Svētdiena, 12. janvāris
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Latvijas Nacionālo terminoloģijas portālu
Terminu datubāze
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«Terminoloģijas Jaunumi»
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Akadēmiskā terminu datubāze
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FR franču
LA latīņu
Izmantojiet zvaigznīti * vārda daļu meklēšanai (piemēram, dator* vai *pratība)
Jūs meklējāt
oil processing
Atrasti 269 termini
Additional Protocol to the Convention for the Protection of Individuals with regard to Automatic Processing of Personal Data, regarding supervisory authorities and transborder data flows
American Federation of Information Processing Societies
American Federation of Information Processing Societies, Inc.
append (in text processing)
automated data processing
automatic data processing*
automatic data processing
automatic processing
background processing
banknote processing machines
batch processing
batch-processing environment
biotechnological processing
block (in text processing)
block move (in text processing)
book-block preparation (processing)
book-block processing machine
browsing (in text processing)
business data processing
call processing
cargo processing
centralized processing
Central Processing Unit
chemical processing
chemical processing of wood
cluster (in distributed data processing)
coal processing
commercial processing
commercial processing for foreign account
complex data processing
complex event processing
computer center, data processing center
computerized declaration processing system
concurrent processing
conditional processing
Convention for the Protection of Individuals with regard to Automatic Processing of Personal Data
conversational processing
cooperative processing
cross-border data processing
cross-border processing
Data Mgt, Doc.Processing Service
data processing
data processing center
data processing centre
data-processing controller
data processing (DP)
data processing extension
data-processing law
data processing node
data processing system
data processing system, computer system, computing system
delays in processing people and merchandise
digital signal processing
Directive 2002/58/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 12 July 2002 concerning the processing of personal data and the protection of privacy in the electronic communications sector
distributed data processing
document (in text processing)
document image processing
domain (in distributed data processing)
duration of processing*
economic outward processing arrangements
economic outward processing procedure
editing (in text processing)
Electronic Data Processing
electronic data-processing technique
embedded command (in text processing)
export processing zone
fair processing
fish processing
fish-processing ship
fish-processing vessel
flax processing
food processing
format (in text processing)
formatting (in text processing)
form processing
free port processing
further processing
gas processing
gas processing plant
goods arising from processing
goods for processing
goods obtained by processing agricultural products
goods resulting from the processing of agricultural products
graphical processing unit
graphics processing unit
*group processing
hot-air processing
hub (in distributed data processing)
image processing
*individual processing
industrial data processing
industrial processing
Industrial processing of articles with abrasive techniques
Industrial processing of articles with abrasive techniques (high release)
Industrial use of processing aids in processes and products, not becoming part of articles
Industrial use of reactive processing aids
information processing
information processing module
information processing system
integrated data processing
integrated data processing system
Integrated Initial Flight Plan Processing System
interactive processing
intermediate biometric sample processing
intermediate stage of processing
International Federation for Information Processing
interrupt processing
Inward Processing
inward processing drawback procedure
inward processing drawback system
inward processing EX/IM
inward processing IM/EX
inward processing procedure
inward-processing procedure
inward processing procedure in the form of the drawback system
inward-processing procedure (suspensive arrangement)
inward processing regime
inward processing system
inward processing suspension procedure
inward processing suspension system
inward processing warehouse
job processing
joint processing activities
Joint Processing Support Team
joint processing teams
layer (in distributed data processing)
legal data processing
list processing
list processing language
manual data processing
materials unsuitable for consumption or processing
meat processing and packing factory
meat processing industry
mechanized processing
*method of group processing
method of processing
natural gas processing plant
natural language processing
neural processing unit
off-line processing
oil processing
OnLine Analytical Processing
on-line processing
Online Transaction Processing
Open processing and transfer operations with minerals/metals at elevated temperature
ore processing
outward processing
outward processing arrangements
outward processing EX/IM
outward processing IM/EX
outward processing procedure
outward processing traffic
Paper and board dye, finishing and impregnation products including bleaches and other processing aids
parallel processing
passenger processing
personal data processing
physics processing unit
picture processing
pipeline processing
pyrometallurgical processing
policy processing sequence
post-trade processing
Potentially closed processing operations with minerals/metals at elevated temperature. Industrial setting
poultry breeding and processing factory
pretreatment; primary processing
primary processing*
process (in a data processing system)
processing aid
processing application for asylum
processing architecture
*processing costs
processing costs
processing equipment
processing factor
processing industry
processing instructions
processing yard
processing losses
processing margin
processing of agricultural products
processing of data
processing of goods
processing of personal data
processing of the catch
processing of various materials
processing operation
processing permit
processing plant
processing power
processing procedure
processing recording key machine
processing suspension procedure
processing technique
processing time
processing time (for surface improvement with fluids)
processing under customs control
processing unit
processing vessel
processing work
product obtained by sufficient working or processing
provisioned credit card processing account
query processing
random processing
raw material acquisition and pre-processing life-cycle stage
real-time processing
realtime processing
Regulation on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data
Regulation on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data by the Union institutions, bodies, offices and agencies and on the free movement of such data
remote access data processing
remote batch processing
remote data processing
resin processing products
restriction of processing
right to restriction of processing
search (in text processing)
secure processing environment
security of processing
sequential processing
serial processing
signal processing
*simplified processing
skip (in text processing)
software applications: word processing, spreadsheets, database management, communication, statistical analysis
speech processing
stage of processing
stages of production, processing and distribution
State responsible for processing an asylum claim
statistical processing of data
stratified processing
sugar beet processing campaign
supplementary processing
Technical Commission for Data Processing
*technical processing
tensor processing unit
Textile dyes, finishing and impregnating products; including bleaches and other processing aids
textless natural language processing
text processing
thermal processing
thermomechanical processing
to justify (in text processing)
tokenization (text processing)
token (text processing)
toll processing agreement
to overwrite (in text processing)
to undergo processing operations
transaction processing
transaction processing monitor
Transactions Processing monitor
UHT processing
ultrahigh-temperature processing
vacuum processing (pressure treatment)
vector processing
vision processing unit
voice processing
wastes from sugar processing
wastes from wood processing and the production of panels and furniture
Wide dispersive indoor use of long-life articles and materials with high or intended release including abrasive processing
Wide dispersive indoor use of processing aids in open systems
Wide dispersive outdoor use of long-life articles and materials with high or intended release, including abrasive processing
Wide dispersive outdoor use of processing aids in open systems
word processing
word processing program
Working Party on Legal Data Processing
Working Party on the Protection of Individuals with regard to the Processing of Personal Data
wraparound (in text processing)
zero (in data processing)
processing procedure
pārstrādes procedūra
régime de transformation
régime de perfectionnement
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