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Izmantojiet zvaigznīti * vārda daļu meklēšanai (piemēram, dator* vai *pratība)
Jūs meklējāt
only child
Atrasti 219 termini
2021 International Year for the Elimination of Child Labour
abandoned child
abandonment of a child
accompanied child
acknowledgment of the child
adopted child
adoption of a child
adoption of the child of a partner
adult child
African Committee of Experts on the Rights and Welfare of the Child
after-born child
ascertaining the views and wishes of the child
assessment of the best interests of the child
assistance with the upbringing of the child
Associate Child Cases
best interests of the child
best interests of the child principle
birth parent-child relationship
child, early and forced marriage
child’s rights
child abandonment
child abduction
child abuse
child account
child allowance
child- and dependent-care tax credit
child and youth agency
child benefit
child by birth
child born before marriage of parents
child born in adultery
child born in wedlock
child born of incestuous intercourse
child born out of wedlock
child box
child bride
child business unit
child care
child care center (US)
child-care services
child category
child class
child combatant
child custody
child deprived of parental care
child diagram
child directory
child domain
child element
child entity
child exploitation in prostitution
child-friendly interview
child-friendly justice
child-friendly site
child-friendly website
child grooming
Child Guarantee
child in migration
child labour
child language acquisition
child maltreatment
child marriage
child menu
child mortality
child mortality rate
child neglect
child node
child object
child offender
child of full age
child of migrant
child of parents neither of whom is married
child over the age of 18 years
child pornography
child-pornography material
child poverty
child pregnancy
child process
child prostitution
child protection
child protection actor
child protection and protection of the adult lacking capacity
child protection authority
child protection service
child protection system
child-raising period
child refugee
Child Rights Coalition – Sierra Leone
Child Rights Toolkit
child route
child safeguarding
child's best interests
child's best interests assessment
child's best interests determination
child sex offender
child sex tourism
child sexual abuse
Child Sexual Abuse Directive
child sexual abuse image
child sexual abuse material
child sexual abuse online
child sexual abuse performance
child sexual exploitation
child sexual exploitation material
child sexual offender
child's grave
child's habitual residence
child slavery
child soldier
child-specific form of persecution
child's right to know his/her parents
child's share
child supervision
child table
child tag
child trafficking
child who has reached the age of majority
child window
child workflow
Commission Coordinator for the Rights of the Child
Committee on the Rights of the Child
common child
Convention concerning the Prohibition and Immediate Action for the Elimination of the Worst Forms of Child Labour
Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction
Convention on the international recovery of child support and other forms of family maintenance
Convention on the Rights of the Child
Coordinating Authority for child sexual abuse issues
deceased child
dependent child
dependent child allowance
determination of the best interests of the child
emancipated child
End Child Prostitution, Child Pornography and Trafficking of Children for Sexual Purposes
End Child Prostitution and Trafficking
End Child Prostitution in Asian Tourism
EU Centre on Child Sexual Abuse
EU centre to prevent and combat child sexual abuse
EU Guidelines for the Promotion and Protection of the Rights of the Child
EU Guidelines on the Rights of the Child
European Charter of Rights of the Child
European Child Guarantee
European Commission Coordinator for the Rights of the Child
European Forum on the Rights of the Child
EU strategy for a more effective fight against child sexual abuse
EU strategy on the rights of the child
EU-UNICEF Child Rights Toolkit: Integrating child rights in development cooperation
foreign child
fostering a child
foster placement of a child
Global Alliance Against Child Sexual Abuse Online
Global Alliance to fight child sexual abuse online
Global Estimates of Child Labour: Results and trends
grant on the birth of a child
habitual residence of the child
Hague Convention of 25 October 1980 on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction
HCCH 2007 Child Support Convention
hearing of the child
illegitimate child
incestuous child
international child abduction
intersex child
leave for child care*
leave no child behind
legitimate child
live distant child abuse
livestreaming child sexual abuse
live streaming of child abuse
livestreaming of child sexual abuse
May damage the unborn child
migrant child
missing child
National Institute of Child Health and Human Development
natural child
online child sexual abuse
only child
Optional Protocol on the sale of children, child prostitution and child pornography
Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on a communications procedure
Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on the involvement of children in armed conflict
Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on the sale of children, child prostitution and child pornography
Parent: Child Business Units
parental child abduction
parent-child relationship
parent not having custody of the child
placement of child for adoption
placement of the child in a foster family
placement of the child in institutional care
placing the child in the care of a local authority
posthumous child
refugee child
removal of a child from parental care
responsibility for child support maintenance
responsibilty to maintain and protect a child
responsibilty to safeguard and promote child's health development and welfare
return of the child
right of the child to be heard
rights of the child
right to maintain personal relations and direct contact with the child
separated child
single child
superior interests of the child
suspected of damaging the unborn child
The European Parliament Mediator for International Parental Child Abduction
unaccompanied child
unaccompanied foreign child
unaccompanied migrant child
UN Committee on the Rights of the Child
UN Convention on the Rights of the Child
United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child
United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child
upbringing and development of the child
Vancouver Principles on Peacekeeping and the Prevention of the Recruitment and Use of Child Soldiers
vicarious liability of a child's parents
welfare of the child
Working Group on Child Welfare Issues
World Day Against Child Labour
Worst Forms of Child Labour Convention
wrongful removal of a child
wrongful retention of a child
child sex offender
child offender
child sexual offender
pret bērnu vērsta dzimumnozieguma izdarītājs
Täter einer sexuellen Straftat gegen Kinder
auteur de crimes sexuels contre des mineurs
auteur d'infractions sexuelles sur mineur
délinquant pédosexuel
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