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Izmantojiet zvaigznīti * vārda daļu meklēšanai (piemēram, dator* vai *pratība)
Jūs meklējāt
own capital
Atrasts 401 termins
2020 Capital Markets Union action plan
abolition of capital punishment
abundance of capital
A Capital Markets Union for people and businesses - new action plan
accrued capital
additional capital
additional paid-in capital
Additional Tier 1 capital
Additional Tier One Capital
aggregated group Solvency Capital Requirement
*allocated capital
amortization of capital funds
AT1 capital
*attraction of capital
balance of capital investment
balance of fixed capital
banking capital
Basel II Capital Framework
Basic Solvency Capital Requirement
block capital
board of representatives of Prague Capital City
borrowed capital
breakdown of capital expenditure
Brussels-Capital Region
buffer capital
Bulgarian Industrial Capital Association
callable capital
called-up capital
capital account
capital accumulation
capital add-on
capital adequacy
capital adequacy Directive
capital adequacy requirement
capital against counterparty risk
capital asset
capital assets
capital at risk
capital at risk in a contract
capital base
capital buffer
capital case
capital charge
capital charges
capital city
capital company
capital conservation buffer
capital construction
capital construction department
capital consumption
capital control
capital cost
capital crime
capital deepening
capital depreciate
capital depreciation
capital employed
capital expenditure
capital expenditure[s]
capital export
capital flight
capital floor
capital flow
capital formation
capital funds
capital gain
capital gains
capital gains from the sale of real estate
capital gains from the sale of shares
capital gains tax
capital gains taxation
capital gains tax on shares
capital gain tax
capital goods
capital guidance
capital headroom
capital horizon
capital income
capital increase
capital injection
capital instrument
capital intensity
capital-intensive branches
capital-intensive company
capital invested
capital investment
[capital] investment appropriations
capital investment financing
[capital] investment programme
capital investments
capital investment sphere
capital lease
capital letter
capital levies
capital losses
capital maintenance
capital management
capital market
capital market borrowing
capital market driven transaction
capital markets union
Capital Markets Union High Level Forum
capital measure
capital movement
capital movement balance
capital of usurer
capital operation
capital outflow
capital outlay
capital output ration
capital ownership
capital position
capital protected UCITS
capital punishment
capital raising
capital ratio
capital redemption
capital redemption operations
capital repairs
capital requirement
capital requirement for operational risk
Capital Requirements Directive
Capital Requirements Regulation
capital revaluation reserve
capital revenue
capital-saving technological advance
capital shares
capital stock
capital structure
capital subscription
capital tax
capital taxes
capital type
capital transfer
capital transfer tax
capital turnover
capital watering
capital works
CET1 capital
CET 1 capital ratio
change in net worth due to saving and capital transfers account
changes in net worth due to saving and capital transfers
charter capital
circulating capital
circulation of capital
Commissioner for Financial Services, Financial Stability and the Capital Markets Union
Commissioner for Financial Stability, Financial Services and Capital Markets Union
common equity tier 1 capital
Common Equity Tier 1 capital ratio
company with share capital
compensation of fixed capital
concentration of bank capital
concentration of capital
consolidated group Solvency Capital Requirement
constant capital
consumption of fixed capital
contingent capital
core capital
core Tier 1 capital
cost of capital
cost-of-capital rate
Council of Prague Capital City
countercyclical capital buffer
debenture capital
debt capital
debt-to-adjusted capital ratio
deferred payment of capital
determine extend to which capital shall be paid up
DG Financial Stability, Financial Services and Capital Markets Union
Directive 2006/49/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on the capital adequacy of investment firms and credit institutions (recast)
Directorate-General for Financial Stability, Financial Services and Capital Markets Union
early-stage capital
efficiency of capital investment
eligible capital
equity [capital]
equity capital
European capital market
European Capital of Culture
European Capital of Innovation
European Capital of Smart Tourism
European Green Capital Award
European Youth Capital
European Venture Capital Association
European venture capital fund
expansion capital
export of capital
fictitious capital
Financial and Capital Markets Commission
financial capital
fixed capital
flight of capital
floating capital
foreign capital
founders’ capital
free capital
free capital movement
free movement of capital
freeze of capital investments*
full (capital) title
fully paid-up capital
funds borrowed on capital markets
general formula for capital*
Global Alliance to end trade in goods used for capital punishment and torture
going-concern capital
gone concern capital
