Pirmdiena, 23. decembris
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«Terminoloģijas Jaunumi»
LZA TK termini atrodami
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Izmantojiet zvaigznīti * vārda daļu meklēšanai (piemēram, dator* vai *pratība)
Jūs meklējāt
pen computer
Atrasti 316 termini
3-D computer animation
access type (in computer security)
activation (in computer programming)
Additional Protocol to the Convention on Cybercrime, concerning the criminalisation of acts of a racist and xenophobic nature committed through computer systems
addressability (in computer graphics)
AI computer
AI-optimised computer
aliasing (in computer graphics)
all-in-one computer
analog computer
analogue computer
Apple Computer
Apple Computer, Inc
associative computer
audit of compliance of computer system with laws, regulations, and guidelines
audit of computer economy and efficiency
audit of computer system data
audit of computer system security
availability (in computer security)
bare-metal computer
body worn computer
bounding box (in computer graphics)
brain-computer interface
briefcase computer
capability (in computer security)
certification (in computer security)
channel (in computer conferences)
chat group (in computer conferences)
chat room (in computer conferences)
client computer
code (in computer programming)
coding (in computer programming)
Command, Control, Communications, and Computer Systems
communication computer
Compaq Computer Corp.
Complex Instruction Set Computer
computer, electronic computer
computer abuse
computer account
computer administrator
computer-aided control system
Computer Aided Design
Computer-Aided Design
Computer Aided Design/Computer Aided Manufacturing
computer-aided design[ing]
computer-aided drafting
Computer Aided Manufacturing
computer-aided manufacturing
Computer-Aided Measurement And Control
computer-aided programming
Computer-Aided Software Engineering
Computer Aided Software Engineering
Computer Aided Software Testing
computer-aided translation
computer and information literacy
computer-animated representation
computer application
computer applications
computer architecture
Computer assisted audit techniques
computer-assisted audit techniques
computer assisted customs clearance
computer assisted design
computer-assisted design
computer-assisted learning
computer assisted manufacturing
computer assisted publishing
computer-assisted tomography
computer-assisted translation
computer-assisted translation tool
computer audio
computer-based systems
computer-based software system
Computer-Based Training
Computer Browser service
computer bug
computer build report
computer bureau
computer call
computer center
computer center, data processing center
computer centre
computer conferencing
computer crime
computer data
computer-dependent crime
computer embedded system
Computer Emergency Response Team
Computer Emergency Response Team for the EU institutions, bodies and agencies
computer-enabled crime
computer engineering
computer engineering centre
Computer Entertainment Rating Organization
computer equipment
computer expertise
computer facilities
computer facility
computer family
computer firmware
computer forensic examination
computer forensics
computer forensic science
computer fraud
computer game
computer games
computer generation
computer generations
computer graphics
Computer Graphics Interface
Computer Graphics Metafile
Computer Graphics Reference Model
computer hacker
computer hardware
computer illiteracy
computer instruction
computer instruction code
Computer Integrated Manufacturing
computer interface division
computer intrusion
computer keyboard
computer language
computer literacy
computer mail
computer memory
computer name
computer network
Computer Network Operations
computer numerical control
computer object
computer on a chip
computer operator
computer-oriented language
computer output microfilmer
computer output microfilm printer
computer output microfilm recorder
Computer performance & health
computer performance evaluation
computer piracy
computer power
computer printout
computer program
computer program abstract
computer program component
computer program configuration item
computer programme
computer rage
computer-related crime
computer reservation system
computer reservation systems
computer resource
computer resource allocation
computer resources
computer science
computer security
Computer Security Incident Response Team
computer security incident response teams network
computer serial number
computer server
computer setting
computer system
computer-system audit
computer system design
computer system failure
computer systems
computer skills
computer software
computer software component
computer software configuration item
computer storage capacity
computer technology
Computer Telephone Integration
computer-telephony integration
computer terminal
computer time
computer-to-computer network
computer tomography
computer user support
computer vandal
computer virus
computer vision
computer word
computer worm
computer zero
convertible tablet computer
data processing system, computer system, computing system
dedicated computer
desktop computer
destination computer
digital computer
distributed computer system
echo (in computer graphics)
embedded computer
embedded computer system
European Computer Manufacturer's Association
exascale computer
flaw (in computer security)
foreign computer
formal specification (in computer programming)
front-end computer
general- purpose computer
general-purpose computer
handheld computer
handle (in computer graphics)
heterogeneous computer network
hierarchical computer network
hybrid classical-quantum computer
hybrid computer
home computer
homegroup computer
homogeneous computer network
host computer
hub computer
human-computer interface
IBM compatible computer
image (in computer graphics)
information computer system
integrated desktop computer
integrity audit of computer system effectiveness
Intel Architecture Personal Computer
interactive computer graphics
Year 2000 computer problem
key (in computer security)
language (in computer programming)
laptop computer
lap-top computer
legal protection of computer programs
linkage (in computer security)
local computer
luggable computer
lunchbox computer
mainframe computer
Manufacture of computer, electronic and optical products, electrical equipment
mapping (in computer graphics)
master computer
microprogrammable computer
Military Computer Emergency Response Team
Military Computer Emergency Response Team Operational Network
miniature computer
mobile computer
moderator (in computer conference)
Multimedia Personal Computer
multiprocessor computer
NATO Computer Incident Response Capability
netbook computer
network computer
network for Military Computer Emergency Response Teams
neural computer
notebook computer
object (in computer security)
operational network for Military Computer Emergency Response Teams
optical computer
palm top computer
palmtop computer
parallel computer
pen computer
peripheral computer
personal computer
Personal Computer Memory Card International Association
pocket computer
pointer (in computer graphics)
portable computer
protected computer
quantum computer
rack mount computer
recovery (in computer programming)
Reduced Instruction Set Computer
reference computer
region (in computer graphics)
remote computer
resource, computer resource
rotation (in computer graphics)
satellite computer
scaling (in computer graphics)
scrolling (in computer graphics)
segment (in computer programming)
shared computer activation
single board computer
System Life Cycle (review the computer acquisition, development, operations, maintenance, and replacement phases)
systolic array computer
slate computer
slate style tablet computer
slave computer
Small Computer System Interface
space saving computer
SQL Server computer
standby computer
subject (in computer security)
subnotebook computer
super-scale computer
tablet computer
target computer
technician computer
thin client computer
ticket (in computer security)
to enter information into the computer
to enter the information into the computer
to load (in computer programming)
to operate a computer
tracking (in computer graphics)
translating (in computer graphics)
trusted computer system
unified computer network
unified computer system
view (in computer graphics)
virtual space (in computer graphics)
visualization (in computer graphics)
wearable computer
wraparound (in computer graphics)
zombie computer
flaw (in computer security)
defekts (datordrošībā)
ISO 2382 08.05.07, prot. Nr. 320 (31.10.2008)
LZA TK ITTEA protokoli
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Latvijas Zinātņu akadēmija