mode
fail-safe mode
failure mode
Failure Mode, Effects and Criticality Analysis (FMECA)
Failure Mode and Effect Analysis
Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA)
failure mode and effects analysis
fallback mode of operation
fast page mode DRAM
fast page-mode RAM
fiber mode
focus mode
follow-me mode
formal parameter mode
Form Mode
fracture mode
Free-form mode
frequency sensitive mode
full activation mode
full mode
Full-screen mode
generating conditions generator mode
Global mode
graphics mode
grip mode
Guest Mode
Headphone Virtualization mode
high color mode
home mode
IE mode
immersive mode
information sharing mode
ink collection mode
ink entry mode
insert mode
Install and Configure Mode
interactive mode
invariant mode
island mode operation
isochronous [mode]
Join in drive mode
kernel mode
kernel-mode driver
kernel mode exception
Kids Mode
laptop mode
Light Mode
limited frequency sensitive mode – overfrequency
limited frequency sensitive mode – underfrequency
limp-home mode
lined mode
login security mode
manual style application mode
migration mode
Mixed DPI mode
mixed mode
mixed mode (adj.)
mode, modal value
mode of action
mode of activation
*mode of appropriation
mode of aquatint
*mode of consumption
mode of delivery
mode of management
mode of oscillation
mode of printing
mode of production
mode of transport
mode of transport inland
mode of vibration
Mode S
Mode S all call interrogation
Mode S all call reply
Mode Select
Mode S interrogator
Mode S multisite lockout protocol message
Mode S operator
Mode S target
Mode S transponder
Mode Switcher
move mode
multiprogramming (mode)
multiprogramming [mode]
native mode
Navigation mode
networked standby mode
Night mode
nonhubbed mode
nontransparent mode
Non-Uniform Memory Access [mode]
NUMA [mode]
Office Mode
off-line mode
offline mode
off mode
on-line mode
on-premises data gateway (personal mode)
operating mode
overwrite mode
packet-mode terminal
packet mode terminal
packet transfer mode
page-mode RAM
panning mode
permanent emission default mode
phone mode
predominant mode
presenter mode
promiscuous mode
protected mode
pumpage mode
quiet mode
quorum mode
Read mode
real address mode
real mode
real-mode mapper
Rectangle mode
Reduced Functionality Mode
REESS charging mode coupled to the power grid
reference mode
renewal only mode
rotate mode
safe mode
sample mode
Sampling mode
scale mode
Single Market emergency mode
Single Market vigilance mode
single-user mode
skin mode
slagging mode
sleep mode
Snipping mode
spectator mode
split keyboard mode
split view mode
spurious mode
standard mode
standby mode
static mode
steady-state discrete mode test cycle
stealth mode
storage mode
store and forward mode
supervisor mode
tablet mode
test mode
text mode
text-mode Setup
theater mode
off mode
Time Attack Mode
Together mode
transmit mode
transport mode
true color mode
user mode
user mode exception
vehicle coastdown mode
verbose mode
video mode
viewer mode
vigilance mode
Virtualization Mode
visibility mode
voice command mode
windowed mode
Window mode
Windows Firewall shielded mode
Windows XP Mode
write mode
zero-emission mode
mode of vibration
mode of oscillation
svārstību moda
мода колебаний
вид колебаний
тип колебаний
Mehānikas terminoloģijas vārdnīca. — R., LNMK, 1997
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Latvijas Zinātņu akadēmija