Ceturtdiena, 9. janvāris
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DE vācu
FR franču
LA latīņu
Izmantojiet zvaigznīti * vārda daļu meklēšanai (piemēram, dator* vai *pratība)
Jūs meklējāt
on the job learning
Atrasti 199 termini
5-shot in-context learning
accreditation of prior and experiential learning
Action Plan on Adult learning - It is always a good time to learn
action programme in the field of lifelong learning
adaptive learning
adaptive learning parameter
adult learning
analytic learning
asynchronous learning
associative learning
automated learning process
automated machine learning
automatic learning
automatic mutual recognition of the outcomes of a learning period abroad
Azure Machine Learning
basic learning need
Business Contact Manager Learning Center
case-based learning
collaborative learning
Common European Framework of Reference for Languages: Learning, Teaching, Assessment
computer-assisted learning
concept learning
content and language integrated learning
continual learning
continuous learning
Custom learning
Custom learning for Office 365
deductive learning
deep learning
deep machine learning
distance learning
distributed learning system
dual learning
Early learning
ELA's Mutual Learning and Understanding Framework
e-learning system
Electronic Platform for Adult Learning in Europe
European agenda for adult learning
European Civil Society Platform on Lifelong Learning
European digital credentials for learning
European framework for personal, social and learning to learn key competence
European Framework of Key Competences for lifelong learning
European Inventory of validation of non-formal and informal learning
European inventory on validation of non-formal and informal learning
European Label for innovative projects in language teaching and learning
European Labour Authority's Mutual Learning and Understanding Framework
European Learning Model
European Qualifications Framework for lifelong learning
European Reference Framework of Key Competences for Lifelong Learning
example-based learning
experience-based learning
experiential learning
explanation-based learning
face-to-face learning
few-shot learning
field of learning
flexible learning pathway
foreign language learning
formal learning
Framework of Key Competences for Lifelong Learning
fully managed end-to-end machine learning service
fully managed machine learning service
game-based learning
genetic learning
global learning
Green Paper - Promoting the learning mobility of young people
help & learning
heuristic learning
hybrid learning models
implicit language learning
Incheon Declaration: Towards inclusive and equitable quality education and lifelong learning for all
in-context learning
incremental learning
individualised learning
individual learning account
inductive learning
informal learning
in-person learning
instance-based learning
intergenerational learning
internet-based distance learning
internet-based distance learning system
Key competences for lifelong learning — a European reference framework
language learning
learning account
learning achievement
learning agreement
learning algorithm
learning analytics
Learning and Development Unit
learning-apprentice strategy
learning area
learning attainment
learning badge
learning by analogy
learning by being told
learning by deduction
learning by discovery
learning by doing
learning by induction
learning difficulty
learning disability
learning disabled person
learning from examples
learning from instruction
learning from observation
learning from solution paths
learning goal
learning (IDEAL)
learning in the belt
learning in the workplace
learning mobility
learning objective
learning of basic exercises
learning organisation
learning outcome
Learning Path
Learning Path control
Learning Pathway
learning pathways
learning plan
Learning (Preview)
learning process
learning provider
learning rational system
learning society
learning strategy
learning technique
learning to learn
Learning Tools
Learning Tools for OneNote
learning while doing
learning without a teacher
lifelong learning
lifelong learning account
Lifelong Learning Platform
Lifelong Learning Programme
lifewide learning
LinkedIn Learning
LinkedIn Learning Premium
machine learning
machine learning algorithm
machine learning-enabled medical device
machine learning model
machine learning system
Mercator European Research Centre on Multilingualism and Language Learning
Microsoft 365 learning pathways
Microsoft Azure Machine Learning
Microsoft Viva Learning
Mutual Learning Programme
non-formal learning
on-line learning
online learning
on-the-job learning
open and distance learning
open learning
peer learning
personalised learning
person with a learning disability
person with learning difficulties
play-based learning
Portal on Learning Opportunities throughout the European Space
practical learning experience
prior learning
Professional Learning Community
profound and multiple learning disabilities
programmed learning
recognition of prior learning
reinforcement learning
remote learning
rote learning
self-learning feature
self-paced learning
Self-reflection on Effective Learning
semi-supervised machine learning
service learning
social and emotional learning
social-emotional learning
social outcomes of learning
spontaneous learning
structured learning
supervised learning
supervised machine learning
Teaching and Learning International Survey
technology-enhanced learning
temporary learning difficulty
transfer learning
unsupervised learning
unsupervised machine learning
validation of learning outcomes
validation of non-formal and informal learning
Viva Learning
work-based learning
workplace learning
WW Learning
zero-shot learning
deductive learning
learning by deduction
deduktīvā mācīšanās
ISO 2382 31.03.17, prot. Nr. 508 (09.12.2017)
LZA TK ITTEA protokoli
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Latvijas Zinātņu akadēmija