government of the Brussels-Capital Region
grey capital market
gross capital formation
gross fixed capital
gross fixed capital formation
growth capital
guarantee capital
highest quality capital
High Level Forum on Capital Markets Union
High Level Forum on the Capital Markets Union
hybrid regulatory capital security
hypothetical capital
holder of capital
human capital
human capital investment
human capital management cycle
idle capital
immigration of capital
import of capital
incremental risk capital charge
Individual Capital Guidance
industrial capital
initial capital
injection of capital
InnovFin SME Venture Capital
intangible capital asset
intangible productive capital
intellectual capital
interest on loan capital
internal capital
Internal Capital Adequacy Assessment Process
internal capital allocation
Internal capital Target
international capital allocation
International Capital Market Association
investment in equity capital
investment in human capital
issued capital
issued share capital
key for capital subscription
key for subscription of the ECB's capital
key for subscription to the capital of the European Central Bank
key for subscription to the European Central Bank’s capital
knowledge-based capital
knowledge capital
Latin capital script*
*law of accumulation of capital
levy on capital
limited liability capital
limited partnership with share capital
liquid capital
loan capital
loan capital market
long-lived capital goods
long-term capital movement
mayor of Prague Capital City
maximum capital requirement
medium-term capital movement
member of the board of representatives of Prague Capital City
method for adjusting capital
minimum capital requirement
minimum initial capital
minimum stock capital
Model Convention with respect to taxes on income and on capital
Model Tax Convention on Income and on Capital
money capital
money form of capital
moneylender's capital
natural capital
Natural Capital Financing Facility
negative capital income
net capital import
net fixed capital formation
net working capital
New Basel Capital Accord
Next Capital Markets Union High-Level Group
non-innovative Tier 1 capital
notional life capital add-on
notional life Minimum Capital Requirement
notional non-life capital add-on
notional non-life Minimum Capital Requirement
notional solvency capital requirement
operating capital
original capital
other capital instruments
outflow of capital
outside capital
own capital
owner’s capital
paid-in capital
paid-in ordinary share capital
paid-up capital
parliament of the Brussels-Capital Region
patient capital
pension capital
physical capital
Pillar 2 capital guidance
pillar 2 capital requirement
Prague Capital City
premium on capital stock
primary accumulation of capital
primitive accumulation of capital
private capital
private capital flows
private pool of capital
productive capital
public capital stock
qualifying venture capital fund
quasi-equity capital
raise capital
rate of return (of capital)
real capital
realised capital gain
recycling of capital
recoupment of capital investment
reduction of capital
redundant capital
registered capital
Regulation concerning trade in certain goods which could be used for capital punishment, torture or other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment
regulatory capital
regulatory capital charge
regulatory capital requirement
relevant capital instruments
repatriation of capital
reproduction of capital
reproduction of fixed capital
*reserve capital
reserve capital
restrictions on capital movements
return on capital employed
Risk-Based Capital
Risk-Based Capital Requirements
risk capital
risk capital market
scattering of capital investment
*security capital
seed capital
seed capital fund
share capital
share capital tax
share [in the capital]
short-lived capital goods
short-term capital movement
social capital
sole subscriber to and holder of capital
solvency capital requirement
specific risk capital charge
speculative capital
start-up capital
stated capital
stock capital
stock of public capital
subordinated capital
subscribed capital
subscription key to the ECB's capital
subscription to the capital of the ECB
supplementary capital
surplus capital
surplus of capital
T2 capital
tangible capital asset
tangible productive capital
taxable capital income
taxation of capital income
taxes on capital appreciation
tax on capital
tax on capital accretion
tax on income from capital
theory of capital transformation
*thesauring of capital
tier 1 capital
Tier 1 capital ratio
tier 2 capital
time-variant capital buffer
total capital ratio
trading capital
uncalled committed capital
unissued capital
United Nations Capital Development Fund
unrealised capital gain
unrealised capital gains
value composition of capital
variable capital
venture capital
venture capital fund
venture capital market
venture capital passport
Vice-President for the Euro and Social Dialogue, also in charge of Financial Stability, Financial Services and Capital Markets Union
weighted average cost of capital
working capital
working capital ratio
working capital statement
method for adjusting capital
kapitāla koriģēšanas metode
Eiropas Savienības terminu vārdnīca. — R., UNDP, 2004
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